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-- FILE: uart.vhd
--| @file uart.vhd
-- BRIEF: UART TX/RX module
--| @brief implements a universal asynchronous receiver transmitter with
--| parameterisable baud rate. tested on a spartan 6 lx9 connected to a
-- COPYRIGHT: Richard James Howe (2019)
--| silicon labs cp210 usb-uart bridge.
-- The UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) is one of the simplest
--| @author peter a bennett
-- serial communication methods available. It is often used for debugging, for
--| @copyright (c) 2012 peter a bennett
-- issuing commands to embedded devices and sometimes even for uploading firmware
--| @license Apache 2.0
-- to devices. The data format and speed are configurable but there is no method
--| @email
-- for automatically configuring a UART, both sides must have agreed on the
--| @contact
-- settings before hand. Configurable options include; baud, use of an
-- even of odd parity bit, number of data bits and number of stop bits.
--| See
-- The clock is not transmitted as part of the signal (which is why baud
--| There have been many changes to the original code, consult the git logs
-- must be agreed upon before hand), a single packet starts with a 'start bit',
--| for a full list of changes.
-- where the line goes low. The receiver must synchronize to this start bit (it
-- resets the clock that generates pulse at the sample rate and baud when it
--| @note Changes made to range to stop Xilinx warnings and with formatting,
-- encounters a start bit).
--| the UART has also been wrapped up in a package and top level component
--| (called "uart_top") to make the interface easier to use and less confusing.
-- A transmission with 8 data bits, 1 parity bit and 1 stop bit looks like
--| This has not be tested yet.
-- this:
-- ____ ______________________________ ________________
--| @note Somewhere along the chain from the computer, to the Nexys3 board,
-- \_/|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|P|S| \_/
--| to the UART module, and finally to the H2 core, bytes are being lost in
-- Start Data Parity Stop |--- More data --->
--| transmission from the computer. This UART really should be buffered
--| as well.
-- Start bits are always low, stop bits high. The most common format is
-- 8 data bits, no parity bit, and 1 stop bit at either 9600 or 115200 baud.
--| START 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 STOP
--| ----\_/-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-------
-- For the receiver a clock that is a multiple of the baud is used so the
-- bits can be sampled with a higher frequency than the bit rate.
library ieee;
-- Some notes:
-- * We can transmit from an 8-bit UART to a less than 8-bit UART fine, so
-- long as parity is not used, as
-- * Certain UARTs have the ability to transmit a BREAK signal by holding
-- the line low for a period greater than the packet length. We can transmit
-- that by lowering the baud rate and transmitting all zeroes. Receiving a
-- break (correctly) would require changing the receiver.
-- See:
-- * <>
-- NOTE: We could replace this entire package with an entirely software driven
-- solution. The only hardware we would need two timers driven at the sample
-- rate (one for RX, one for TX) and a deglitched RX signal. An interrupt
-- would be generated on the timers expiry.
