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// Project : JPEG Decoder
// Project : JPEG Decoder
// Belong to :
// Belong to :
// Author : H.Ishihara
// Author : H.Ishihara
// E-Mail :
// E-Mail :
// HomePage :
// HomePage :
// Date : 2006/10/01
// Date : 2007/04/11
// Rev. : 1.1
// Rev. : 1.03
// Rev. Date Description
// Rev. Date Description
// 1.01 2006/10/01 1st Release
// 1.01 2006/10/01 1st Release
// 1.02 2006/10/04 Remove a RegEnd register.
// 1.02 2006/10/04 Remove a RegEnd register.
// When reset, clear on OutEnable,PreEnable,DataOut registers.
// When reset, clear on OutEnable,PreEnable,DataOut registers.
// Remove some comments.
// Remove some comments.
// 1.03 2007/04/11 Don't OutEnable, ImageEnable == 1 and DataOut == 0xFFD9XXXX
// Stop ReadEnable with DataEnd(after 0xFFD9 of ImageData)
// $Id:
// $Id:
`timescale 1ps / 1ps
`timescale 1ps / 1ps
module jpeg_regdata
module jpeg_regdata(
// Read Data
// Read Data
DataIn, //
DataIn, //
DataInEnable, // Data Enable
DataInEnable, // Data Enable
DataInRead, // Data Read
DataInRead, // Data Read
// DataOut
// DataOut
DataOut, // Data Out
DataOut, // Data Out
DataOutEnable, // Data Out Enable
DataOutEnable, // Data Out Enable
DataOutEnd, // Data Out End
// UseData
// UseData
UseBit, // Used data bit
UseBit, // Used data bit
UseWidth, // Used data bit width
UseWidth, // Used data bit width
UseByte, // Used data byte
UseByte, // Used data byte
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input rst;
input rst;
input clk;
input clk;
input DataInStart;
input [31:0] DataIn;
input [31:0] DataIn;
input DataInEnable;
input DataInEnable;
output DataInRead;
output DataInRead;
output [31:0] DataOut;
output [31:0] DataOut;
output DataOutEnable;
output DataOutEnable;
output DataOutEnd;
input ImageEnable;
input ImageEnable;
input ProcessIdle;
input UseBit;
input UseBit;
input [6:0] UseWidth;
input [6:0] UseWidth;
input UseByte;
input UseByte;
input UseWord;
input UseWord;
wire RegValid;
wire RegValid;
reg [95:0] RegData;
reg [95:0] RegData;
reg [7:0] RegWidth;
reg [7:0] RegWidth;
reg DataEnd;
assign RegValid = RegWidth > 64;
assign RegValid = RegWidth > 64;
assign DataInRead = RegValid == 1'b0 & DataInEnable == 1'b1;
assign DataInRead = RegValid == 1'b0 & DataInEnable == 1'b1;
always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) begin
always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) begin
if(!rst) begin
if(!rst) begin
RegData <= 96'd0;
RegData <= 96'd0;
RegWidth <= 8'h00;
RegWidth <= 8'h00;
end else begin
end else begin
if(DataInStart == 1'b1) begin
if(RegValid == 1'b0 & (DataInEnable == 1'b1 | DataEnd == 1'b1)) begin
RegData <= 96'd0;
RegWidth <= 8'h00;
end else if(RegValid == 1'b0 & DataInEnable == 1'b1) begin
if(ImageEnable == 1'b1) begin
if(ImageEnable == 1'b1) begin
if(RegData[39: 8] == 32'hFF00FF00) begin
if(RegData[39: 8] == 32'hFF00FF00) begin
RegWidth <= RegWidth + 16;
RegWidth <= RegWidth + 16;
RegData[95:64] <= {8'h00,RegData[71:48]};
RegData[95:64] <= {8'h00,RegData[71:48]};
RegData[63:32] <= {RegData[47:40],16'hFFFF,RegData[7:0]};
RegData[63:32] <= {RegData[47:40],16'hFFFF,RegData[7:0]};
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end else begin
end else begin
RegWidth <= RegWidth + 32;
RegWidth <= RegWidth + 32;
RegData[95:64] <= RegData[63:32];
RegData[95:64] <= RegData[63:32];
RegData[63:32] <= RegData[31:0];
RegData[63:32] <= RegData[31:0];
end else begin // if (ImageEnable == 1'b1)
end else begin
RegWidth <= RegWidth + 32;
RegWidth <= RegWidth + 32;
RegData[95:64] <= RegData[63:32];
RegData[95:64] <= RegData[63:32];
RegData[63:32] <= RegData[31:0];
RegData[63:32] <= RegData[31:0];
end // else: !if(ImageEnable == 1'b1)
RegData[31: 0] <= {DataIn[7:0],DataIn[15:8],DataIn[23:16],DataIn[31:24]};
RegData[31: 0] <= {DataIn[7:0],DataIn[15:8],DataIn[23:16],DataIn[31:24]};
end else if(UseBit == 1'b1) begin // if (RegValid == 1'b0 & DataInEnable == 1'b1)
end else if(UseBit == 1'b1) begin
RegWidth <= RegWidth - UseWidth;
RegWidth <= RegWidth - UseWidth;
end else if(UseByte == 1'b1) begin
end else if(UseByte == 1'b1) begin
RegWidth <= RegWidth - 8;
RegWidth <= RegWidth - 8;
end else if(UseWord == 1'b1) begin
end else if(UseWord == 1'b1) begin
RegWidth <= RegWidth - 16;
RegWidth <= RegWidth - 16;
end // else: !if(!rst)
end // always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst)
assign DataOutEnd = (//RegData[39:24] == 16'hFFD9 |
always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) begin
RegData[31:16] == 16'hFFD9 |
if(!rst) begin
RegData[23: 8] == 16'hFFD9 |
DataEnd <= 1'b0;
RegData[15: 0] == 16'hFFD9
end else begin
if(ProcessIdle) begin
DataEnd <= 1'b0;
end else if(ImageEnable == 1'b1 & (RegData[39:24] == 16'hFFD9 | RegData[31:16] == 16'hFFD9 | RegData[23: 8] == 16'hFFD9 | RegData[15: 0] == 16'hFFD9)) begin
DataEnd <= 1'b1;
function [31:0] SliceData;
function [31:0] SliceData;
input [95:0] RegData;
input [95:0] RegData;
input [7:0] RegWidth;
input [7:0] RegWidth;
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8'd93: SliceData = RegData[92:61];
8'd93: SliceData = RegData[92:61];
8'd94: SliceData = RegData[93:62];
8'd94: SliceData = RegData[93:62];
8'd95: SliceData = RegData[94:63];
8'd95: SliceData = RegData[94:63];
8'd96: SliceData = RegData[95:64];
8'd96: SliceData = RegData[95:64];
default: SliceData = 32'h00000000;
default: SliceData = 32'h00000000;
endcase // case(RegWidth)
endfunction // SliceData
reg OutEnable;
reg OutEnable;
reg PreEnable;
reg PreEnable;
reg [31:0] DataOut;
reg [31:0] DataOut;
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assign DataOutEnable = (PreEnable == 1'b0)?OutEnable:1'b0;
assign DataOutEnable = (PreEnable == 1'b0)?OutEnable:1'b0;
endmodule // jpeg_regdata
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