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// Auto Baud core
// This file is part of the "auto_baud" project.
// Description: See description below (which suffices for IP core
// specification document.)
// Copyright (C) 2002 John Clayton and OPENCORES.ORG
// This source file may be used and distributed without restriction provided
// that this copyright statement is not removed from the file and that any
// derivative work contains the original copyright notice and the associated
// disclaimer.
// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
// License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with this source.
// If not, download it from
// Author: John Clayton
// Date : Aug. 20, 2002
// Update: Aug. 20, 2002 copied this file from rs232_syscon.v (pared down).
// Update: Sep. 4, 2002 First test of this module. The baud rate appears
// to be produced at 1/2 of the desired rate!
// Update: Sep. 5, 2002 First working results. Fixed measurement (shift had
// been left out.) Removed debug port since the unit
// appears to be working fine. It Worked for all of the
// following BAUD rates, using 49.152 MHz clock and
// CLK_FACTOR = 8 and 16 bit main counter:
// 300, 1200, 2400, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200.
// Next step is to build the "tracking" version that
// doesn't need a reset to find a new BAUD rate...
// Update: Sep. 13, 2002 Added test data from "auto_baud_with_tracking.v"
// module tests. This module has also been tested
// at various speeds, and it works well.
// Description
// This is a state-machine driven core that measures transition intervals
// in a particular character arriving via rs232 transmission (i.e. PC serial
// port.) Measurements of time intervals between transitions in the received
// character are then used to generate a baud rate clock for use in serial
// communications back and forth with the device that originally transmitted
// the measured character. The clock which is generated is in reality a
// clock enable pulse, one single clock wide, occurring at a rate suitable
// for use in serial communications. (This means that it will be generated
// at 4x or 8x or 16x the actual measured baud rate of the received character.
// The multiplication factor is called "CLOCK_FACTOR_PP" and is a settable
// parameter within this module. The parameter "CLOCK_FACTOR_PP" need not
// be a power of two, but it should be a number between 2 and 16 inclusive.)
// The particular character which is targeted for measurement and verification
// in this module is: carriage return (CR) = 0x0d = 13.
// This particular character was chosen because it is frequently used at the
// end of a command line, as entered at a keyboard by a human user interacting
// with a command interpreter. It is anticipated that the user would press
// the "enter" key once upon initializing communications with the electronic
// device, and the resulting carriage return character would be used for
// determining BAUD rate, thus allowing the device to respond at the correct
// rate, and to carry on further communications. The electronic device using
// this "auto_baud" module adjusts its baud rate to match the baud rate of
// the received data. This works for all baud rates, within certain limits,
// and for all system clock rates, within certain limits.
// Received serially, the carriage return appears as the following waveform:
// ________ __ ____ _______________
// |__|d0|__|d2d3|________|stop
// start d1 d4d5d6d7
// The waveform is shown with an identical "high" time and "low" time for
// each bit. However, actual measurements taken using a logic analyzer
// on characters received from a PC show that the times are not equal.
// The "high" times turned out shorter, and the "low" times longer...
// Therefore, this module attempts to average out this discrepancy by
// measuring one low time and one high time.
// Since the transition measurements must unavoidably contain small amounts
// of error, the measurements are made during the beginning 2 bits of
// the received character, (that is, start bit and data bit zero).
// Then the measurement is immediately transformed into a baud rate clock,
// used to verify correct reception of the remaining 8 bits of the character.
// If the entire character is not received correctly using the generated
// baud rate, then the measurement is scrapped, and the unit goes into an
// idle scanning mode waiting for another character to test.
// This effectively filters out characters that the unit is not interested in
// receiving (anything that is not a carriage return.) There is a slight
// possibility that a group of other characters could appear by random
// chance in a configuration that resembles a carriage return closely enough
// that the unit might accept the measurement and produce a baud clock too
// low. But the probability of this happening is remote enough that the
// unit is considered highly "robust" in normal use, especially when used
// for command entry by humans. It would take a very clever user indeed, to
// enter the correct series of characters with the correct intercharacter
// timing needed to possibly "fool" the unit!