library ieee, work;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.util.common_generics;
package uart_pkg is
package uart_pkg is
constant uart_8N1: std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0) := "10000100";
component uart_top is
component uart_tx is
generic (baud_rate: positive; clock_frequency: positive; fifo_depth: positive := 8);
generic (g: common_generics; N: positive; format: std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0) := uart_8N1);
port (
port (
clk: in std_ulogic;
clk: in std_ulogic;
rst: in std_ulogic;
rst: in std_ulogic;
cr: out std_ulogic;
baud: in std_ulogic; -- Pulse at baud
tx: out std_ulogic;
ok: out std_ulogic;
ctr: in std_ulogic_vector(format'range);
ctr_we: in std_ulogic;
we: in std_ulogic; -- di write enable
di: in std_ulogic_vector(N - 1 downto 0));
end component;
rx_data: out std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
component uart_rx is
rx_fifo_empty: out std_ulogic;
generic (g: common_generics; N: positive; D: positive; format: std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0) := uart_8N1);
rx_fifo_full: out std_ulogic;
port (
rx_data_re: in std_ulogic;
clk: in std_ulogic;
rst: in std_ulogic;
cr: out std_ulogic;
baud, sample: in std_ulogic;
failed: out std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0);
ctr: in std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
ctr_we: in std_ulogic;
rx: in std_ulogic;
we: out std_ulogic;
do: out std_ulogic_vector(N - 1 downto 0));
end component;
tx_data: in std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
component uart_baud is -- Generates a pulse at the sample rate and baud
tx_fifo_full: out std_ulogic;
generic (g: common_generics; init: integer; N: positive := 16; D: positive := 3);
tx_fifo_empty: out std_ulogic;
port (
tx_data_we: in std_ulogic;
clk: in std_ulogic;
rst: in std_ulogic;
we: in std_ulogic;
cnt: in std_ulogic_vector(N - 1 downto 0);
cr: in std_ulogic := '0';
sample: out std_ulogic;
baud: out std_ulogic);
end component;
tx: out std_ulogic;
component uart_core is
rx: in std_ulogic);
generic (g: common_generics; baud: positive := 115200; format: std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0) := uart_8N1);
port (
clk: in std_ulogic;
rst: in std_ulogic;
tx: out std_ulogic;
tx_ok: out std_ulogic;
tx_we: in std_ulogic;
tx_di: in std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
rx: in std_ulogic;
rx_ok: out std_ulogic;
rx_nd: out std_ulogic;
rx_re: in std_ulogic;
rx_do: out std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
reg: in std_ulogic_vector(15 downto 0);
clock_reg_tx_we: in std_ulogic;
clock_reg_rx_we: in std_ulogic;
control_reg_we: in std_ulogic);
end component;
end component;
component uart_core is
component uart_top is
generic (baud_rate: positive; clock_frequency: positive);
generic (
g: common_generics;
baud: positive := 115200;
format: std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0) := uart_8N1;
use_fifo: boolean := false);
port (
port (
clk: in std_ulogic;
clk: in std_ulogic;
rst: in std_ulogic;
rst: in std_ulogic;
din: in std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
din_stb: in std_ulogic;
din_ack: out std_ulogic := '0';
din_busy: out std_ulogic;
dout: out std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
dout_stb: out std_ulogic;
dout_ack: in std_ulogic;
dout_busy: out std_ulogic;
tx: out std_ulogic;
tx: out std_ulogic;
rx: in std_ulogic);
tx_fifo_full: out std_ulogic;
tx_fifo_empty: out std_ulogic;
tx_fifo_we: in std_ulogic;
tx_fifo_data: in std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
rx: in std_ulogic;
rx_fifo_full: out std_ulogic;
rx_fifo_empty: out std_ulogic;
rx_fifo_re: in std_ulogic;
rx_fifo_data: out std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
reg: in std_ulogic_vector(15 downto 0);
clock_reg_tx_we: in std_ulogic;
clock_reg_rx_we: in std_ulogic;
control_reg_we: in std_ulogic);
end component;
end component;
end package;
component uart_tb is
generic(g: common_generics);
