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// CVS Revision History
// CVS Revision History
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// Revision 1.9 2002/02/15 11:59:10 mohor
// Changes that were lost when updating from 1.5 to 1.8 fixed.
// Revision 1.8 2002/02/14 20:54:33 billditt
// Revision 1.8 2002/02/14 20:54:33 billditt
// Addition of new module eth_addrcheck.v
// Addition of new module eth_addrcheck.v
// Revision 1.7 2002/02/12 17:03:47 mohor
// Revision 1.7 2002/02/12 17:03:47 mohor
// RxOverRun added to statuses.
// RxOverRun added to statuses.
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.clk(WB_CLK_I), .rst(Reset), .ce(ram_ce), .we(ram_we), .oe(ram_oe), .addr(ram_addr), .di(ram_di), .do(ram_do)
.clk(WB_CLK_I), .rst(Reset), .ce(ram_ce), .we(ram_we), .oe(ram_oe), .addr(ram_addr), .di(ram_di), .do(ram_do)
assign ram_ce = 1'b1;
assign ram_ce = 1'b1;
assign ram_we = BDWrite & WbEn & WbEn_q | TxStatusWrite | RxStatusWrite;
assign ram_we = BDWrite & WbEn & WbEn_q | TxStatusWrite | RxStatusWrite;
assign ram_oe = BDRead & WbEn & WbEn_q | TxEn & TxEn_q & (TxBDRead | TxPointerRead) | RxEn & RxEn_q & (RxBDRead | RxPointerRead); // Tu manjka se read kadar se bere RxBD
assign ram_oe = BDRead & WbEn & WbEn_q | TxEn & TxEn_q & (TxBDRead | TxPointerRead) | RxEn & RxEn_q & (RxBDRead | RxPointerRead);
always @ (posedge WB_CLK_I or posedge Reset)
always @ (posedge WB_CLK_I or posedge Reset)
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TxStartFrm <=#Tp 1'b0;
TxStartFrm <=#Tp 1'b0;
TxStartFrm <=#Tp 1'b1; // igor !!! Dodaj se pogoj, da ni vmes prisel kaksen abort ali kaj podobnega
TxStartFrm <=#Tp 1'b1;
if(TxUsedData_q | ~TxStartFrm_sync2 & (TxRetry | TxAbort))
TxStartFrm <=#Tp 1'b0;
TxStartFrm <=#Tp 1'b0;
// End: Generation of the TxStartFrm_wb which is then synchronized to the MTxClk
// End: Generation of the TxStartFrm_wb which is then synchronized to the MTxClk
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Line 1314... |
RxBDReady <=#Tp 1'b0;
RxBDReady <=#Tp 1'b0;
if(RxEn & RxEn_q & RxBDRead)
if(RxEn & RxEn_q & RxBDRead)
RxBDReady <=#Tp ram_do[15]; // RxBDReady is sampled only once at the beginning
RxBDReady <=#Tp ram_do[15]; // RxBDReady is sampled only once at the beginning
if(ShiftEnded | RxAbort) // igor !!! tx del ima tu ResetTxBDReady
if(ShiftEnded | RxAbort)
RxBDReady <=#Tp 1'b0;
RxBDReady <=#Tp 1'b0;
// Latching Rx buffer descriptor status
// Latching Rx buffer descriptor status
// Data is avaliable one cycle after the access is started (at that time signal RxEn is not active)
// Data is avaliable one cycle after the access is started (at that time signal RxEn is not active)
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Line 1738... |
RxOverrun <=#Tp 1'b1;
RxOverrun <=#Tp 1'b1;
// TX
// TX
// bit 15 od tx je ready
// bit 15 ready
// bit 14 od tx je interrupt (Tx buffer ali tx error bit se postavi v interrupt registru, ko se ta buffer odda)
// bit 14 interrupt
// bit 13 od tx je wrap
// bit 13 wrap
// bit 12 od tx je pad
// bit 12 pad
// bit 11 od tx je crc
// bit 11 crc
// bit 10 od tx je last (crc se doda le ce je bit 11 in hkrati bit 10)
// bit 10 last
// bit 9 od tx je pause request (control frame)
// bit 9 pause request (control frame)
// Vsi zgornji biti gredo ven, spodnji biti (od 8 do 0) pa so statusni in se vpisejo po koncu oddajanja
// bit 8 TxUnderRun
// bit 8 od tx je defer indication done
// bit 7-4 RetryCntLatched
// bit 7 od tx je late collision done
// bit 3 retransmittion limit
// bit 6 od tx je retransmittion limit done
// bit 2 LateCollLatched
// bit 5 od tx je underrun done
// bit 1 DeferLatched
// bit 4 od tx je carrier sense lost
// bit 0 CarrierSenseLost
// bit [3:0] od tx je retry count done
// RX
// RX
// bit 15 od rx je empty
// bit 15 od rx je empty
// bit 14 od rx je interrupt (Rx buffer ali rx frame received se postavi v interrupt registru, ko se ta buffer zapre)
// bit 14 od rx je interrupt
// bit 13 od rx je wrap
// bit 13 od rx je wrap
// bit 12 od rx je reserved
// bit 12 od rx je reserved
// bit 11 od rx je reserved
// bit 11 od rx je reserved
// bit 10 od rx je reserved
// bit 10 od rx je reserved
// bit 9 od rx je reserved
// bit 9 od rx je reserved