// (Also, the baud rate produced falls within certain limits imposed by
// the hardware of the unit, which prevents the auto_baud unit from mistaking
// a series of short glitches on the serial data line for a really
// fast CR character.)
// The first carriage return character received will produce a BAUD rate clock
// and the unit will indicate a "locked" condition. From that point onward,
// the unit will continue running, but it will not scan for any more
// input characters. The only way to reset the unit to its initial condition
// is through the use of the "reset_i" pin. Following reset, the unit is
// once again looking for a carriage return character to lock on to.
// Another module, called "auto_baud_with_tracking.v" handles situations where
// you might want to have the BAUD rate change dynamically.
// - This module uses a counter to divide down the clk_i signal to produce the
// baud_clk_o signal. Since the frequency of baud_clk_o is nominally
// CLOCK_FACTOR_PP * rx_baud_rate, where "rx_baud_rate" is the baud rate
// of the received character, then the higher you make CLOCK_FACTOR_PP, the
// higher the generated baud_clk_o signal frequency, and hence the lower the
// resolution of the divider. Therefore, using a lower value for the
// CLOCK_FACTOR_PP will allow you to use a lower clk_i with this module.
// - To set LOG2_MAX_COUNT_PP, remember (max_count*CLOCK_FACTOR_PP)/Fclk_i
// is the maximum measurement time that can be accomodated by the circuit.
// (where Fclk_i is the frequency of clk_i, and 1/Fclk_i is the period.)
// Therefore, set LOG2_MAX_COUNT_PP so that the maximum measurement time
// is at least as long as 2x the baud interval of the slowest received
// serial data (2x because there are two bits involved in the measurement!)
// For example, for Fclk_i = 20MHz, CLOCK_FACTOR_PP = 4 and a minimum
// baud rate of 115,200, you would calculate:
// (max_count * CLOCK_FACTOR_PP)*1/Fclk_i >= 2/Fbaud_max
// Solving for the bit width of the max_count counter...
// LOG2_MAX_COUNT_PP >= ceil(log_base_2(max_count))
// >= ceil(log_base_2(2*Fclk_i/(Fbaud_max*CLOCK_FACTOR_PP)))
// >= ceil(log_base_2(2*20E6/(115200*4)))
// >= ceil(log_base_2(86.8))
// >= 7 bits.
// - In the above example, the maximum count would approach 87, which means
// that a measurement error of 1 count is about (1/87)=approx. 1.15%. This
// is an acceptable level of error for a baud rate clock. Notice that the
// lower baud rates have an even smaller error percentage (Yes!) but that
// they require a much larger measurement counter... For instance,
// to lock onto 300 baud using the same example above, would require:
// LOG2_MAX_COUNT_PP >= ceil(log_base_2(40000000/1200))
// >= ceil(log_base_2(33333.3))
// >= ceil(15.024678)
// >= 16 bits.
// - If the percentage error for your highest desired baud rate is greater
// than a few percent, you might want to use a higher Fclk_i or else a
// - Using the default settings: CLK_FACTOR_PP = 8, LOG2_MAX_COUNT_PP = 16
// The following test results were obtained, using an actual session in
// hyperterm, looking for correct readable character transmission both
// directions. (Note: These tests were performed at "human interface"
// speeds. High speed or "back-to-back" character transmission might
// exhibit worse performance than these results.)
// The test results shown below were actually obtained using the more
// complex "auto_baud_with_tracking.v" module. Similar or better results
// are expected with this module.
// Clk_i
// Freq.
// (MHz) 110 300 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200 57600 115200
// ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------
// 98 FAIL pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass
// 55 FAIL pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass
// 49 pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass
// 24.5 pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass FAIL
// 12 pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass FAIL
// 6 pass pass pass pass pass pass pass FAIL FAIL
// 3 pass pass pass pass pass FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL
// 1.5 pass pass pass pass FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL
`define LOG2_MAX_CLOCK_FACTOR 4 // Sets the size of the CLOCK_FACTOR
// prescaler.
