Line 1... |
Line 1... |
@echo off
@echo off
Rem Creates an Intel HEX file format from a Z80 source file.
Rem Assembles Z80 source file into object code and generates various
Rem This hex file is loaded into the ROM module for both the ModelSim
Rem formats of that code to be used by FPGA test projects.
Rem and to be included into the target FPGA data file at the "host" level.
Rem Intel HEX files are used by ModelSim and Altera synthesis,
Rem COE and MIF files are used by Xilinx and its ISim simulation.
Rem Give it an argument of the ASM file you want to use, or you can simply drag
Rem Give it an argument of the ASM file you want to use, or you can simply drag
Rem and drop an asm file into it. If you drop an ASM file and there were errors,
Rem and drop an asm file into it. If you drop an ASM file and there were errors,
Rem this script will keep the DOS window open so you can see the errors.
Rem this script will keep the DOS window open so you can see the errors.
zmac.exe --zmac %1
zmac.exe --zmac %1
if errorlevel 1 goto error
if errorlevel 1 goto error
bin2hex.exe zout\%~n1.cim fpga.hex
bin2hex.exe zout\%~n1.cim fpga.hex
if errorlevel 1 goto error
if errorlevel 1 goto error
python zout\%~n1.cim ram.coe
if errorlevel 1 goto error
python --simple zout\%~n1.cim ram.mif
if errorlevel 1 goto error
Rem Copy hex files to their target Quartus/ModelSim host directories
Rem Copy hex files to their target Quartus/ModelSim host directories
copy /Y fpga.hex ..\..\host\basic
copy /Y fpga.hex ..\..\host\basic_de1
copy /Y fpga.hex ..\..\host\basic\simulation\modelsim
copy /Y fpga.hex ..\..\host\basic_de1\simulation\modelsim
Rem Copy .mif and .coe files to their target Xilinx host directories
copy /Y ram.mif ..\..\host\basic_nexys3\work
goto end
goto end
@echo ------------------------------------------------------
@echo ------------------------------------------------------
@echo Errors assembling %1
@echo Errors processing %1
@echo ------------------------------------------------------
@echo ------------------------------------------------------
No newline at end of file
No newline at end of file