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Rev 3 Rev 5
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--| @file h2.vhd
--| @file h2.vhd
--| @brief The H2 Processor: J1 processor translation and extension.
--| @brief The H2 Processor: J1 processor translation and extension.
--| Moved bit 12 to bit 4 to allow for more ALU instructions.
--| Moved bit 12 to bit 4 to allow for more ALU instructions.
--| @author         Richard James Howe.
--| @author         Richard James Howe.
--| @copyright      Copyright 2017 Richard James Howe.
--| @copyright      Copyright 2017, 2019 Richard James Howe.
--| @license        MIT
--| @license        MIT
--| @email
--| @email
--| NB. It would be nice to be able to specify the CPU word length with a
--| generic, so we could instantiate a 32-bit CPU if we wanted to.
library ieee,work,std;
library ieee,work,std;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
package h2_pkg is
package h2_pkg is
        subtype word    is std_ulogic_vector(15 downto 0);
        subtype word    is std_ulogic_vector(15 downto 0);
        subtype address is std_ulogic_vector(12 downto 0);
        subtype address is std_ulogic_vector(12 downto 0);
        constant hardware_cpu_id: word   := X"CAFE";
        constant hardware_cpu_id: word   := X"0666";
        constant simulation_cpu_id: word := X"DEAD";
        constant simulation_cpu_id: word := X"1984";
        component h2 is
        component h2 is
                        asynchronous_reset:       boolean  := true; -- use asynchronous reset if true, synchronous if false
                        delay:                    time     := 0 ns; -- simulation only, gate delay
                        cpu_id:                   word     := hardware_cpu_id; -- Value for the CPU ID instruction
                        cpu_id:                   word     := hardware_cpu_id; -- Value for the CPU ID instruction
                        interrupt_address_length: positive := 3;               -- Log_2 of the number of interrupts
                        interrupt_address_length: positive := 3;               -- Log_2 of the number of interrupts
                        start_address:            natural  := 0;               -- Initial program counter value
                        start_address:            natural  := 0;               -- Initial program counter value
                        stack_size_log2:          positive := 6;               -- Log_2 of the Size of the stack
                        stack_size_log2:          positive := 6;               -- Log_2 of the Size of the stack
                        use_interrupts:           boolean  := true);           -- Enable Interrupts in the H2 Core
                        use_interrupts:           boolean  := true             -- Enable Interrupts in the H2 Core
                        clk:      in  std_ulogic;
                        clk:      in  std_ulogic;
                        rst:      in  std_ulogic;
                        rst:      in  std_ulogic; -- active high reset, configurable async/sync
                        -- IO interface
                        stop:     in  std_ulogic; -- Assert high to halt the H2 core
                        stop:     in  std_ulogic; -- Assert high to halt the H2 core
                        -- IO interface
                        io_wr:    out std_ulogic; -- Output Write Enable
                        io_wr:    out std_ulogic; -- Output Write Enable
                        io_re:    out std_ulogic; -- Input  Read  Enable
                        io_re:    out std_ulogic; -- Input  Read  Enable
                        io_din:   in  word;      -- Data  Input from register
                        io_din:   in  word;      -- Data  Input from register
                        io_dout:  out word;      -- Data  Output to register
                        io_dout:  out word;      -- Data  Output to register
                        io_daddr: out word;      -- Data  Address for I/O action
                        io_daddr: out word;      -- Data  Address for I/O action
Line 62... Line 67...
use ieee.math_real.all; -- only needed for calculations relating to generics
use ieee.math_real.all; -- only needed for calculations relating to generics
use work.h2_pkg.all;
use work.h2_pkg.all;
entity h2 is
entity h2 is
                asynchronous_reset:       boolean  := true; -- use asynchronous reset if true, synchronous if false
                delay:                    time     := 0 ns; -- simulation only, gate delay
                cpu_id:                   word     := hardware_cpu_id; -- Value for the CPU ID instruction
                cpu_id:                   word     := hardware_cpu_id; -- Value for the CPU ID instruction
                interrupt_address_length: positive := 3;               -- Log_2 of the number of interrupts
                interrupt_address_length: positive := 3;               -- Log_2 of the number of interrupts
                start_address:            natural  := 0;               -- Initial program counter value
                start_address:            natural  := 0;               -- Initial program counter value
                stack_size_log2:          positive := 6;               -- Log_2 of the Size of the stack
                stack_size_log2:          positive := 6;               -- Log_2 of the Size of the stack
                use_interrupts:           boolean  := true);           -- Enable Interrupts in the H2 Core
                use_interrupts:           boolean  := true);           -- Enable Interrupts in the H2 Core
Line 95... Line 103...