`define BITS_PER_CHAR 8 // Include parity, if used, but not
// start and stop bits...
// Note: Simply changing the template bits does not reconfigure the
// module to look for a different character (because a new measurement
// window would have to be defined for a different character...)
// The template bits are the exact bits used during verify, against
// which the incoming character is checked.
// The LSB of the character is discarded, and the stop bit is appended
// since it is the last bit used during verify.
// so, for N:8:1 (no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit) it is:
// = {1,(character>>1)} = 9'h086
// or, with parity included it is:
// = {1,parity_bit,(character>>1)} = 9'h106
`define TEMPLATE_BITS 9'h086 // Carriage return && termination flag
module auto_baud
// Parameters
// CLOCK_FACTOR_PP can be from [2..16] inclusive.
parameter CLOCK_FACTOR_PP = 8; // Baud clock multiplier
parameter LOG2_MAX_COUNT_PP = 16; // Bit width of measurement counter
// State encodings, provided as parameters
// for flexibility to the one instantiating the module.
// In general, the default values need not be changed.
// There is one state machines: m1.
// "default" state upon power-up and configuration is:
// "m1_idle" because that is the all zero state.
parameter m1_idle = 4'h0; // Initial state (scanning)
parameter m1_measure_0 = 4'h1; // start bit (measuring)
parameter m1_measure_1 = 4'h2; // debounce (measuring)
parameter m1_measure_2 = 4'h3; // data bit 0 (measuring)
parameter m1_measure_3 = 4'h4; // debounce (measuring)
parameter m1_measure_4 = 4'h5; // measurement done (headed to verify)
parameter m1_verify_0 = 4'h8; // data bit 1 (verifying)
parameter m1_verify_1 = 4'h9; // data bit 2 (verifying)
parameter m1_run = 4'h6; // running
parameter m1_verify_failed = 4'h7; // resetting (headed back to idle)
// I/O declarations
input clk_i; // System clock input
input reset_i; // Reset signal for this module
input serial_dat_i; // TTL level serial data signal
output auto_baud_locked_o; // Indicates BAUD clock is being generated
output baud_clk_o; // BAUD clock output (actually a clock enable)
// Internal signal declarations
wire mid_bit_count; // During measurement, advances measurement counter
// (Using the mid bit time to advance the
// measurement timer accomplishes a timing "round"
// so that the timing measurement is as accurate
// as possible.)
// During verify, pulses at mid bit time are used
// to signal the state machine to check a data bit.
wire main_count_rollover; // Causes main_count to roll over
wire clock_count_rollover; // Causes clock_count to roll over
// (when clock_count is used as a
// clock_factor prescaler)
wire enable_clock_count; // Logic that determines when clock_count
// should be counting
wire verify_done; // Indicates finish of verification time
reg idle; // Indicates state
reg run; // Indicates state
reg measure; // Indicates state
reg clear_counters; // Pulses once when measurement is done.
reg verify; // Indicates state
reg character_miscompare; // Indicates character did not verify
reg [`LOG2_MAX_CLOCK_FACTOR-1:0] clock_count; // Clock_factor prescaler,
// and mid_bit counter.
reg [LOG2_MAX_COUNT_PP-1:0] main_count; // Main counter register
reg [LOG2_MAX_COUNT_PP-1:0] measurement; // Stored measurement count
reg [`BITS_PER_CHAR:0] target_bits; // Character bits to compare
// (lsb is not needed, since it is used up during measurement time,
// but the stop bit and possible parity bit are needed.)
