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-- Company:
-- File: cp_Stack.vhd
-- Description:
-- projet copyblaze
-- Program Counter stack
-- File history:
-- v1.0: 07/10/11: Creation
-- Targeted device: ProAsic A3P250 VQFP100
-- Author: AbdAllah Meziti
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.Usefull_Pkg.all; -- Usefull Package
-- Entity: cp_Stack
-- Description:
-- History:
-- 07/10/11 AM: Creation
-- ---------------------
-- xx/xx/xx AM:
entity cp_Stack is
GEN_WIDTH_PC : positive := 8;
GEN_DETPH : positive := 15
port (
-- Signaux Systeme
Clk_i : in std_ulogic; -- signal d'horloge générale
Rst_i_n : in std_ulogic; -- signal de reset générale
-- Signaux Fonctionels
Data_i : in std_ulogic_vector(GEN_WIDTH_PC-1 downto 0); --
Data_o : out std_ulogic_vector(GEN_WIDTH_PC-1 downto 0); --
Enable_i : in std_ulogic;
Push_i : in std_ulogic;
Pop_i : in std_ulogic
end cp_Stack;
-- Architecture: RTL
-- of entity : cp_Stack
architecture rtl of cp_Stack is
-- Définition des fonctions
-- Définition des constantes
-- Définition des signaux interne
type RAM_TYPE is array (0 to GEN_DETPH-1) of std_ulogic_vector(GEN_WIDTH_PC-1 downto 0);--(Data_i'range);
signal iStackMem : RAM_TYPE;
signal iStackEn : std_ulogic;
signal iPointer : natural range 0 to GEN_DETPH-1;
signal iPtrUp : std_ulogic;
signal iPtrDown : std_ulogic;
signal iTempo : std_ulogic_vector(GEN_WIDTH_PC-1 downto 0);
-- Déclaration des composants
iStackEn <= not(Enable_i) and Push_i;
-- Process : Stack_Proc
-- Description: Stack Memory
Stack_Proc : process(Rst_i_n, Clk_i)
if ( Rst_i_n = '0' ) then
for i in 0 to GEN_DETPH-1 loop
iStackMem(i) <= (others=>'0');
end loop;
iTempo <= (others=>'0');
elsif ( rising_edge(Clk_i) ) then
if ( iPtrUp = '1' ) then
iTempo <= Data_i;
end if;
if ( iStackEn = '1' ) then
iStackMem( iPointer ) <= iTempo;
end if;
end if;
end process Stack_Proc;
iPtrUp <= Enable_i and Push_i;
iPtrDown <= Enable_i and Pop_i;
-- Process : Ptr_Proc
-- Description: Stack pointer
Ptr_Proc : process(Rst_i_n, Clk_i)
if ( Rst_i_n = '0' ) then
iPointer <= GEN_DETPH-1;
elsif ( rising_edge(Clk_i) ) then
if ( iPtrUp = '1' ) then
if ( iPointer + 1 = GEN_DETPH ) then
iPointer <= 0;
iPointer <= (iPointer + 1) ;
end if;
end if;
if ( iPtrDown = '1' ) then
if ( iPointer = 0 ) then
iPointer <= GEN_DETPH-1;
iPointer <= (iPointer - 1) ;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process Ptr_Proc;
Data_o <= iStackMem( iPointer );
end rtl;
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