                dout:     out word;       -- RAM data output
                dout:     out word;       -- RAM data output
                daddr:    out address);   -- RAM address
                daddr:    out address);   -- RAM address
architecture rtl of h2 is
architecture rtl of h2 is
        signal pc_c:        address := std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(start_address, address'length));
        signal pc_c:        address := std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(start_address, address'length));
        signal pc_n:        address := (others => '0');
        signal pc_n:        address := (others => '0');
        signal pc_plus_one: address := (others => '0');
        signal pc_plus_one: address := (others => '0');
        constant stack_size: integer := 2 ** stack_size_log2;
        constant stack_size: integer := 2 ** stack_size_log2;
Line 123... Line 130...
                branch0: std_ulogic;
                branch0: std_ulogic;
                call:    std_ulogic;
                call:    std_ulogic;
        end record;
        end record;
        signal is_instr: instruction_info_type := ('0', '0', '0', '0', '0');
        signal is_instr: instruction_info_type := ('0', '0', '0', '0', '0');
        signal is_interrupt: std_ulogic := '0';
        signal is_interrupt: std_ulogic := '0';
        signal is_ram_write: std_ulogic := '0';
        signal is_ram_write: std_ulogic := '0';
        type compare_type is record
        type compare_type is record
                more:  std_ulogic;
                more:  std_ulogic; -- signed greater than; T > N?
                equal: std_ulogic;
                equal: std_ulogic; -- equality; N = T?
                umore: std_ulogic;
                umore: std_ulogic; -- unsigned greater than; T > N?
                zero:  std_ulogic;
                zero:  std_ulogic; -- zero test; T = 0?
        end record;
        end record;
        signal compare: compare_type := ('0', '0', '0', '0');
        signal compare: compare_type := ('0', '0', '0', '0');
        signal int_en_c, int_en_n:     std_ulogic :=  '0'; -- interrupt enable
        signal stop_c:     std_ulogic := '1'; -- processor wait state register (current)
        signal irq_c, irq_n:           std_ulogic :=  '0'; -- interrupt request
        signal stop_n:     std_ulogic := '0'; -- processor wait state register (next)
        signal irq_addr_c, irq_addr_n: std_ulogic_vector(irq_addr'range) :=  (others => '0');
        signal irq_en_c, irq_en_n: std_ulogic := '0'; -- interrupt enable
        signal irq_c, irq_n:       std_ulogic := '0'; -- pending interrupt request
        signal irq_addr_c, irq_addr_n: std_ulogic_vector(irq_addr'range) := (others => '0'); -- address of pending interrupt request vector
        signal tos_c, tos_n: word := (others => '0'); -- top of stack
        signal tos_c, tos_n: word := (others => '0'); -- top of stack
        signal nos:          word := (others => '0'); -- next on stack
        signal nos:          word := (others => '0'); -- next on stack
        signal rtos_c:       word := (others => '0'); -- top of return stack
        signal rtos_c:       word := (others => '0'); -- top of return stack
        signal rstk_data:    word := (others => '0'); -- return stack input
        signal rstk_data:    word := (others => '0'); -- return stack input
        signal aluop:        std_ulogic_vector(4 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- ALU operation
        signal aluop:        std_ulogic_vector(4 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- ALU operation
        signal instruction:  word := (others => '0'); -- processed 'insn'
        assert stack_size > 4 report "stack size too small: " & integer'image(stack_size) severity failure;
        assert stack_size > 4 report "stack size too small: " & integer'image(stack_size) severity failure;
        -- assert dd /= "10" severity warning; -- valid, but odd (now used)
        is_instr.alu     <= '1' when insn(15 downto 13) = "011" else '0';
        is_instr.branch  <= '1' when instruction(15 downto 13) = "000" else '0' after delay;
        is_instr.lit     <= '1' when insn(15)           = '1'   else '0';
        is_instr.branch0 <= '1' when instruction(15 downto 13) = "001" else '0' after delay;
        is_instr.branch  <= '1' when insn(15 downto 13) = "000" else '0';    <= '1' when instruction(15 downto 13) = "010" else '0' after delay;
        is_instr.branch0 <= '1' when insn(15 downto 13) = "001" else '0';
        is_instr.alu     <= '1' when instruction(15 downto 13) = "011" else '0' after delay;    <= '1' when insn(15 downto 13) = "010" else '0';
        is_instr.lit     <= '1' when instruction(15)           = '1'   else '0' after delay;
