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// rom.v -- parallel flash ROM interface
// rom.v -- parallel flash ROM interface
// 512K x 32 bit = 2 MB
module rom(clk, reset,
`timescale 1ns/10ps
en, wr, size, addr,
`default_nettype none
data_out, wt,
module rom(clk, rst,
stb, we, addr,
data_out, ack,
ce_n, oe_n, we_n, rst_n, byte_n, a, d);
ce_n, oe_n, we_n, rst_n, byte_n, a, d);
// internal interface signals
// internal interface signals
input clk;
input clk;
input reset;
input rst;
input en;
input stb;
input wr;
input we;
input [1:0] size;
input [20:2] addr;
input [20:0] addr;
output reg [31:0] data_out;
output reg [31:0] data_out;
output reg wt;
output reg ack;
// flash ROM interface signals
// flash ROM interface signals
output ce_n;
output ce_n;
output oe_n;
output oe_n;
output we_n;
output we_n;
output rst_n;
output rst_n;
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assign rst_n = 1;
assign rst_n = 1;
assign byte_n = 1;
assign byte_n = 1;
// the flash ROM is organized in 16-bit halfwords
// the flash ROM is organized in 16-bit halfwords
// address line a[0] is controlled by the state machine
// address line a[0] is controlled by the state machine
// (this is necessary for word accesses)
// ("upper half" means "at higher address in ROM")
assign a[19:1] = addr[20:2];
assign a[19:1] = addr[20:2];
assign a[0] = upper_half;
assign a[0] = upper_half;
// the state machine
// the state machine
always @(posedge clk) begin
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset == 1) begin
if (rst) begin
state <= 0;
state <= 0;
wt <= 1;
ack <= 0;
end else begin
end else begin
if (state == 0) begin
if (state == 0) begin
// wait for start of access
// wait for start of access
if (en == 1 && wr == 0) begin
if (stb & ~we) begin
state <= 1;
state <= 1;
if (size[1] == 1) begin
// word access
upper_half <= 0;
upper_half <= 0;
end else begin
// halfword or byte access
upper_half <= addr[1];
end else
end else
if (state == 6) begin
if (state == 6) begin
if (size[1] == 1) begin
// word access
// latch upper halfword
// latch upper halfword
data_out[31:24] <= d[7:0];
data_out[31:24] <= d[7:0];
data_out[23:16] <= d[15:8];
data_out[23:16] <= d[15:8];
state <= 7;
state <= 7;
upper_half <= 1;
upper_half <= 1;
end else begin
// halfword or byte access
data_out[31:16] <= 16'h0000;
if (size[0] == 1) begin
// halfword access
data_out[15:8] <= d[7:0];
data_out[7:0] <= d[15:8];
end else begin
// byte access
data_out[15:8] <= 8'h00;
if (addr[0] == 0) begin
// even address
data_out[7:0] <= d[7:0];
end else begin
// odd address
data_out[7:0] <= d[15:8];
state <= 13;
wt <= 0;
end else
end else
if (state == 12) begin
if (state == 12) begin
// word access (state is only reached in this case)
// latch lower halfword
// latch lower halfword
data_out[15:8] <= d[7:0];
data_out[15:8] <= d[7:0];
data_out[7:0] <= d[15:8];
data_out[7:0] <= d[15:8];
state <= 13;
state <= 13;
wt <= 0;
ack <= 1;
end else
end else
if (state == 13) begin
if (state == 13) begin
// end of access
// end of access
wt <= 1;
ack <= 0;
state <= 0;
state <= 0;
end else begin
end else begin
// wait for flash ROM access time to pass
// wait for flash ROM access time to pass
state <= state + 1;
state <= state + 1;