end component;
---- UART Package --------------------------------------------------------------
constant ctr_use_parity: integer := 0;
constant ctr_even_parity: integer := 1;
function ctr_stop_bits(ctr: std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0)) return integer;
function ctr_data_bits(ctr: std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0)) return integer;
end package;
---- UART Top ------------------------------------------------------------------
package body uart_pkg is
function ctr_stop_bits(ctr: std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0)) return integer is
variable ii: std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0);
ii := ctr(3 downto 2);
return to_integer(unsigned(ii));
end function;
function ctr_data_bits(ctr: std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0)) return integer is
variable ii: std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
ii := ctr(7 downto 4);
return to_integer(unsigned(ii));
end function;
library ieee;
library ieee, work;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.util.fifo;
use work.uart_pkg.all;
use work.uart_pkg.uart_core;
use work.util.common_generics;
entity uart_top is
entity uart_top is
generic (baud_rate: positive; clock_frequency: positive; fifo_depth: positive := 8);
generic (
g: common_generics;
baud: positive := 115200;
format: std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0) := uart_8N1;
use_fifo: boolean := false);
port (
port (
clk: in std_ulogic;
clk: in std_ulogic;
rst: in std_ulogic;
rst: in std_ulogic;
rx_data: out std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
tx: out std_ulogic;
rx_fifo_empty: out std_ulogic;
rx_fifo_full: out std_ulogic;
rx_data_re: in std_ulogic;
tx_data: in std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
tx_fifo_full: out std_ulogic;
tx_fifo_full: out std_ulogic;
tx_fifo_empty: out std_ulogic;
tx_fifo_empty: out std_ulogic;
tx_data_we: in std_ulogic;
tx_fifo_we: in std_ulogic;
tx_fifo_data: in std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
tx: out std_ulogic;
rx: in std_ulogic;
rx: in std_ulogic);
rx_fifo_full: out std_ulogic;
rx_fifo_empty: out std_ulogic;
rx_fifo_re: in std_ulogic;
rx_fifo_data: out std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
reg: in std_ulogic_vector(15 downto 0);
clock_reg_tx_we: in std_ulogic;
clock_reg_rx_we: in std_ulogic;
control_reg_we: in std_ulogic);
end entity;
end entity;
architecture behav of uart_top is
architecture structural of uart_top is
signal rx_sync, rx_uart, tx_uart: std_ulogic := '0';
constant fifo_depth: positive := 8;
signal rx_ok, rx_nd, rx_push, rx_re: std_ulogic;
signal rx_pushed: std_ulogic_vector(rx_fifo_data'range);
signal tx_pop, tx_ok: std_ulogic;
signal tx_popped: std_ulogic_vector(tx_fifo_data'range);
signal tx_fifo_empty_b, rx_fifo_full_b: std_ulogic;
uart_core_0: work.uart_pkg.uart_core
generic map(g => g, baud => baud, format => format)
port map(
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
signal din: std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');
tx => tx,
signal din_stb: std_ulogic := '0';
tx_we => tx_pop,
signal din_ack: std_ulogic := '0';
tx_di => tx_popped,
signal din_busy: std_ulogic := '0';
tx_ok => tx_ok,
rx => rx,
rx_nd => rx_nd,
rx_ok => rx_ok,
rx_do => rx_pushed,
rx_re => rx_push,
reg => reg,
clock_reg_rx_we => clock_reg_rx_we,
clock_reg_tx_we => clock_reg_tx_we,
control_reg_we => control_reg_we);
ugen0: if not use_fifo generate
tx_pop <= tx_fifo_we;
tx_popped <= tx_fifo_data;
tx_fifo_full <= not tx_ok;
tx_fifo_empty <= tx_ok;
rx_push <= rx_fifo_re;
rx_fifo_data <= rx_pushed;
rx_fifo_full <= rx_nd;
rx_fifo_empty <= not rx_nd;
end generate;
ugen1: if use_fifo generate
tx_fifo_empty <= tx_fifo_empty_b;
tx_pop <= tx_ok and not tx_fifo_empty_b;
uart_fifo_tx_0: work.util.fifo
generic map(g => g,
data_width => tx_fifo_data'length,
fifo_depth => fifo_depth)
port map (clk => clk, rst => rst,
di => tx_fifo_data,
we => tx_fifo_we,
re => tx_pop,
do => tx_popped,