        is_interrupt     <= '1' when irq_c = '1' and int_en_c = '1' and use_interrupts else '0';
        is_ram_write     <= '1' when is_instr.alu = '1' and instruction(5) = '1' else '0' after delay;
        is_ram_write     <= '1' when is_interrupt = '0' and is_instr.alu = '1' and insn(5) = '1' else '0';
        compare.more     <= '1' when   signed(tos_c) >   signed(nos) else '0' after delay;
        compare.more     <= '1' when signed(tos_c)   > signed(nos)   else '0';
        compare.umore    <= '1' when unsigned(tos_c) > unsigned(nos) else '0' after delay;
        compare.umore    <= '1' when unsigned(tos_c) > unsigned(nos) else '0';
        compare.equal    <= '1' when tos_c = nos else '0' after delay;
        compare.equal    <= '1' when tos_c = nos else '0';     <= '1' when unsigned(tos_c(15 downto 0)) = 0 else '0' after delay;     <= '1' when unsigned(tos_c(15 downto 0)) = 0 else '0';
        nos              <= vstk_ram(to_integer(vstkp_c)) after delay;
        nos              <= vstk_ram(to_integer(vstkp_c));
        rtos_c           <= rstk_ram(to_integer(rstkp_c)) after delay;
        rtos_c           <= rstk_ram(to_integer(rstkp_c));
        pc               <= pc_n after delay;
        pc               <= pc_n;
        pc_plus_one      <= std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(pc_c) + 1) after delay;
        pc_plus_one      <= std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(pc_c) + 1);
        dout             <= nos after delay;
        dout             <= nos;
        daddr            <= tos_c(13 downto 1) when is_ram_write = '1' else tos_n(13 downto 1) after delay;
        daddr            <= tos_c(13 downto 1) when is_ram_write = '1' else tos_n(13 downto 1);
        dwe              <= '1' when is_ram_write = '1' and tos_c(15 downto 14) = "00" else '0' after delay;
        dwe              <= '1' when is_ram_write = '1' and tos_c(15 downto 14) = "00" else '0';
        dre              <= '1' when                        tos_n(15 downto 14) = "00" else '0' after delay;
        dre              <= '1' when tos_n(15 downto 14) = "00" else '0';
        io_dout          <= nos after delay;
        io_dout          <= nos;
        io_daddr         <= tos_c after delay;
        io_daddr         <= tos_c;
        io_wr            <= '1' when is_ram_write = '1' and tos_c(15 downto 14) /= "00" else '0' after delay;
        io_wr            <= '1' when is_ram_write = '1' and tos_c(15 downto 14) /= "00" else '0';
        is_interrupt     <= '1' when irq_c = '1' and irq_en_c = '1' and use_interrupts else '0' after delay;
        dd               <= (0 => insn(0), others => insn(1)); -- sign extend
        irq_n            <= irq after delay;
        rd               <= (0 => insn(2), others => insn(3)); -- sign extend
        irq_addr_n       <= irq_addr after delay;
        dstk_we          <= '1' when is_interrupt = '0' and (is_instr.lit = '1' or (is_instr.alu = '1' and insn(7) = '1')) else '0';
        stop_n           <= stop after delay;
        dd(0)            <= instruction(0) after delay;
        rd(0)            <= instruction(2) after delay;
        dd(dd'high downto 1) <= (others => '1') when instruction(1) = '1' else (others => '0') after delay; -- sign extend
        rd(rd'high downto 1) <= (others => '1') when instruction(3) = '1' else (others => '0') after delay; -- sign extend
        dstk_we          <= '1' when (is_instr.lit = '1' or (is_instr.alu = '1' and instruction(7) = '1')) else '0' after delay;
        next_state: process(clk, rst)
        next_state: process(clk, rst)
                procedure reset is
                if rst = '1' then
                        pc_c       <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(start_address, pc_c'length)) after delay;
                        vstkp_c    <= (others => '0');
                        stop_c     <= '1' after delay; -- start in stopped state
                        rstkp_c    <= (others => '0');
                        vstkp_c    <= (others => '0') after delay;
                        pc_c       <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(start_address, pc_c'length));
                        rstkp_c    <= (others => '0') after delay;
                        tos_c      <= (others => '0');
                        tos_c      <= (others => '0') after delay;
                        int_en_c   <= '0';
                        irq_addr_c <= (others => '0') after delay;
                        irq_c      <= '0';
                        irq_en_c   <= '0' after delay;
                        irq_addr_c <= (others => '0');
                        irq_c      <= '0' after delay;
                end reset;
                if rst = '1' and asynchronous_reset then
                elsif rising_edge(clk) then
                elsif rising_edge(clk) then
