Line 55... |
Line 55... |
/* Debug ports. */
/* Debug ports. */
end entity user;
end entity user;
architecture rtl of user is
architecture rtl of user is
signal reset:std_ulogic:='0';
signal porCnt:unsigned(3 downto 0);
signal trigger:boolean;
/* Global counters. */
/* Global counters. */
constant maxSymbols:positive:=2048; --maximum number of symbols allowed to be transmitted in a frame. Each symbol's width equals tData's width.
constant maxSymbols:positive:=2048; --maximum number of symbols allowed to be transmitted in a frame. Each symbol's width equals tData's width.
signal symbolsPerTransfer:i_transactor.t_cnt;
signal symbolsPerTransfer:i_transactor.t_cnt;
signal outstandingTransactions:i_transactor.t_cnt;
signal outstandingTransactions:i_transactor.t_cnt;
Line 70... |
Line 74... |
signal txFSM,i_txFSM:txStates;
signal txFSM,i_txFSM:txStates;
/* Tester signals. */
/* Tester signals. */
/* synthesis translate_off */
/* synthesis translate_off */
signal clk,nReset:std_ulogic:='0';
signal clk,nReset:std_ulogic:='0';
attribute period:time; attribute period of clk:signal is 10 ps;
/* synthesis translate_on */
/* synthesis translate_on */
signal axiMaster_in:t_axi4StreamTransactor_s2m;
signal axiMaster_in:t_axi4StreamTransactor_s2m;
signal irq_write:std_ulogic; -- clock gating.
signal irq_write:std_ulogic; -- clock gating.
signal prbs:i_transactor.t_msg;
/* Bus functional models. */
/* Bus functional models. */
axiMaster: entity work.axiBfmMaster(rtl)
axiMaster: entity tauhop.axiBfmMaster(rtl)
--axiMaster: entity work.axiBfmMaster(simulation)
port map(
port map(
aclk=>irq_write, n_areset=>nReset,
aclk=>irq_write, n_areset=>not reset,
readRequest=>readRequest, writeRequest=>writeRequest,
readRequest=>readRequest, writeRequest=>writeRequest,
readResponse=>readResponse, writeResponse=>writeResponse,
readResponse=>readResponse, writeResponse=>writeResponse,
Line 91... |
Line 99... |
/* Interrupt-request generator. */
/* Interrupt-request generator. */
irq_write<=clk when nReset else '0';
trigger<=txFSM/=i_txFSM or writeResponse.trigger;
irq_write<=clk when not reset else '0';
/* Simulation Tester. */
/* Simulation Tester. */
/* synthesis translate_off */
/* synthesis translate_off */
clk<=not clk after 10 ps;
clk<=not clk after clk'period/2;
process is begin
process is begin
nReset<='1'; wait for 1 ps;
nReset<='1'; wait for 1 ps;
nReset<='0'; wait for 500 ps;
nReset<='0'; wait for 500 ps;
end process;
end process;
/* synthesis translate_on */
/* synthesis translate_on */
/* Hardware tester. */
/* Hardware tester. */
/* Power-on Reset circuitry. */
por: process(nReset,clk) is begin
if not nReset then reset<='1'; porCnt<=(others=>'1');
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if porCnt>0 then reset<='1'; porCnt<=porCnt-1; end if;
end if;
end process por;
process is
alias trigger is <<signal axiMaster.trigger:boolean>>;
alias axiTxState is <<signal axiMaster.next_axiTxState:axiBfmStatesTx>>;
-- Remove this assertion once request queue has been implemented.
if trigger then
assert axiTxState=idle or axiTxState=payload report "[Error]: Trigger occurs when FSM is not in IDLE or PAYLOAD state." severity error;
end if;
wait for clk'period/10;
end process;
/* Stimuli sequencer. TODO move to tester/stimuli.
/* Stimuli sequencer. TODO move to tester/stimuli.
This emulates the AXI4-Stream Slave.
