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-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-- limitations under the License.
-- limitations under the License.
library ieee, common_pkg_lib, common_components_lib, common_mult_lib, technology_lib;
library ieee, common_pkg_lib, common_components_lib, astron_multiplier_lib;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
USE technology_lib.technology_select_pkg.ALL;
--USE technology_lib.technology_select_pkg.ALL;
use common_pkg_lib.common_pkg.all;
use common_pkg_lib.common_pkg.all;
entity rTwoWMul is
entity rTwoWMul is
generic (
generic (
g_technology : NATURAL := c_tech_select_default;
g_technology : NATURAL := 0;
g_stage : natural := 1;
g_stage : natural := 1;
g_lat : natural := 3+1 -- 3 for mult, 1 for round
g_lat : natural := 3+1 -- 3 for mult, 1 for round
port (
port (
clk : in std_logic;
clk : in std_logic;
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-- . for c_lat = 0,1,2 use the RTL multiplier
-- . for c_lat = 0,1,2 use the RTL multiplier
-- . for c_lat >= 3 default best use the FPGA multiplier IP block.
-- . for c_lat >= 3 default best use the FPGA multiplier IP block.
gen_rtl : if g_stage=1 or c_in_dat_w>c_dsp_mult_w or c_lat<c_dsp_mult_lat generate
gen_rtl : if g_stage=1 or c_in_dat_w>c_dsp_mult_w or c_lat<c_dsp_mult_lat generate
u_CmplxMul : entity common_mult_lib.common_complex_mult
u_CmplxMul : entity astron_multiplier_lib.common_complex_mult
generic map (
generic map (
g_technology => g_technology,
g_technology => g_technology,
g_variant => "RTL",
g_variant => "RTL",
g_in_a_w => c_in_dat_w,
g_in_a_w => c_in_dat_w,
g_in_b_w => c_weight_w,
g_in_b_w => c_weight_w,
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out_val => OPEN
out_val => OPEN
end generate;
end generate;
gen_ip : if g_stage>1 and c_in_dat_w<=c_dsp_mult_w and c_lat>=c_dsp_mult_lat generate
gen_ip : if g_stage>1 and c_in_dat_w<=c_dsp_mult_w and c_lat>=c_dsp_mult_lat generate
u_cmplx_mul : entity common_mult_lib.common_complex_mult
u_cmplx_mul : entity astron_multiplier_lib.common_complex_mult
generic map (
generic map (
g_technology => g_technology,
g_technology => g_technology,
g_variant => "IP",
g_variant => "IP",
g_in_a_w => in_re'length,
g_in_a_w => in_re'length,
g_in_b_w => weight_re'length,
g_in_b_w => weight_re'length,