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module trisc(cond, out_sig, clk, reset_n);
//independent parameters
parameter ncs = 3; //number of bits to select cw+1 inputs i.e 2^ncs = (cw+1)
parameter aw = 8; //address width
parameter dw = 20; //data width for internal control
parameter ow = 28; //control output size
//dependant parameters (based on independant parameters
parameter cw = (1<<ncs)-1; //number of conditional inputs (cw+1 must be a power of 2)
parameter pms = (1<<aw); // program memory size. depends on address width ( pms = 2 ^ aw )
// ow + dw defines the width of one memory block of program memory
input [cw-1:0] cond; // one conditional input is from down counter
input [0:0] clk, reset_n;
output [ow-1:0] out_sig;
//output of program memory
wire [aw-1:0] prog_ctr_a; // program counte address
wire [aw-1:0] sub_a; // subroutine address
wire [aw-1:0] branch_a; // branch address
wire [ncs-1:0] cond_sel;
wire [3:0] nal_sel;
wire [0:0] pp; // push/pop_n
wire [0:0] cl; //count/load_n
wire [0:0] ce; //counter enable
wire [0:0] sse; // subroutine stack enable
wire [0:0] cse; // counter stack enable
wire [0:0] cc; // output of conditinal select mux
//output of NAL
wire [aw-1:0] next_inst_a; //address of next instruction to execute
wire [aw:0] dc; // down counter
wire [aw:0] lc; // output of loop counter lifo
wire [aw:0] cm; // output of counter mux
wire [aw:0] ctr_o; // output of down counter register
wire [aw-1:0] inc_o; // output of incrementer
// program memory
prog_mem mem (.addr(next_inst_a),.clk(clk),.dout({out_sig, nal_sel, cond_sel, cse, sse, ce, cl, pp, branch_a}));
nal #(.dw(aw)) next_addr(next_inst_a, ctr_o[aw-1:0], branch_a, sub_a, prog_ctr_a, cc, nal_sel[1:0], nal_sel[3:2], reset_n);
lifo #(.dw(aw+1)) loop_cnt(ctr_o, lc, clk, cse, pp, reset_n);
mux2 #(.dw(aw+1)) counter_m(cm, {1'b0, branch_a}, lc, cl);
down_counter #(.dw(aw+1)) dn_ctr(cm, dc);
register_e #(.dw(aw+1)) ctr(dc, ctr_o, clk, reset_n, ce);
mux8 #(.dw(1)) cond_m(cc, ctr_o[aw], cond[0], cond[1], cond[2], cond[3], cond[4], cond[5], cond[6], cond_sel);
incrementer #(.dw(aw)) inc(next_inst_a, inc_o);
register #(.dw(aw)) prog_ctr(inc_o, prog_ctr_a, clk, reset_n);
lifo #(.dw(aw)) sub(prog_ctr_a, sub_a, clk, sse, pp, reset_n);
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