This emulates the AXI4-Stream Slave.
/* Simulation-only stimuli sequencer. */
/* Simulation-only stimuli sequencer. */
/* synthesis translate_off */
/* synthesis translate_off */
process is begin
process is begin
report "Performing fast read..." severity note;
/* Fast read. */
/* Fast read. */
while not axiMaster_out.tLast loop
while not axiMaster_out.tLast loop
/* Wait for tValid to assert. */
/* Wait for tValid to assert. */
while not axiMaster_out.tValid loop
while not axiMaster_out.tValid loop
wait until falling_edge(clk);
wait until falling_edge(clk);
Line 126... |
Line 159... |
wait until falling_edge(clk);
wait until falling_edge(clk);
end loop;
end loop;
report "Completed fast read..." severity note;
wait until falling_edge(clk);
wait until falling_edge(clk);
report "Performing normal read..." severity note;
/* Normal read. */
/* Normal read. */
while not axiMaster_out.tLast loop
while not axiMaster_out.tLast loop
/* Wait for tValid to assert. */
/* Wait for tValid to assert. */
while not axiMaster_out.tValid loop
while not axiMaster_out.tValid loop
Line 140... |
Line 177... |
wait until falling_edge(clk);
wait until falling_edge(clk);
wait until falling_edge(clk);
wait until falling_edge(clk);
wait until falling_edge(clk);
end loop;
report "Completed normal read." severity note;
wait until falling_edge(clk);
report "Performing slow read..." severity note;
/* Slow read. */
while not axiMaster_out.tLast loop
/* Wait for tValid to assert. */
while not axiMaster_out.tValid loop
wait until falling_edge(clk);
end loop;
wait until falling_edge(clk);
wait until falling_edge(clk);
wait until falling_edge(clk);
wait until falling_edge(clk);
end loop;
end loop;
report "Completed slow read." severity note;
for i in 0 to 10 loop
for i in 0 to 10 loop
wait until falling_edge(clk);
wait until falling_edge(clk);
end loop;
end loop;
report "Performing one-shot read..." severity note;
/* One-shot read. */
/* One-shot read. */
wait until falling_edge(clk);
wait until falling_edge(clk);
report "Completed one-shot read." severity note;
end process;
end process;
/* synthesis translate_on */
/* synthesis translate_on */
/* Synthesisable stimuli sequencer. */
/* Synthesisable stimuli sequencer. */
/* Data transmitter. */
/* Data transmitter. */
i_prbs: entity tauhop.prbs31(rtl)
generic map(
/* Example polynomial from Wikipedia:
0|3|31=>true, 1|2|30 downto 4=>false
port map(
/* Comment-out for simulation. */
clk=>irq_write, reset=>reset,
seed=>32x"ace1", --9x"57",
sequencer_ns: process(all) is begin
sequencer_ns: process(all) is begin
if not nReset then txFSM<=idle;
if reset then txFSM<=idle;
case i_txFSM is
case i_txFSM is
when idle=>
when idle=>
if outstandingTransactions>0 then txFSM<=transmitting; end if;
if outstandingTransactions>0 then txFSM<=transmitting; end if;
when transmitting=>
when transmitting=>
Line 176... |
Line 262... |
when others=> null;
when others=> null;
end case;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process sequencer_ns;
end process sequencer_ns;
sequencer_op: process(nReset,irq_write) is
sequencer_op: process(reset,irq_write) is
/* Local procedures to map BFM signals with the package procedure. */
/* Local procedures to map BFM signals with the package procedure. */
procedure read(address:in i_transactor.t_addr) is begin
procedure read(address:in i_transactor.t_addr) is begin
end procedure read;
end procedure read;
Line 197... |
Line 283... |
/* synthesis translate_off */
/* synthesis translate_off */
variable rv0:RandomPType;
variable rv0:RandomPType;
/* synthesis translate_on */
/* synthesis translate_on */
if not nReset then
-- if reset then
/*simulation only. */