                        vstkp_c    <= vstkp_n;
                        if rst = '1' and not asynchronous_reset then
                        rstkp_c    <= rstkp_n;
                        pc_c       <= pc_n;
                        tos_c      <= tos_n;
                                assert stop_c = '0' or (stop_c = '1' and is_instr.branch = '1') severity failure;
                        int_en_c   <= int_en_n;
                                assert (not rstk_we = '1') or (((is_instr.alu = '1' and instruction(6) = '1') or = '1')) severity failure;
                        irq_c      <= irq_n;
                                assert (not dstk_we = '1') or (((is_instr.alu = '1' and instruction(7) = '1') or is_instr.lit = '1')) severity failure;
                        irq_addr_c <= irq_addr_n;
                                pc_c       <= pc_n after delay;
                                stop_c     <= stop_n after delay;
                                vstkp_c    <= vstkp_n after delay;
                                rstkp_c    <= rstkp_n after delay;
                                tos_c      <= tos_n after delay;
                                irq_addr_c <= irq_addr_n after delay;
                                irq_en_c   <= irq_en_n after delay;
                                irq_c      <= irq_n after delay;
                        end if;
                end if;
                end if;
        end process;
        end process;
        stack_write: process(clk)
        stack_write: process(clk)
                if rising_edge(clk) then
                if rising_edge(clk) then
                        if dstk_we = '1' then
                        if dstk_we = '1' then
                                vstk_ram(to_integer(vstkp_n)) <= tos_c;
                                vstk_ram(to_integer(vstkp_n)) <= tos_c after delay;
                        end if;
                        end if;
                        if rstk_we = '1' then
                        if rstk_we = '1' then
                                rstk_ram(to_integer(rstkp_n)) <= rstk_data;
                                rstk_ram(to_integer(rstkp_n)) <= rstk_data after delay;
                        end if;
                        end if;
                end if;
                end if;
        end process;
        end process;
        alu_select: process(insn, is_instr, is_interrupt)
        decode: process(insn, irq_addr_c, is_interrupt, stop_c, pc_c)
                if is_interrupt = '1' or = '1' or is_instr.branch = '1' then
                if stop_c = '1' then -- assert a BRANCH instruction to current location on CPU halt
                        aluop <= (others => '0');
                        instruction <= "000" & pc_c after delay;
                elsif is_interrupt = '1' then -- assemble a CALL instruction on interrupt
                        instruction                   <= (others => '0') after delay;
                        instruction(15 downto 13)     <= "010" after delay;      -- turn into a CALL
                        instruction(irq_addr_c'range) <= irq_addr_c after delay; -- address to call
                        instruction <= insn after delay;
                end if;
        end process;
        alu_select: process(instruction, is_instr)
                if is_instr.lit = '1' then
                        aluop <= "10101" after delay;
                elsif is_instr.branch0 = '1' then
                elsif is_instr.branch0 = '1' then
                        aluop <= (0 => '1', others => '0');
                        aluop <= (0 => '1', others => '0') after delay;
                elsif is_instr.alu = '1' then
                elsif is_instr.alu = '1' then
                        aluop <= insn(12 downto 8);
                        aluop <= instruction(12 downto 8) after delay;
                        aluop <= (others => '0');
                        aluop <= (others => '0') after delay;
                end if;
                end if;
        end process;
        end process;
        alu: process(
        alu_unit: process(
                tos_c, nos, rtos_c,
                tos_c, nos, rtos_c,
                din, insn, aluop,
                din, instruction, aluop,
                vstkp_c, rstkp_c,
                vstkp_c, rstkp_c,
                io_re    <=  '0';      -- hardware reads can have side effects
                io_re    <=  '0';      -- hardware reads can have side effects
                tos_n    <=  tos_c;
                tos_n    <=  tos_c;
                int_en_n <=  int_en_c;
                irq_en_n <= irq_en_c;
        if stop = '1' then
        elsif is_instr.lit = '1' then
                tos_n   <=  "0" & insn(14 downto 0);
                case aluop is
                case aluop is
                when "00000" => tos_n <= tos_c;
                -- Register Operations
