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wire nWR;
wire nWR;
wire nRFSH;
wire nRFSH;
wire nHALT;
wire nHALT;
wire nBUSACK;
wire nBUSACK;
wire nWAIT = 1;
wire nWAIT;
wire nBUSRQ = 1;
wire nBUSRQ = 1;
wire nINT = KEY1;
wire nINT = KEY1;
wire nNMI = KEY2;
wire nNMI = KEY2;
wire [15:0] A;
wire [15:0] A;
wire [7:0] D;
wire [7:0] D;
// This is an optional, test feature: add M1/Memory Wait states as described in the Zilog manual
reg nWAIT_M1_sig;
reg nWAIT_Mem_sig;
// *** Uncomment one of the following 3 choices ***:
//assign nWAIT = nWAIT_M1_sig; // Add one wait state to an M1 cycle
//assign nWAIT = nWAIT_Mem_sig; // Add one wait state to any memory cycle (M1 + memory read/write)
assign nWAIT = 1; // Do not add wait cycles
// Instantiate PLL
// Instantiate PLL
wire pll_clk;
wire pll_clk;
pll pll_( .locked(locked), .inclk0(CLOCK_50), .c0(pll_clk) );
pll pll_( .locked(locked), .inclk0(CLOCK_50), .c0(pll_clk) );
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Line 131... |
// Instantiate A-Z80 CPU module
// Instantiate A-Z80 CPU module
z80_top_direct_n z80_( .*, .nRESET(reset), .CLK(clk_cpu) );
z80_top_direct_n z80_( .*, .nRESET(reset), .CLK(clk_cpu) );
// Instantiate gates to add Wait states to M1 and Memory cycles (for testing)
wait_state wait_state_inst
// Instantiate 16Kb of RAM memory
// Instantiate 16Kb of RAM memory
ram ram_( .address(A[13:0]), .clock(pll_clk), .data(D[7:0]), .wren(RamWE), .q(RamData[7:0]) );
ram ram_( .address(A[13:0]), .clock(pll_clk), .data(D[7:0]), .wren(RamWE), .q(RamData[7:0]) );