full => tx_fifo_full, empty => tx_fifo_empty_b);
rx_fifo_full <= rx_fifo_full_b;
rx_push <= rx_nd and rx_ok and not rx_fifo_full_b;
uart_fifo_rx_0: work.util.fifo
generic map(g => g,
data_width => rx_fifo_data'length,
fifo_depth => fifo_depth,
read_first => false)
port map (clk => clk, rst => rst,
di => rx_pushed,
we => rx_push,
re => rx_fifo_re,
do => rx_fifo_data,
full => rx_fifo_full_b, empty => rx_fifo_empty);
end generate;
end architecture;
signal dout: std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');
library ieee, work;
signal dout_stb: std_ulogic := '0';
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
signal dout_ack: std_ulogic := '0';
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
signal dout_busy: std_ulogic := '0';
use work.uart_pkg.all;
use work.util.common_generics;
signal tx_fifo_re: std_ulogic := '0';
entity uart_core is
signal tx_fifo_empty_internal: std_ulogic := '1';
generic (
signal tx_fifo_full_internal: std_ulogic := '0';
g: common_generics;
baud: positive := 115200;
format: std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0) := uart_8N1);
port (
clk: in std_ulogic;
rst: in std_ulogic;
signal wrote_c, wrote_n: std_ulogic := '0';
tx: out std_ulogic; -- physical UART TX signal
tx_ok: out std_ulogic; -- not busy
tx_we: in std_ulogic; -- write data
tx_di: in std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
rx: in std_ulogic; -- physical UART RX signal
rx_ok: out std_ulogic; -- data has no errors (parity or frame)
rx_re: in std_ulogic; -- read data
rx_nd: out std_ulogic; -- new data available
rx_do: out std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
reg: in std_ulogic_vector(15 downto 0);
clock_reg_tx_we: in std_ulogic;
clock_reg_rx_we: in std_ulogic;
control_reg_we: in std_ulogic);
end entity;
architecture structural of uart_core is
uart_deglitch: process (clk, rst)
constant tx_init: integer := g.clock_frequency / (baud * 16); -- 54 = 115200 @ 100 MHz
constant rx_init: positive := tx_init - 1; -- 50 = 115200 @ 100 MHz + Fudge Factor
if rst = '1' then
constant N: positive := 8;
wrote_c <= '0';
signal tx_sample, tx_baud, tx_cr: std_ulogic;
signal rx_sample, rx_baud, rx_cr, rx_we: std_ulogic;
signal rx_fail: std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal rx_ok_buf: std_ulogic;
signal do, do_c, do_n: std_ulogic_vector(rx_do'range);
signal fail_c, fail_n: std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal nd_c, nd_n: std_ulogic; -- new data
rx_ok_buf <= not (fail_c(0) or fail_c(1)) after g.delay;
rx_ok <= rx_ok_buf;
rx_do <= do after g.delay;
rx_nd <= nd_c and rx_ok_buf after g.delay; -- no new data if there are errors
process (clk, rst)
if rst = '1' and g.asynchronous_reset then
do_c <= (others => '0') after g.delay;
fail_c <= (others => '0') after g.delay;
nd_c <= '0' after g.delay;
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
rx_sync <= rx;
if rst = '1' and not g.asynchronous_reset then
rx_uart <= rx_sync;
do_c <= (others => '0') after g.delay;
tx <= tx_uart;
fail_c <= (others => '0') after g.delay;
wrote_c <= wrote_n;
nd_c <= '0' after g.delay;
do_c <= do_n after g.delay;
nd_c <= nd_n after g.delay;
fail_c <= fail_n after g.delay;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end process;
process(dout_stb, tx_fifo_empty_internal, tx_fifo_full_internal, din_ack, wrote_c, din_busy)
process (do_c, do, nd_c, rx_we, rx_re, fail_c, rx_fail)
dout_ack <= '0';
do_n <= do_c after g.delay;
din_stb <= '0';
nd_n <= nd_c after g.delay;
tx_fifo_re <= '0';
fail_n <= fail_c after g.delay;
wrote_n <= wrote_c;
if rx_we = '1' then
nd_n <= '1' after g.delay;
if dout_stb = '1' then
do_n <= do after g.delay;
dout_ack <= '1';
fail_n <= rx_fail after g.delay;
end if;
elsif rx_re = '1' then
nd_n <= '0' after g.delay;
if tx_fifo_empty_internal = '0' and tx_fifo_full_internal = '0' and din_busy = '0' then
tx_fifo_re <= '1';
wrote_n <= '1';
elsif din_ack = '0' and wrote_c = '1' then
--elsif wrote_c = '1' then
-- assert din_ack = '1' on the next cycle?
