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// CVS Revision History
// CVS Revision History
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// Revision 1.15 2002/02/15 11:38:26 mohor
// Changes that were lost when updating from 1.11 to 1.14 fixed.
// Revision 1.14 2002/02/14 20:19:11 billditt
// Revision 1.14 2002/02/14 20:19:11 billditt
// Modified for Address Checking,
// Modified for Address Checking,
// addition of eth_addrcheck.v
// addition of eth_addrcheck.v
// Revision 1.13 2002/02/12 17:03:03 mohor
// Revision 1.13 2002/02/12 17:03:03 mohor
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mtx_clk_pad_i, mtxd_pad_o, mtxen_pad_o, mtxerr_pad_o,
mtx_clk_pad_i, mtxd_pad_o, mtxen_pad_o, mtxerr_pad_o,
mrx_clk_pad_i, mrxd_pad_i, mrxdv_pad_i, mrxerr_pad_i, mcoll_pad_i, mcrs_pad_i,
mrx_clk_pad_i, mrxd_pad_i, mrxdv_pad_i, mrxerr_pad_i, mcoll_pad_i, mcrs_pad_i,
mdc_pad_o, md_pad_i, md_pad_o, md_padoen_o,
mdc_pad_o, md_pad_i, md_pad_o, md_padoen_o,
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input mrxerr_pad_i; // Receive data error (from PHY)
input mrxerr_pad_i; // Receive data error (from PHY)
// Common Tx and Rx
// Common Tx and Rx
input mcoll_pad_i; // Collision (from PHY)
input mcoll_pad_i; // Collision (from PHY)
input mcrs_pad_i; // Carrier sense (from PHY)
input mcrs_pad_i; // Carrier sense (from PHY)
input RxAbort; // igor !!! Ta se mora preseliti da bo prisel iz enega izmed modulov. Tu je le zaradi
// testiranja. Pove, kdaj adresa ni ustrezala in se paketi sklirajo, stevci pa resetirajo.
// MII Management interface
// MII Management interface
input md_pad_i; // MII data input (from I/O cell)
input md_pad_i; // MII data input (from I/O cell)
output mdc_pad_o; // MII Management data clock (to PHY)
output mdc_pad_o; // MII Management data clock (to PHY)
output md_pad_o; // MII data output (to I/O cell)
output md_pad_o; // MII data output (to I/O cell)
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.Broadcast(), .Multicast(), .ByteCnt(RxByteCnt),
.Broadcast(), .Multicast(), .ByteCnt(RxByteCnt),
.ByteCntEq0(RxByteCntEq0), .ByteCntGreat2(RxByteCntGreat2), .ByteCntMaxFrame(RxByteCntMaxFrame),
.ByteCntEq0(RxByteCntEq0), .ByteCntGreat2(RxByteCntGreat2), .ByteCntMaxFrame(RxByteCntMaxFrame),
.CrcError(RxCrcError), .StateIdle(RxStateIdle), .StatePreamble(RxStatePreamble),
.CrcError(RxCrcError), .StateIdle(RxStateIdle), .StatePreamble(RxStatePreamble),
.StateSFD(RxStateSFD), .StateData(RxStateData),
.StateSFD(RxStateSFD), .StateData(RxStateData),
.MAC(r_MAC), .r_Pro(r_Pro), .r_Bro(r_Bro),
.MAC(r_MAC), .r_Pro(r_Pro), .r_Bro(r_Bro),
.r_HASH0(r_HASH0), .r_HASH1(r_HASH1)
.r_HASH0(r_HASH0), .r_HASH1(r_HASH1), .RxAbort(RxAbort)
// MII Carrier Sense Synchronization
// MII Carrier Sense Synchronization
always @ (posedge mtx_clk_pad_i or posedge r_Rst)
always @ (posedge mtx_clk_pad_i or posedge r_Rst)
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.InvalidSymbol(InvalidSymbol), .LatchedCrcError(LatchedCrcError), .RxLength(RxByteCnt),
.InvalidSymbol(InvalidSymbol), .LatchedCrcError(LatchedCrcError), .RxLength(RxByteCnt),
.RxLateCollision(RxLateCollision), .ShortFrame(ShortFrame), .DribbleNibble(DribbleNibble),
.RxLateCollision(RxLateCollision), .ShortFrame(ShortFrame), .DribbleNibble(DribbleNibble),
.ReceivedPacketTooBig(ReceivedPacketTooBig), .LoadRxStatus(LoadRxStatus)
.ReceivedPacketTooBig(ReceivedPacketTooBig), .LoadRxStatus(LoadRxStatus), .RetryCntLatched(RetryCntLatched),
.ReceivedPacketTooBig(ReceivedPacketTooBig), .LoadRxStatus(LoadRxStatus), .RetryCntLatched(RetryCntLatched),
.RetryLimit(RetryLimit), .LateCollLatched(LateCollLatched), .DeferLatched(DeferLatched),
.RetryLimit(RetryLimit), .LateCollLatched(LateCollLatched), .DeferLatched(DeferLatched),