// For the state machine
reg [3:0] m1_state;
reg [3:0] m1_next_state;
// Instantiations
// Module code
// This is the CLOCK_FACTOR_PP prescaler and also mid_bit_count counter
assign enable_clock_count = measure || (verify && main_count_rollover);
always @(posedge clk_i or posedge reset_i)
if (reset_i) clock_count <= 0;
else if (clear_counters) clock_count <= 0;
else if (enable_clock_count)
begin // Must have been clk_i edge
if (clock_count_rollover) clock_count <= 0;
else clock_count <= clock_count + 1;
// Counter rollover condition
assign clock_count_rollover = (clock_count == (CLOCK_FACTOR_PP-1));
// This condition signals the middle of a bit time, for use during the
// verify stage. Also, this signal is used to advance the main count,
// instead of "clock_count_rollover." This produces an effective "rounding"
// operation for the measurement (which would otherwise "truncate" any
// fraction of time contained in this counter at the instant the measurement
// is finished.
// (The "enable_clock_count" is included in order to make the pulse narrow,
// only one clock wide...)
assign mid_bit_count = (
(clock_count == ((CLOCK_FACTOR_PP>>1)-1))
&& enable_clock_count
// This is the main counter. During measurement, it advances once for
// each CLOCK_FACTOR_PP cycles of clk_i. This accumulated measurement
// is then latched into "measurement" when the state machine determines that
// the measurement interval is finished.
// During verify and idle_run times (whenever the baud rate clock is used)
// this counter is allowed to run freely, advancing once each clk_i, but being
// reset when it reaches a total count of "measurement" clock cycles. The
// signal that reset the counter during this type of operation is the baud
// rate clock.
always @(posedge clk_i or posedge reset_i)
if (reset_i) main_count <= 0;
else // must have been clk_i edge
// Clear main count when measurement is done
if (clear_counters) main_count <= 0;
// If measuring, advance once per CLOCK_FACTOR_PP clk_i pulses.
else if (measure && mid_bit_count) main_count <= main_count + 1;
// If verifying or running, check reset conditions,
// otherwise advance always.
else if (verify || run)
if (main_count_rollover) main_count <= 0;
else main_count <= main_count + 1;
// This is a shift register used to provide "target" character bits one at
// a time for verification as they are "received" (sampled) using the
// candidate baud clock.
always @(posedge clk_i or posedge reset_i)
if (reset_i) target_bits <= `TEMPLATE_BITS;
else // must have been a clock edge
if (~verify) target_bits <= `TEMPLATE_BITS;
if (verify && mid_bit_count) target_bits <= {0,(target_bits>>1)};
// It is done when only the stop bit is left in the shift register.
assign verify_done = (
(target_bits == 1)
&& verify
&& mid_bit_count
// This is a flip-flop used to keep track of whether the verify operation
// is succeeding or not. Any target bits that do not match the received
// data at the sampling edge, will cause the verify_failed bit to go high.
// This is what the state machine looks at to determine whether it passed
// or not.
always @(posedge clk_i or posedge reset_i)
if (reset_i) character_miscompare <= 0;
else // Must have been a clock edge
if (idle) character_miscompare <= 0;
if (verify && mid_bit_count
&& (target_bits[0] ^ serial_dat_i)) character_miscompare <= 1;
// This is the measurement storage latch. The final measured time count
// from main_count is stored in this latch upon completion of the measurement
// interval. The value stored in this latch is used whenever the baud clock
// is being generated, to reset the main count (causing a "rollover").
always @(posedge clk_i or posedge idle)
// Set to all ones during idle (asynchronous).
if (idle) measurement <= -1;
// Otherwise, there must have been a clk_i edge
// When the measurement is done, the counters are cleared, and the time
// interval must be stored before it is cleared away...
// This also causes a store following a failed verify state on the way back
// into idle, but the idle state clears out the false measurement anyway.
else if (clear_counters) measurement <= (main_count>>1);
// This is effectively the baud clock signal
// But it is prevented from reaching the output pin during verification...
