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;** An Assembly File Listing to generate a 16K ROM for the ZX Spectrum **
;** An Assembly File Listing to generate a 16K ROM for the ZX Spectrum **
; 03-13-2016:
; Add custom NMI handler and a function to enter game pokes after pressing the NMI button
; 11-10-2014:
; 11-10-2014:
; This version has been updated to correctly handle the NMI jump.
; This version has been updated to correctly handle the NMI jump.
; -------------------------
; -------------------------
; Last updated: 13-DEC-2004
; Last updated: 13-DEC-2004
Line 249... |
Line 252... |
; placing two zeros in the NMIADD system variable.
; placing two zeros in the NMIADD system variable.
L0066: PUSH AF ; save the
L0066: PUSH AF ; save the
PUSH HL ; registers.
PUSH HL ; registers.
LD HL,($5CB0) ; fetch the system variable NMIADD.
; LD HL,($5CB0) ; fetch the system variable NMIADD.
LD HL, nmi_handler ; Custom NMI handler
LD A,H ; test address
LD A,H ; test address
OR L ; for zero.
OR L ; for zero.
; JR NZ,L0070 ; skip to NO-RESET if NOT ZERO
; JR NZ,L0070 ; skip to NO-RESET if NOT ZERO
JR Z,L0070 ; **FIXED**
JR Z,L0070 ; **FIXED**
Line 19101... |
Line 19105... |
; ---------------------
; ---------------------
;; spare
;; spare
L386E: DEFB $FF, $FF ;
L386E: DEFB $FF, $FF ;
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This custom NMI handler provides a way to enter a POKE for a game by typing in
; the address (5 decimal digits) followed by the value (3 decimal digits)
; after which the value will be stored to the selected location.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
nmi_handler: ; NMI handler
push bc
push de
push ix
ld hl,$04000 ; Use the screen memory as a temp storage
ld e,$08 ; Will load 8 characters (numbers)
ld bc,$f7fe ; Number row 1..5
in a,(c)
ld c,a
ld a,$01 ; Preload "1"
bit 0,c ; If the key has been pressed
jr z,accept_key ; Accept it
inc a ; Preload "2"
bit 1,c ; and continue for every key up to "5"
jr z,accept_key
inc a
bit 2,c
jr z,accept_key
inc a
bit 3,c
jr z,accept_key
inc a
bit 4,c
jr z,accept_key
ld bc,$effe ; Number row 6...0
in a,(c)
ld c,a
ld a,$06
bit 4,c
jr z,accept_key
inc a
bit 3,c
jr z,accept_key
inc a
bit 2,c
jr z,accept_key
inc a
bit 1,c
jr z,accept_key
xor a
bit 0,c
jr z,accept_key
jp next_key
ld (hl),a ; Store current key value into the buffer
inc hl
poll_key_release: ; Poll for any pressed key to be released
ld bc,$f7fe
in a,(c)
and $1f
jr nz,poll_key_release
ld bc,$effe
in a,(c)
and $1f
jr nz,poll_key_release
dec e ; Decrement the number of keys expected
jr nz,next_key ; Jump back to accept next key if not yet done
ld ix,$4000
ld b,$05 ; First 5 numbers represent the address to POKE to
call decimal_to_hl
push hl ; Address is in HL, store it
ld b,$03 ; Next 3 numbers represent the value to POKE
call decimal_to_hl
ld a,l ; Value is in L
pop hl ; Get the address
ld (hl),a ; POKE a value
pop ix
pop de
pop bc
pop hl
pop af
; Read a decimal value pointed to by IX register
; The number of digits is given in B register
; Return the value in HL register
ld hl,$0000 ; Start with value of 0
push bc
ld b,$09 ; Multiply the current value by 10
push hl
pop de
add hl,de
djnz lp1
pop bc
ld e,(ix+0) ; Read in the next digit
ld d,$00
add hl,de ; Add in the new value
inc ix
djnz lp2 ; Loop for the requested number of digits
DEFB $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF;
DEFB $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF;
DEFB $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF;
DEFB $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF;
DEFB $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF;
DEFB $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF;
DEFB $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF;
DEFB $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF;