Line 39... |
Line 39... |
// CVS Revision History
// CVS Revision History
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// Revision 1.23 2002/03/25 13:33:53 mohor
// md_padoen_o changed to md_padoe_o. Signal was always active high, just
// name was incorrect.
// Revision 1.22 2002/02/26 16:59:54 mohor
// Revision 1.22 2002/02/26 16:59:54 mohor
// Small fixes for external/internal DMA missmatches.
// Small fixes for external/internal DMA missmatches.
// Revision 1.21 2002/02/26 16:21:00 mohor
// Revision 1.21 2002/02/26 16:21:00 mohor
// Interrupts changed in the top file
// Interrupts changed in the top file
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wire TxC_IRQ; // Interrupt Tx Control Frame
wire TxC_IRQ; // Interrupt Tx Control Frame
wire RxC_IRQ; // Interrupt Rx Control Frame
wire RxC_IRQ; // Interrupt Rx Control Frame
wire DWord;
wire DWord;
wire BDAck;
wire BDAck;
wire [31:0] DMA_WB_DAT_O; // wb_dat_o that comes from the WishboneDMA module
wire [31:0] BD_WB_DAT_O; // wb_dat_o that comes from the Wishbone module (for buffer descriptors read/write)
wire BDCs; // Buffer descriptor CS
wire BDCs; // Buffer descriptor CS
wire temp_wb_ack_o;
wire [31:0] temp_wb_dat_o;
wire temp_wb_err_o;
reg temp_wb_ack_o_reg;
reg [31:0] temp_wb_dat_o_reg;
reg temp_wb_err_o_reg;
assign DWord = &wb_sel_i;
assign DWord = &wb_sel_i;
assign RegCs = wb_stb_i & wb_cyc_i & DWord & ~wb_adr_i[11] & ~wb_adr_i[10];
assign RegCs = wb_stb_i & wb_cyc_i & DWord & ~wb_adr_i[11] & ~wb_adr_i[10]; // 0x0 - 0x3FF
assign BDCs = wb_stb_i & wb_cyc_i & DWord & ~wb_adr_i[11] & wb_adr_i[10];
assign BDCs = wb_stb_i & wb_cyc_i & DWord & ~wb_adr_i[11] & wb_adr_i[10]; // 0x400 - 0x5FF
assign wb_ack_o = RegCs | BDAck;
assign temp_wb_ack_o = RegCs | BDAck;
assign wb_err_o = wb_stb_i & wb_cyc_i & ~DWord;
assign temp_wb_dat_o = (RegCs & ~wb_we_i)? RegDataOut : BD_WB_DAT_O;
assign temp_wb_err_o = wb_stb_i & wb_cyc_i & ~DWord;
assign wb_ack_o = temp_wb_ack_o_reg;
assign wb_dat_o[31:0] = temp_wb_dat_o_reg;
assign wb_err_o = temp_wb_err_o_reg;
assign wb_ack_o = temp_wb_ack_o;
assign wb_dat_o[31:0] = temp_wb_dat_o;
assign wb_err_o = temp_wb_err_o;
// Selecting the WISHBONE output data
assign wb_dat_o[31:0] = (RegCs & ~wb_we_i)? RegDataOut : DMA_WB_DAT_O;
always @ (posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
temp_wb_ack_o_reg <=#Tp 1'b0;
temp_wb_dat_o_reg <=#Tp 32'h0;
temp_wb_err_o_reg <=#Tp 1'b0;
temp_wb_ack_o_reg <=#Tp temp_wb_ack_o;
temp_wb_dat_o_reg <=#Tp temp_wb_dat_o;
temp_wb_err_o_reg <=#Tp temp_wb_err_o;
// Connecting Ethernet registers
// Connecting Ethernet registers
eth_registers ethreg1
eth_registers ethreg1
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Line 631... |
eth_wishbone wishbone
eth_wishbone wishbone
.WB_CLK_I(wb_clk_i), .WB_DAT_I(wb_dat_i),
.WB_CLK_I(wb_clk_i), .WB_DAT_I(wb_dat_i),
// WISHBONE slave
// WISHBONE slave
.WB_ADR_I(wb_adr_i[9:2]), .WB_WE_I(wb_we_i),
.WB_ADR_I(wb_adr_i[9:2]), .WB_WE_I(wb_we_i),
.BDCs(BDCs), .WB_ACK_O(BDAck),
.BDCs(BDCs), .WB_ACK_O(BDAck),
Line 629... |
Line 670... |
.RxStartFrm(RxStartFrm), .RxEndFrm(RxEndFrm),
.RxStartFrm(RxStartFrm), .RxEndFrm(RxEndFrm),
.Busy_IRQ(Busy_IRQ), .RxE_IRQ(RxE_IRQ), .RxB_IRQ(RxB_IRQ),
.Busy_IRQ(Busy_IRQ), .RxE_IRQ(RxE_IRQ), .RxB_IRQ(RxB_IRQ),
.RxAbort(RxAbort | (ShortFrame & ~r_RecSmall)),
.InvalidSymbol(InvalidSymbol), .LatchedCrcError(LatchedCrcError), .RxLength(RxByteCnt),
.InvalidSymbol(InvalidSymbol), .LatchedCrcError(LatchedCrcError), .RxLength(RxByteCnt),
.RxLateCollision(RxLateCollision), .ShortFrame(ShortFrame), .DribbleNibble(DribbleNibble),
.RxLateCollision(RxLateCollision), .ShortFrame(ShortFrame), .DribbleNibble(DribbleNibble),
.ReceivedPacketTooBig(ReceivedPacketTooBig), .LoadRxStatus(LoadRxStatus), .RetryCntLatched(RetryCntLatched),
.ReceivedPacketTooBig(ReceivedPacketTooBig), .LoadRxStatus(LoadRxStatus), .RetryCntLatched(RetryCntLatched),
.RetryLimit(RetryLimit), .LateCollLatched(LateCollLatched), .DeferLatched(DeferLatched),
.RetryLimit(RetryLimit), .LateCollLatched(LateCollLatched), .DeferLatched(DeferLatched),