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-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-- limitations under the License.
-- limitations under the License.
library ieee, common_pkg_lib, common_counter_lib, common_ram_lib;
library ieee, common_pkg_lib, astron_counter_lib, astron_ram_lib;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
use common_pkg_lib.common_pkg.all;
use common_pkg_lib.common_pkg.all;
use common_ram_lib.common_ram_pkg.all;
use astron_ram_lib.common_ram_pkg.all;
entity rTwoOrder is
entity rTwoOrder is
generic (
generic (
g_nof_points : natural := 8;
g_nof_points : natural := 8;
g_bit_flip : boolean := true;
g_bit_flip : boolean := true;
Line 103... |
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wr_adr <= adr_tot_cnt; -- do not flip the addresses for easier debugging with tb_rTwoOrder
wr_adr <= adr_tot_cnt; -- do not flip the addresses for easier debugging with tb_rTwoOrder
end generate;
end generate;
rd_adr <= adr_tot_cnt;
rd_adr <= adr_tot_cnt;
u_adr_point_cnt : entity common_counter_lib.common_counter
u_adr_point_cnt : entity astron_counter_lib.common_counter
generic map(
generic map(
g_latency => 1,
g_latency => 1,
g_init => 0,
g_init => 0,
g_width => ceil_log2(g_nof_points)
g_width => ceil_log2(g_nof_points)
Line 124... |
Line 124... |
end generate;
end generate;
more_chan : if c_nof_channels>1 generate
more_chan : if c_nof_channels>1 generate
cnt_ena <= '1' when in_val = '1' and TO_UINT(adr_chan_cnt) = c_nof_channels-1 else '0';
cnt_ena <= '1' when in_val = '1' and TO_UINT(adr_chan_cnt) = c_nof_channels-1 else '0';
end generate;
end generate;
u_adr_chan_cnt : entity common_counter_lib.common_counter
u_adr_chan_cnt : entity astron_counter_lib.common_counter
generic map(
generic map(
g_latency => 1,
g_latency => 1,
g_init => 0,
g_init => 0,
g_width => g_nof_chan
g_width => g_nof_chan
Line 137... |
Line 137... |
clk => clk,
clk => clk,
cnt_en => in_val,
cnt_en => in_val,
count => adr_chan_cnt
count => adr_chan_cnt
u_buff : ENTITY common_ram_lib.common_paged_ram_r_w
u_buff : ENTITY astron_ram_lib.common_paged_ram_r_w
g_str => "use_adr",
g_str => "use_adr",
g_data_w => c_dat_w,
g_data_w => c_dat_w,
g_nof_pages => 2,
g_nof_pages => 2,
g_page_sz => c_page_size,
g_page_sz => c_page_size,