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library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_unsigned.all;
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entity one_wire is
port (
clk, reset, read, write : IN std_logic;
DQ : INOUT std_logic;
rddata : OUT std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
wrdata : IN std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
ready : INOUT std_logic
end entity one_wire;
architecture structural of one_wire is
signal iCount : integer range 0 to 500;
signal iCntRst : bit;
signal iD : std_logic;
--This counter is used in the state machine to count micro seconds
--it is assumed that the clock edges are coming in at 1uS intervals
counter: process
wait until (clk'event and clk = '0');
if(iCntRst = '1') then
iCount <= 0;
iCount <= iCount + 1;
end if;
end process counter;
init_statemachine : block
type states is (init1, init2, init3, rdy, begin_read, begin_write, rd_bit, finish_read, wr_bit);
signal state : states;
nxt_state_decoder: process(state, clk)
variable next_state : states;
variable iBits : integer range 0 to 8;
if clk 'event and clk = '1' then
case (state) is
when INIT1 =>
iCntRst <= '0';
iD <= '0';
ready <= '0';
if (iCount = 500) then
next_state := INIT2;
iCntRst <= '1'; --stop the timer
next_state := INIT1;
end if;
when INIT2 =>
iCntRst <= '0'; --start the timer
iD <= '1';
ready <= '0';
if (iCount = 15) then
next_state := INIT3;
iCntRst <= '1'; --stop the timer
next_state := INIT2;
end if;
when INIT3 =>
iCntRst <= '0'; --start the timer (not needed)
ready <= '0';
if (DQ = '0') then
next_state := RDY;
iCntRst <= '1'; --stop the timer (not needed)
next_state := INIT3;
end if;
when RDY =>
iCntRst <= '0'; --start the timer
iBits := 0;
iD <= '1';
if(iCount >= 240 and ready = '0') then
ready <= '1';
end if;
if(Read = '1' and iCount >= 240) then
ready <= '0';
iCntRst <= '1'; --stop timer
next_state := BEGIN_READ;
elsif(Write = '1' and iCount >= 240) then
ready <= '0';
iCntRst <= '1'; --stop timer
next_state := BEGIN_WRITE;
next_state := RDY;
end if;
when BEGIN_READ =>
iCntRst <= '0'; --start timer
iD <= '0';
if (iCount = 2) then --this number used to be a 5
iCntRst <= '1'; --stop timer
next_state := RD_BIT;
end if;
when RD_BIT =>
iD <= '1';
iCntRst <= '0'; --start timer
case ibits is
when 0 =>
rddata(0) <= DQ;
when 1 =>
rddata(1) <= DQ;
when 2 =>
rddata(2) <= DQ;
when 3 =>
rddata(3) <= DQ;
when 4 =>
rddata(4) <= DQ;
when 5 =>
rddata(5) <= DQ;
when 6 =>
rddata(6) <= DQ;
when 7 =>
rddata(7) <= DQ;
when others =>
end case;
if(iCount >= 6) then
next_state := FINISH_READ;
end if;
if(iBits <= 6 and iCount >= 55) then --this second number used to be 55
iD <= '1';
iBits := iBits + 1;
iCntRst <= '1'; --stop timer
next_state := BEGIN_READ;
elsif(iBits = 7) then
iCntRst <= '1'; -- stop timer
next_state := RDY;
end if;
iCntRst <= '0';
if(iBits <= 7) then
iD <= '0'; --start timer
end if;
if (iCount = 1) then
iCntRst <= '1'; --stop timer
next_state := WR_BIT;
end if;
when WR_BIT =>
iCntRst <= '0';
--The below code is what is being accomplished by the huge if elseif structure
--if(data(iBits) = "001") then
-- iD := '1';
--end if;
if(iBits = 0 and wrdata(0) = '1') then
iD <= '1';
elsif(iBIts = 0 and wrdata(0) = '0') then
iD <= '0';
elsif(iBits = 1 and wrdata(1) = '1') then
iD <= '1';
elsif(iBIts = 1 and wrdata(1) = '0') then
iD <= '0';
elsif(iBits = 2 and wrdata(2) = '1') then
iD <= '1';
elsif(iBIts = 2 and wrdata(2) = '0') then
iD <= '0';
elsif(iBits = 3 and wrdata(3) = '1') then
iD <= '1';
elsif(iBIts = 3 and wrdata(3) = '0') then
iD <= '0';
elsif(iBits = 4 and wrdata(4) = '1') then
iD <= '1';
elsif(iBIts = 4 and wrdata(4) = '0') then
iD <= '0';
elsif(iBits = 5 and wrdata(5) = '1') then
iD <= '1';
elsif(iBIts = 5 and wrdata(5) = '0') then
iD <= '0';
elsif(iBits = 6 and wrdata(6) = '1') then
iD <= '1';
elsif(iBIts = 6 and wrdata(6) = '0') then
iD <= '0';
elsif(iBits = 7 and wrdata(7) = '1') then
iD <= '1';
elsif(iBIts = 7 and wrdata(7) = '0') then
iD <= '0';
end if;
if(iCount >= 60 and iBits <= 7) then
iBits := iBits + 1;
iD <= '1';
iCntRst <= '1'; --stop timer
next_state := BEGIN_WRITE;
elsif(iBits = 8) then
iD <= '1';
iCntRst <= '1'; --stop timer
next_state := RDY;
end if;
end case;
state <= next_state;
if(reset = '1') then
state <= init1;
end if;
end if;
end process nxt_state_decoder;
end block init_statemachine;
trictrl: process(iD)
if( iD = '0' ) then
DQ <= '0';
DQ <= 'Z';
end if;
end process trictrl;
end architecture structural;
COMPONENT one_wire
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