                when "00001" => tos_n <= nos;
                when "00000" => tos_n <= tos_c after delay;
                when "01011" => tos_n <= rtos_c;
                when "00001" => tos_n <= nos after delay;
                when "10100" => tos_n <= cpu_id;
                when "01011" => tos_n <= rtos_c after delay;
                when "10100" => tos_n <= cpu_id after delay;
                when "00011" => tos_n <= tos_c and nos;
                when "10101" => tos_n <= "0" & instruction(14 downto 0) after delay; -- undocumented, may be removed
                when "00100" => tos_n <= tos_c or nos;
                -- Logical Operations
                when "00101" => tos_n <= tos_c xor nos;
                when "00011" => tos_n <= tos_c and nos after delay;
                when "00110" => tos_n <= not tos_c;
                when "00100" => tos_n <= tos_c or  nos after delay;
                when "00101" => tos_n <= tos_c xor nos after delay;
                when "00111" => tos_n <= (others => compare.equal);
                when "00110" => tos_n <= not tos_c after delay;
                when "01000" => tos_n <= (others => compare.more);
                -- Comparison Operations
                when "01111" => tos_n <= (others => compare.umore);
                when "00111" => tos_n <= (others => compare.equal) after delay;
                when "10011" => tos_n <= (others =>;
                when "01000" => tos_n <= (others => compare.more) after delay;
                when "01111" => tos_n <= (others => compare.umore) after delay;
                when "01001" => tos_n <= word(unsigned(nos) srl to_integer(unsigned(tos_c(3 downto 0))));
                when "10011" => tos_n <= (others => after delay;
                when "01101" => tos_n <= word(unsigned(nos) sll to_integer(unsigned(tos_c(3 downto 0))));
                -- Arithmetic Operations
                when "00010" => tos_n <= word(unsigned(nos) + unsigned(tos_c));
                when "01001" => tos_n <= word(unsigned(nos) srl to_integer(unsigned(tos_c(3 downto 0)))) after delay;
                when "01010" => tos_n <= word(unsigned(tos_c) - 1);
                when "01101" => tos_n <= word(unsigned(nos) sll to_integer(unsigned(tos_c(3 downto 0)))) after delay;
                when "00010" => tos_n <= word(unsigned(nos) + unsigned(tos_c)) after delay;
                when "01100" =>
                when "01010" => tos_n <= word(unsigned(tos_c) - 1) after delay;
                        -- input: 0x4000 - 0x7FFF is external input
                -- Input (output is handled elsewhere)
                when "01100" => -- input: 0x4000 - 0x7FFF is external input
                        if tos_c(15 downto 14) /= "00" then
                        if tos_c(15 downto 14) /= "00" then
                                tos_n <= io_din;
                                tos_n <= io_din after delay;
                                io_re <= '1';
                                io_re <= '1' after delay;
                                tos_n <= din;
                                tos_n <= din after delay;
                        end if;
                        end if;
                when "01110" => tos_n <= (others => '0');
                -- Stack Depth
                                tos_n(vstkp_c'range) <= std_ulogic_vector(vstkp_c);
                when "01110" => tos_n <= (others => '0') after delay;
                when "10010" => tos_n <= (others => '0');
                                tos_n(vstkp_c'range) <= std_ulogic_vector(vstkp_c) after delay;
                                tos_n(rstkp_c'range) <= std_ulogic_vector(rstkp_c);
                when "10010" => tos_n <= (others => '0') after delay;
                                tos_n(rstkp_c'range) <= std_ulogic_vector(rstkp_c) after delay;
                when "10001" => tos_n    <= (others => int_en_c);
                -- CPU Status Set/Get
                when "10000" => int_en_n <= tos_c(0);
                when "10001" => tos_n    <= (others => '0') after delay;
                                tos_n(0) <= irq_en_c after delay;
                when others  => tos_n <= tos_c;
                when "10000" => tos_n    <= nos after delay;
                                irq_en_n <= tos_c(0) after delay;
                -- Default/Invalid instructions
                when others  => tos_n <= tos_c after delay;
                                report "Invalid ALU operation: " & integer'image(to_integer(unsigned(aluop))) severity error;
                                report "Invalid ALU operation: " & integer'image(to_integer(unsigned(aluop))) severity error;
                end case;
                end case;
        end if;
        end process;
        end process;
        stack_update: process(
        stack_update: process(