/*simulation only. */
/* synthesis translate_off */
/* synthesis translate_off */
-- rv0.InitSeed(rv0'instance_name);
/* synthesis translate_on */
/* synthesis translate_on */
elsif falling_edge(irq_write) then
-- elsif falling_edge(irq_write) then
if falling_edge(irq_write) then
case txFSM is
case txFSM is
when transmitting=>
when transmitting=>
if txFSM/=i_txFSM or writeResponse.trigger then
if trigger then
/* synthesis translate_off */
/* synthesis translate_off */
-- write(rv0.RandSigned(axiMaster_out.tData'length));
/* synthesis translate_on */
/* synthesis translate_on */
end if;
end if;
when others=>null;
when others=>null;
end case;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process sequencer_op;
end process sequencer_op;
Line 222... |
Line 310... |
end if;
end if;
end process sequencer_regs;
end process sequencer_regs;
/* Transaction counter. */
/* Transaction counter. */
process(nReset,symbolsPerTransfer,irq_write) is begin
process(reset,symbolsPerTransfer,irq_write) is begin
if not nReset then outstandingTransactions<=symbolsPerTransfer;
if reset then outstandingTransactions<=symbolsPerTransfer;
elsif falling_edge(irq_write) then
elsif rising_edge(irq_write) then
/* Use synchronous reset for outstandingTransactions to meet timing because it is a huge register set. */
if not axiMaster_out.tLast then
if not nReset then outstandingTransactions<=symbolsPerTransfer;
if outstandingTransactions<1 then
if outstandingTransactions<1 then
report "No more pending transactions." severity note;
report "No more pending transactions." severity note;
elsif axiMaster_in.tReady then outstandingTransactions<=outstandingTransactions-1;
elsif axiMaster_in.tReady then outstandingTransactions<=outstandingTransactions-1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
/* Use synchronous reset for outstandingTransactions to meet timing because it is a huge register set. */
if reset then outstandingTransactions<=symbolsPerTransfer; end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end process;
/* Reset symbolsPerTransfer to new value (prepare for new transfer) after current transfer has been completed. */
/* Reset symbolsPerTransfer to new value (prepare for new transfer) after current transfer has been completed. */
process(nReset,irq_write) is
process(reset,irq_write) is
/* synthesis translate_off */
/* synthesis translate_off */
variable rv0:RandomPType;
variable rv0:RandomPType;
/* synthesis translate_on */
/* synthesis translate_on */
if not nReset then
if reset then
/* synthesis translate_off */
/* synthesis translate_off */
symbolsPerTransfer<=120x"0" & rv0.RandUnsigned(8);
symbolsPerTransfer<=120x"0" & rv0.RandUnsigned(8);
report "symbols per transfer = 0x" & ieee.numeric_std.to_hstring(rv0.RandUnsigned(axiMaster_out.tData'length));
report "symbols per transfer = 0x" & ieee.numeric_std.to_hstring(rv0.RandUnsigned(axiMaster_out.tData'length)) severity note;
/* synthesis translate_on */
/* synthesis translate_on */
elsif rising_edge(irq_write) then
elsif rising_edge(irq_write) then
if axiMaster_out.tLast then
if axiMaster_out.tLast then
/* synthesis translate_off */
/* synthesis translate_off */
symbolsPerTransfer<=120x"0" & rv0.RandUnsigned(8);
symbolsPerTransfer<=120x"0" & rv0.RandUnsigned(8);
report "symbols per transfer = 0x" & ieee.numeric_std.to_hstring(rv0.RandUnsigned(axiMaster_out.tData'length));
report "symbols per transfer = 0x" & ieee.numeric_std.to_hstring(rv0.RandUnsigned(axiMaster_out.tData'length)) severity note;
/* synthesis translate_on */
/* synthesis translate_on */
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end process;
end architecture rtl;
end architecture rtl;