// It is only allowed out of the module during idle_run state.
assign main_count_rollover = (main_count == measurement);
assign baud_clk_o = (main_count_rollover && run);
// This is state machine m1. It checks the status of the serial_dat_i line
// and coordinates the measurement of the time interval of the first two
// bits of the received character, which is the "measurement interval."
// Following the measurement interval, the state machine enters a new
// phase of bit verification. If the measured time interval is accurate
// enough to measure the remaining 8 bits of the character correctly, then
// the measurement is accepted, and the baud rate clock is driven onto
// the baud_clk_o output pin. Incidentally, the process of verification
// effectively filters out all characters which are not the desired target
// character for measurement. In this case, the target character is the
// carriage return.
// State register
always @(posedge clk_i or posedge reset_i)
begin : m1_state_register
if (reset_i) m1_state <= m1_idle; // asynchronous reset
else m1_state <= m1_next_state;
// State transition logic
always @(m1_state
or mid_bit_count
or serial_dat_i
or verify_done
or character_miscompare
begin : m1_state_logic
// Default values for outputs. The individual states can override these.
idle <= 1'b0;
run <= 1'b0;
measure <= 1'b0;
clear_counters <= 1'b0;
verify <= 1'b0;
case (m1_state) // synthesis parallel_case
m1_idle :
idle <= 1'b1;
if (serial_dat_i == 0) m1_next_state <= m1_measure_0;
else m1_next_state <= m1_idle;
m1_measure_0 :
measure <= 1'b1;
// Check at mid bit time, to make sure serial line is still low...
// (At this time, "mid_bit_count" is simply CLOCK_FACTOR_PP>>1 clk_i's.)
if (mid_bit_count && ~serial_dat_i) m1_next_state <= m1_measure_1;
// If it is not low, then it must have been a "glitch"...
else if (mid_bit_count && serial_dat_i) m1_next_state <= m1_idle;
else m1_next_state <= m1_measure_0;
m1_measure_1 :
measure <= 1'b1;
// Look for first data bit (high).
if (serial_dat_i) m1_next_state <= m1_measure_2;
// If it is not high keep waiting...
// (Put detection of measurement overflow in here if necessary...)
else m1_next_state <= m1_measure_1;
m1_measure_2 :
measure <= 1'b1;
// Check using mid bit time, to make sure serial line is still high...
// (At this time, "mid_bit_count" is simply CLOCK_FACTOR_PP>>1 clk_i's.)
if (mid_bit_count && serial_dat_i) m1_next_state <= m1_measure_3;
// If it is not high, then it must have been a "glitch"...
else if (mid_bit_count && ~serial_dat_i) m1_next_state <= m1_idle;
else m1_next_state <= m1_measure_2;
m1_measure_3 :
measure <= 1'b1;
// Look for end of measurement interval (low)
if (!serial_dat_i) m1_next_state <= m1_measure_4;
// If it is not high keep waiting...
// (Put detection of measurement overflow in here if necessary...)
else m1_next_state <= m1_measure_3;
// This state outputs a reset pulse, to clear counters and store the
// measurement from main_count.
m1_measure_4 :
clear_counters <= 1'b1; // Clears counters, stores measurement
m1_next_state <= m1_verify_0;
m1_verify_0 : // Wait for verify operations to finish
verify <= 1'b1;
if (verify_done) m1_next_state <= m1_verify_1;
else m1_next_state <= m1_verify_0;
// NOTE: This "extra" state is needed because the character_miscompare
// information is not valid until 1 cycle after verify_done is
// active.
m1_verify_1 : // Checks for character miscompare
if (character_miscompare) m1_next_state <= m1_verify_failed;
else m1_next_state <= m1_run;
m1_verify_failed : // Resets counters on the way back to idle
clear_counters <= 1'b1;
m1_next_state <= m1_idle;
// This state is for successful verification results!
// Since this is a single measurement unit, only reset can exit this
// state.
m1_run :
run <= 1'b1;
m1_next_state <= m1_run;
default : m1_next_state <= m1_idle;
assign auto_baud_locked_o = run;
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