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// CVS Revision History
// CVS Revision History
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// Revision 1.2 2002/03/25 13:33:04 mohor
// When clear and read/write are active at the same time, cnt and pointers are
// set to 1.
// Revision 1.1 2002/02/05 16:44:39 mohor
// Revision 1.1 2002/02/05 16:44:39 mohor
// Both rx and tx part are finished. Tested with wb_clk_i between 10 and 200
// Both rx and tx part are finished. Tested with wb_clk_i between 10 and 200
// MHz. Statuses, overrun, control frame transmission and reception still need
// MHz. Statuses, overrun, control frame transmission and reception still need
// to be fixed.
// to be fixed.
`include "eth_defines.v"
`include "timescale.v"
`include "timescale.v"
module eth_fifo (data_in, data_out, clk, reset, write, read, clear, almost_full, full, almost_empty, empty);
module eth_fifo (data_in, data_out, clk, reset, write, read, clear, almost_full, full, almost_empty, empty, cnt);
parameter DATA_WIDTH = 32;
parameter DATA_WIDTH = 32;
parameter DEPTH = 8;
parameter DEPTH = 8;
parameter CNT_WIDTH = 4;
parameter CNT_WIDTH = 4;
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output [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_out;
output [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_out;
output almost_full;
output almost_full;
output full;
output full;
output almost_empty;
output almost_empty;
output empty;
output empty;
output [CNT_WIDTH-1:0] cnt;
reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] fifo [0:DEPTH-1];
reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] fifo [0:DEPTH-1];
reg [CNT_WIDTH-1:0] cnt;
reg [CNT_WIDTH-1:0] cnt;
reg [CNT_WIDTH-2:0] read_pointer;
reg [CNT_WIDTH-2:0] read_pointer;
reg [CNT_WIDTH-2:0] write_pointer;
reg [CNT_WIDTH-2:0] write_pointer;
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assign empty = ~(|cnt);
assign empty = ~(|cnt);
assign almost_empty = cnt == 1;
assign almost_empty = cnt == 1;
assign full = cnt == DEPTH;
assign full = cnt == DEPTH;
assign almost_full = &cnt[CNT_WIDTH-2:0];
assign almost_full = &cnt[CNT_WIDTH-2:0];
xilinx_dist_ram_16x32 fifo
( .data_out(data_out),
.we(write & ~full),
.read_address( clear ? {CNT_WIDTH-1{1'b0}} : read_pointer),
.write_address(clear ? {CNT_WIDTH-1{1'b0}} : write_pointer),
always @ (posedge clk)
always @ (posedge clk)
if(write & clear)
fifo[0] <=#Tp data_in;
if(write & ~full)
if(write & ~full)
fifo[write_pointer] <=#Tp data_in;
fifo[write_pointer] <=#Tp data_in;
assign data_out = fifo[read_pointer];
assign data_out = clear ? fifo[0] : fifo[read_pointer];
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No newline at end of file