din_stb <= '1';
wrote_n <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
end process;
rx_fifo: work.util.fifo
baud_tx: work.uart_pkg.uart_baud
generic map (
generic map(g => g, init => tx_init, N => reg'length, D => 3)
data_width => 8,
fifo_depth => fifo_depth)
port map(
port map(
clk => clk,
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
rst => rst,
di => dout,
we => clock_reg_tx_we,
we => dout_stb,
cnt => reg, -- 0x32/50 is 152000 @ 100MHz clk
re => rx_data_re,
cr => tx_cr,
do => rx_data,
sample => tx_sample,
full => rx_fifo_full,
baud => tx_baud);
empty => rx_fifo_empty);
baud_rx: work.uart_pkg.uart_baud
tx_fifo: work.util.fifo
generic map(g => g, init => rx_init, N => reg'length, D => 3)
generic map (
data_width => 8,
fifo_depth => fifo_depth)
port map(
port map(
clk => clk,
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
rst => rst,
di => tx_data,
we => clock_reg_rx_we,
we => tx_data_we,
cnt => reg,
re => tx_fifo_re,
cr => rx_cr,
do => din,
sample => rx_sample,
full => tx_fifo_full_internal,
baud => rx_baud);
empty => tx_fifo_empty_internal);
tx_0: work.uart_pkg.uart_tx
tx_fifo_empty <= tx_fifo_empty_internal;
generic map(g => g, N => N, format => format)
-- @bug This is a hack, it should be just 'tx_fifo_full_internal', but
-- it does not work correctly, so as a temporary hack the busy signal
-- is or'd in so the data source can block until the FIFO is 'not full'
-- and not lose any data thinking it has been transmitted.
tx_fifo_full <= '1' when tx_fifo_full_internal = '1' or din_busy = '1' else '0';
uart: work.uart_pkg.uart_core
generic map(
baud_rate => baud_rate,
clock_frequency => clock_frequency)
port map(
port map(
clk => clk,
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
rst => rst,
din => din,
din_stb => din_stb,
din_ack => din_ack,
din_busy => din_busy,
dout => dout,
dout_stb => dout_stb,
dout_ack => dout_ack,
dout_busy=> dout_busy,
rx => rx_uart,
tx => tx_uart);
cr => tx_cr,
baud => tx_baud,
ok => tx_ok,
we => tx_we,
ctr => reg(reg'high downto reg'high - 7),
ctr_we => control_reg_we,
di => tx_di,
tx => tx);
---- UART Top ------------------------------------------------------------------
rx_0: work.uart_pkg.uart_rx
generic map(g => g, N => N, D => 3, format => format)
---- UART Core -----------------------------------------------------------------
port map(
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
library ieee;
baud => rx_baud,
sample => rx_sample,
cr => rx_cr,
failed => rx_fail,
ctr => reg(reg'low + 7 downto reg'low),
ctr_we => control_reg_we,
we => rx_we,
do => do,
rx => rx);
end architecture;
-- This module generates a sample pulse and a baud pulse. The sample rate
-- can be controlled by setting 'cnt'. This sample rate is then divided by
-- 2^(D+1) to get the baud.
