Line 111... |
Line 111... |
(P_OPC( 3 downto 0) = "0000"))) -- LDS, STS
(P_OPC( 3 downto 0) = "0000"))) -- LDS, STS
else '0';
else '0';
-- Two cycle opcodes:
-- Two cycle opcodes:
-- 10q0 qq0d dddd 1qqq - LDD (Y + q)
-- 10q0 qq0d dddd 0qqq - LDD (Z + q)
-- 1001 000d dddd .... - LDS etc.
-- 1001 000d dddd .... - LDS etc.
-- 1001 0101 0000 1000 - RET
-- 1001 0101 0000 1000 - RET
-- 1001 0101 0001 1000 - RETI
-- 1001 0101 0001 1000 - RETI
-- 1001 1001 AAAA Abbb - SBIC
-- 1001 1001 AAAA Abbb - SBIC
-- 1001 1011 AAAA Abbb - SBIS
-- 1001 1011 AAAA Abbb - SBIS
-- 1111 110r rrrr 0bbb - SBRC
-- 1111 110r rrrr 0bbb - SBRC
-- 1111 111r rrrr 0bbb - SBRS
-- 1111 111r rrrr 0bbb - SBRS
L_WAIT <= '0' when ((L_INVALIDATE = '1') or (I_INTVEC(5) = '1'))
L_WAIT <= '0' when ((L_INVALIDATE = '1') or (I_INTVEC(5) = '1'))
else L_T0 when ((P_OPC(15 downto 9) = "1001000" ) -- LDS etc.
else L_T0 when ( ( (P_OPC(15 downto 14) = "10" ) -- LDD
and (P_OPC(12) = '0')
and (P_OPC( 9) = '0') )
or ( P_OPC(15 downto 9) = "1001000") -- LDS etc.
or ((P_OPC(15 downto 8) = "10010101") -- RET etc.
or ((P_OPC(15 downto 8) = "10010101") -- RET etc.
and (P_OPC(3 downto 0) /= "1010")) -- but not DEC
and (P_OPC(3 downto 0) /= "1010")) -- but not DEC
or ((P_OPC(15 downto 10) = "100110") -- SBIC, SBIS
or ( ( P_OPC(15 downto 10) = "100110") -- SBI[CS]
and (P_OPC(8) = '1'))
and (P_OPC(8) = '1'))
or (P_OPC(15 downto 10) = "111111")) -- SBRC, SBRS
or (P_OPC(15 downto 10) = "111111")) -- SBR[CS]
else '0';
else '0';
Q_OPC <= X"00000000" when (L_INVALIDATE = '1')
Q_OPC <= X"00000000" when (L_INVALIDATE = '1')