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-- Create Date: 03:46:54 10/31/05
-- Design Name:
-- Module Name: Hash - Behavioral
-- Project Name: Deflate
-- Revision:
-- Revision 0.25 - Only one hash algorithm
-- Additional Comments:
-- The remarked comments for synchronous reser result in the use of more 192 slices witn a maximum frequency of 129 Mhz
-- But if the code is commented as it is now the number of slices utlised is 5 without a known clock , need to specifiy that as a compile time constraint.
-- TO DO:
-- Wishbone interface
-- Concurrent Hashkey generation
library IEEE;
entity HashChain is
( -- Data bus width currently set at 8
Data_Width : natural := 8; -- Width of the hash key generated now at 32 bits
Hash_Width : natural := 32
Port ( Hash_O : inout std_logic_vector (Hash_Width - 1 downto 0); -- Hash value of previous data
Data_in : in std_logic_vector (Data_Width-1 downto 0); -- Data input from byte stream
Clock, -- Clock
Start, -- Reset
O_E : in bit ; -- Output Enable
Done : out bit -- Enabled when the hash key has been generated
end HashChain;
--An algorithm produced by Professor Daniel J. Bernstein and
--shown first to the world on the usenet newsgroup comp.lang.c.
--It is one of the most efficient hash functions ever published
--Actual function hash(i) = hash(i - 1) * 33 + str[i];
--Function now implemented using XOR hash(i) = hash(i - 1) * 33 ^ str[i];
architecture DJB2 of HashChain is
signal mode: integer := 0;
signal tempval, hash:std_logic_vector (Hash_Width - 1 downto 0):= X"00000000" ;
signal multiplier:std_logic_vector (39 downto 0):= X"0000000000" ;
mealymachine: process (Clock)
if Reset = '1' and Clock = '1' then -- Reset
mode <= 0;
elsif start = '1' and Clock = '1' then -- Start
mode <= 1; -- Multiply previous key by 33 ( Clock = 1 )
elsif mode = 1 then
mode <= 2; -- Ex-OR input with existing key ( Clock = 0 )
elsif mode = 2 then
mode <= 3; -- Latch output ( Clock = 1 )
mode <= 4;
end if;
end process mealymachine;
hash <= X"000016c7" when mode = 0 else --initialise the hash key to 5831
multiplier(31 downto 0) xor tempval when mode = 2 else --Ex or with the current input
hash; --keep current value
multiplier <= hash * X"21" when mode = 1 else --Multiply by 33
tempval <= X"00000000" when mode /= 1 else --Temporary value to be able to Exor the input with the hash key
tempval+ Data_in;
busy <= '1' when mode > 0 and mode < 3 else --Indicates that the key is being generated
'0' ;
Hash_O <= hash when mode = 3 and O_E = '1' else --Output buffer
Hash_O; --Hash op bufffer
done <= '1' when mode = 3 else --1 after hash key has been calculated
end DJB2;
Configuration djb2_hash of hashchain is
for djb2
end for;
end djb2_hash;
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