                pc_c, insn, tos_c,
                pc_c, instruction, tos_c,
                vstkp_c, dd,
                vstkp_c, dd,
                rstkp_c, rd,
                rstkp_c, rd,
                is_instr, is_interrupt, pc_plus_one, stop)
                is_instr, pc_plus_one, is_interrupt)
                vstkp_n   <= vstkp_c;
                vstkp_n   <= vstkp_c;
                rstkp_n   <= rstkp_c;
                rstkp_n   <= rstkp_c;
                rstk_we   <= '0';
                rstk_we   <= '0';
                rstk_data <= "00" & pc_plus_one & "0";
                rstk_data <= "00" & pc_plus_one & "0";
                if stop = '1' then -- Do nothing
                if is_instr.lit = '1' then
                elsif is_interrupt = '1' then -- Interrupts are similar to a call
                        rstkp_n   <= rstkp_c + 1;
                        rstk_we   <= '1';
                        rstk_data <= "00" & pc_c & "0";
                elsif is_instr.lit = '1' then
                        assert to_integer(vstkp_c) + 1 < stack_size;
                        assert to_integer(vstkp_c) + 1 < stack_size;
                        vstkp_n   <= vstkp_c + 1;
                        vstkp_n   <= vstkp_c + 1 after delay;
                elsif is_instr.alu = '1' then
                end if;
                        assert (not insn(6) = '1') or ((to_integer(rstkp_c) + to_integer(signed(rd))) < stack_size);
                if is_instr.alu = '1' then
                        assert (not instruction(6) = '1') or ((to_integer(rstkp_c) + to_integer(signed(rd))) < stack_size);
                        assert                        ((to_integer(vstkp_c) + to_integer(signed(dd))) < stack_size);
                        assert                        ((to_integer(vstkp_c) + to_integer(signed(dd))) < stack_size);
                        rstk_we   <= insn(6);
                        rstk_we   <= instruction(6) after delay;
                        rstk_data <= tos_c;
                        rstk_data <= tos_c after delay;
                        vstkp_n   <= vstkp_c + unsigned(dd);
                        vstkp_n   <= vstkp_c + unsigned(dd) after delay;
                        rstkp_n   <= rstkp_c + unsigned(rd);
                        rstkp_n   <= rstkp_c + unsigned(rd) after delay;
                elsif is_instr.branch0 = '1' then
                end if;
                        vstkp_n   <= vstkp_c - 1;
                if is_instr.branch0 = '1' then
                elsif = '1' then
                        vstkp_n   <= (vstkp_c - 1) after delay;
                        rstkp_n   <= rstkp_c + 1;
                end if;
                        rstk_we   <= '1';
                if = '1' then
                        if is_interrupt = '1' then
                                rstk_data <= "00" & pc_c & "0" after delay;
                        end if;
                        rstkp_n   <= rstkp_c + 1 after delay;
                        rstk_we   <= '1' after delay;
                end if;
                end if;
        end process;
        end process;
        pc_update: process(
        pc_update: process(
                pc_c,insn, rtos_c, pc_plus_one,
                instruction, rtos_c, pc_plus_one,
                is_interrupt, irq_c, irq_addr_c, irq_addr,irq,
                pc_n       <= pc_c;
                irq_n      <= irq_c;
                irq_addr_n <= irq_addr_c;
                irq_n      <= irq;
                if irq = '1' then irq_addr_n <= irq_addr; end if;
                if stop = '1' then
                elsif is_interrupt = '1' then -- Update PC on interrupt
                        irq_n      <= '0';
                        irq_addr_n <= (others => '0');
                        pc_n       <= (others => '0');
                        pc_n(irq_addr'range) <= irq_addr_c;
                else -- Update PC on normal operations
                        pc_n <=  pc_plus_one;
                        if is_instr.branch = '1' or (is_instr.branch0 = '1' and = '1') or = '1' then
                        if is_instr.branch = '1' or (is_instr.branch0 = '1' and = '1') or = '1' then
                                pc_n <=  insn(12 downto 0);
                        pc_n <=  instruction(12 downto 0) after delay;
                        elsif is_instr.alu = '1' and insn(4) = '1' then
                elsif is_instr.alu = '1' and instruction(4) = '1' then
                                pc_n <=  rtos_c(13 downto 1);
                        pc_n <=  rtos_c(13 downto 1) after delay;
                        end if;
                        pc_n <= pc_plus_one after delay;
                end if;
                end if;
        end process;
        end process;
end architecture;
end architecture;
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