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// Dependencies:
// Dependencies:
// Revision:
// Revision:
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Revision 0.02 - Fixed NMI bug
// Revision 0.02 - Fixed NMI bug
// Revision 0.03 - Updated clocking constants to support higher frequencies
// Additional Comments:
// Additional Comments:
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module ag6502_phase_shift(input baseclk, input phi_0, output reg phi_1);
module ag6502_phase_shift(input baseclk, input phi_0, output reg phi_1);
parameter DELAY = 1; // delay in waves of baseclk
parameter DELAY = 1; // delay in semi-waves of baseclk
initial phi_1 = 0;
initial phi_1 = 0;
integer cnt = 0;
integer cnt = 0;
always @(posedge baseclk) begin
always @(posedge baseclk) begin
if (phi_0 != phi_1) begin
if (phi_0 != phi_1) begin
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// baseclk is used to simulate delays on a real hardware
// baseclk is used to simulate delays on a real hardware
module ag6502_ext_clock(input baseclk, input phi_0, output phi_1, output phi_2);
module ag6502_ext_clock(input baseclk, input phi_0, output phi_1, output phi_2);
parameter DELAY1 = 3, DELAY2 = 1; // delays in waves of baseclk
parameter DELAY1 = 2, DELAY2 = 0; // delays in semi-waves of baseclk
wire phi_1_neg, phi_01;
wire phi_1_neg, phi_01;
ag6502_phase_shift#DELAY1 d1(baseclk, phi_0, phi_1_neg);
ag6502_phase_shift#DELAY1 d1(baseclk, phi_0, phi_1_neg);
assign phi_1 = ~phi_1_neg;
assign phi_1 = ~phi_1_neg;