library ieee, work;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.uart_pkg.all;
use work.util.common_generics;
entity uart_core is
entity uart_baud is
generic(baud_rate: positive; clock_frequency: positive);
generic (g: common_generics; init: integer; N: positive := 16; D: positive := 3);
clk: in std_ulogic;
clk: in std_ulogic;
rst: in std_ulogic;
rst: in std_ulogic;
din: in std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
din_stb: in std_ulogic;
din_ack: out std_ulogic := '0';
din_busy: out std_ulogic;
dout: out std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
dout_stb: out std_ulogic;
dout_ack: in std_ulogic;
dout_busy: out std_ulogic;
tx: out std_ulogic;
we: in std_ulogic;
rx: in std_ulogic);
cnt: in std_ulogic_vector(N - 1 downto 0);
end entity;
cr: in std_ulogic := '0';
architecture behav of uart_core is
sample: out std_ulogic; -- sample pulse
baud: out std_ulogic); -- baud (sample rate / 2^(D+1))
end entity;
constant uart_tx_count_max: positive := 7;
architecture behaviour of uart_baud is
constant uart_rx_count_max: positive := 7;
constant cmp_init: std_ulogic_vector := std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(init, cnt'length));
signal cmp_c, cmp_n: std_ulogic_vector(cnt'range) := cmp_init;
-- baud generation
signal cnt_c, cnt_n: std_ulogic_vector(cnt'range) := (others => '0');
signal div_c, div_n: std_ulogic_vector(D downto 0) := (others => '0');
constant c_tx_divider_val: integer := clock_frequency / baud_rate;
signal pul_c, pul_n: std_ulogic := '0';
constant c_rx_divider_val: integer := clock_frequency / (baud_rate * 16);
signal pulse: std_ulogic := '0';
signal baud_counter: integer range 0 to c_tx_divider_val;
pulse <= (not cr) and pul_n and (pul_c xor pul_n) after g.delay; -- rising edge detector
signal baud_tick: std_ulogic := '0';
baud <= (not cr) and div_n(div_n'high) and (div_c(div_c'high) xor div_n(div_n'high)) after g.delay;
signal oversample_baud_counter: integer range 0 to c_rx_divider_val := 0;
sample <= pulse;
signal oversample_baud_tick: std_ulogic := '0';
process (clk, rst)
-- transmitter signals
if rst = '1' and g.asynchronous_reset then
cmp_c <= cmp_init after g.delay;
type uart_tx_states is (idle,
cnt_c <= (others => '0') after g.delay;
div_c <= (others => '0') after g.delay;
pul_c <= '0' after g.delay;
signal uart_tx_state: uart_tx_states := idle;
signal uart_tx_data_block: std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal uart_tx_data: std_ulogic := '1';
signal uart_tx_count: integer range 0 to uart_tx_count_max := 0;
signal uart_rx_data_in_ack: std_ulogic := '0';
-- receiver signals
type uart_rx_states is (rx_wait_start_synchronise,
signal uart_rx_state: uart_rx_states := rx_get_start_bit;
signal uart_rx_bit: std_ulogic := '1'; -- @note should the be 0 or 1?
signal uart_rx_data_block: std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal uart_rx_data_vec: std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal uart_rx_filter: unsigned(1 downto 0) := (others => '1');
signal uart_rx_count: integer range 0 to uart_rx_count_max := 0;
signal uart_rx_data_out_stb: std_ulogic := '0';
signal uart_rx_bit_spacing: unsigned (3 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal uart_rx_bit_tick: std_ulogic := '0';
din_ack <= uart_rx_data_in_ack;
dout <= uart_rx_data_block;
dout_stb <= uart_rx_data_out_stb;
tx <= uart_tx_data;
din_busy <= '0' when uart_tx_state = idle else '1';
dout_busy <= '0' when uart_rx_state = rx_get_start_bit or uart_rx_state = rx_send_block else '1';
-- the input clk is 100MHz, this needs to be divided down to the
-- rate dictated by the baud_rate. for example, if 115200 baud is selected
-- (115200 baud = 115200 bps - 115.2kbps) a tick must be generated once
-- every 1/115200
tx_clk_divider: process (clk, rst)
if rst = '1' then
baud_counter <= 0;
baud_tick <= '0';
elsif rising_edge (clk) then
elsif rising_edge (clk) then
if baud_counter = c_tx_divider_val then
if rst = '1' and not g.asynchronous_reset then
baud_counter <= 0;
cmp_c <= cmp_init after g.delay;
baud_tick <= '1';
cnt_c <= (others => '0') after g.delay;
div_c <= (others => '0') after g.delay;
pul_c <= '0' after g.delay;
baud_counter <= baud_counter + 1;
cmp_c <= cmp_n after g.delay;
baud_tick <= '0';
cnt_c <= cnt_n after g.delay;
div_c <= div_n after g.delay;
pul_c <= pul_n after g.delay;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end process;
-- get data from din and send it one bit at a time
process (pulse, div_c, cr, we)
-- upon each baud tick. lsb first.
