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// Xilinx VHDL ROM generator
// Xilinx VHDL ROM generator
// Version : 0220
// Version : 0221
// Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Daniel Wallner (
// Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Daniel Wallner (
// All rights reserved
// All rights reserved
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// File history :
// File history :
// 0220 : Initial release
// 0220 : Initial release
// 0221 : Fixed block ROMs with partial bytes
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <iostream>
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#define max __max
#define max __max
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
cerr << "Xilinx VHDL ROM generator by Daniel Wallner. Version 0220\n";
cerr << "Xilinx VHDL ROM generator by Daniel Wallner. Version 0221\n";
unsigned long aWidth;
unsigned long aWidth;
unsigned long dWidth;
unsigned long dWidth;
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if (selectIter && blockIter)
if (selectIter && blockIter)
printf("\n\tsignal sD : std_logic_vector(D'range);");
printf("\n\tsignal sD : std_logic_vector(D'range);");
if (blockIter == 1)
printf("\n\tsignal bRAMOut : std_logic_vector(%d downto 0);", bytes * 8 - 1);
if (blockIter > 1)
if (blockIter > 1)
printf("\n\ttype bRAMOut_a is array(%d to %d) of std_logic_vector(D'range);", blockTotal - blockIter, blockTotal - 1);
printf("\n\ttype bRAMOut_a is array(%d to %d) of std_logic_vector(%d downto 0);", blockTotal - blockIter, blockTotal - 1, bytes * 8 - 1);
printf("\n\tsignal bRAMOut : bRAMOut_a;");
printf("\n\tsignal bRAMOut : bRAMOut_a;");
printf("\n\tsignal biA_r : integer;");
printf("\n\tsignal biA_r : integer;");
if (!selectIter)
if (!selectIter)
printf("\n\tsignal A_r : unsigned(A'left downto 9);");
printf("\n\tsignal A_r : unsigned(A'left downto 9);");
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if (blockIter == 1)
if (blockIter == 1)
printf("\n\n\tbG1: for J in 0 to %d generate", bytes - 1);
printf("\n\n\tbG1: for J in 0 to %d generate", bytes - 1);
printf("\n\t\tB%s : RAMB4_S8\n\t\t\tport map (\"00000000\", '1', '0', '0', Clk, A(8 downto 0), ", argv[1]);
printf("\n\t\tB%s : RAMB4_S8", argv[1]);
printf("\n\t\t\tport map (\"00000000\", '1', '0', '0', Clk, A(8 downto 0), bRAMOut(7 + 8 * J downto 8 * J));", argv[1]);
printf("\n\tend generate;");
if (selectIter)
if (selectIter)
printf("D(7 + 8 * J downto 8 * J));");
printf("D <= bRAMOut(D'range);");
printf("\n\tend generate;");
if (blockIter > 1)
if (blockIter > 1)
printf("\n\n\tbiA_r <= to_integer(A_r(A'left downto 9));");
printf("\n\n\tbiA_r <= to_integer(A_r(A'left downto 9));");
printf("\n\n\tbG1: for I in %d to %d generate", blockTotal - blockIter, blockTotal - 1);
printf("\n\n\tbG1: for I in %d to %d generate", blockTotal - blockIter, blockTotal - 1);
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printf("\n\n\tprocess (biA_r, bRAMOut)\n\tbegin\n\t\t");
printf("\n\n\tprocess (biA_r, bRAMOut)\n\tbegin\n\t\t");
if (selectIter)
if (selectIter)
printf("D <= bRAMOut(%d)(%d downto 0);", blockTotal - blockIter, dWidth - 1);
printf("D <= bRAMOut(%d)(D'range);", blockTotal - blockIter);
printf("\n\t\tfor I in %d to %d loop", blockTotal - blockIter + 1, blockTotal - 1);
printf("\n\t\tfor I in %d to %d loop", blockTotal - blockIter + 1, blockTotal - 1);
printf("\n\t\t\tif biA_r = I then\n\t\t\t\t");
printf("\n\t\t\tif biA_r = I then\n\t\t\t\t");
if (selectIter)
if (selectIter)
printf("D <= bRAMOut(I);\n\t\t\tend if;");
printf("D <= bRAMOut(I)(D'range);\n\t\t\tend if;");
printf("\n\t\tend loop;\n\tend process;");
printf("\n\t\tend loop;\n\tend process;");
if (selectIter && blockIter)
if (selectIter && blockIter)