-- wait 1 tick, send start bit (0), send data 0-7, send stop bit (1)
uart_send_data: process(clk, rst)
if rst = '1' then
div_n <= div_c after g.delay;
uart_tx_data <= '1';
if cr = '1' or we = '1' then
uart_tx_data_block <= (others => '0');
div_n <= (others => '0') after g.delay;
uart_tx_count <= 0;
div_n(div_n'high) <= '1' after g.delay;
uart_tx_state <= idle;
elsif pulse = '1' then
uart_rx_data_in_ack <= '0';
div_n <= std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(div_c) + 1) after g.delay;
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
uart_rx_data_in_ack <= '0';
case uart_tx_state is
when idle =>
if din_stb = '1' then
uart_tx_data_block <= din;
uart_rx_data_in_ack <= '1';
uart_tx_state <= wait_for_tick;
end if;
when wait_for_tick =>
if baud_tick = '1' then
uart_tx_state <= send_start_bit;
end if;
when send_start_bit =>
if baud_tick = '1' then
uart_tx_data <= '0';
uart_tx_state <= transmit_data;
uart_tx_count <= 0;
end if;
when transmit_data =>
if baud_tick = '1' then
if uart_tx_count < uart_tx_count_max then
uart_tx_data <= uart_tx_data_block(uart_tx_count);
uart_tx_count <= uart_tx_count + 1;
uart_tx_data <= uart_tx_data_block(7);
uart_tx_count <= 0;
uart_tx_state <= send_stop_bit;
end if;
end if;
when send_stop_bit =>
if baud_tick = '1' then
uart_tx_data <= '1';
uart_tx_state <= idle;
end if;
when others =>
uart_tx_data <= '1';
uart_tx_state <= idle;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end process;
-- generate an oversampled tick (baud * 16)
process (cmp_c, cnt_c, we, cnt, cr)
oversample_clk_divider: process (clk, rst)
if rst = '1' then
cmp_n <= cmp_c after g.delay;
oversample_baud_counter <= 0;
cnt_n <= cnt_c after g.delay;
oversample_baud_tick <= '0';
elsif rising_edge (clk) then
if we = '1' then
if oversample_baud_counter = c_rx_divider_val then
cmp_n <= cnt after g.delay;
oversample_baud_counter <= 0;
cnt_n <= (others => '0') after g.delay;
oversample_baud_tick <= '1';
pul_n <= '0' after g.delay;
elsif cr = '1' then
cnt_n <= (others => '0') after g.delay;
pul_n <= '0' after g.delay;
elsif cnt_c = cmp_c then
cnt_n <= (others => '0') after g.delay;
pul_n <= '1' after g.delay;
oversample_baud_counter <= oversample_baud_counter + 1;
cnt_n <= std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(cnt_c) + 1) after g.delay;
oversample_baud_tick <= '0';
pul_n <= '0' after g.delay;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end process;
end architecture;
library ieee, work;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.uart_pkg.all;
use work.util.common_generics;
use work.util.parity;
entity uart_rx is
generic (
g: common_generics;
N: positive;
D: positive;
format: std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0) := uart_8N1);
port (
clk: in std_ulogic;
rst: in std_ulogic;
cr: out std_ulogic; -- reset sample/baud clock when start bit detected
baud, sample: in std_ulogic; -- pulses at baud and sample rate
failed: out std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0);
ctr: in std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
ctr_we: in std_ulogic;
rx: in std_ulogic; -- physical RX signal
we: out std_ulogic; -- write 'do' to output register
do: out std_ulogic_vector(N - 1 downto 0));
end entity;
-- synchronise rxd to the oversampled baud
architecture behaviour of uart_rx is
rxd_synchronise: process(clk, rst)
type state is (reset, idle, start, data, parity, stop, done);
signal state_c, state_n: state;
signal ctr_c, ctr_n: std_ulogic_vector(ctr'range);
signal rx_c, rx_n: std_ulogic_vector(do'range);
signal sr_c, sr_n: std_ulogic_vector(D - 1 downto 0);
signal rx_sync: std_ulogic;
signal count_c, count_n: integer range 0 to N - 1;
signal majority: std_ulogic;
signal fail_c, fail_n: std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0);
do <= rx_c after g.delay;
failed <= fail_c after g.delay;
assert D < 4 severity failure;
majority_1: if D = 1 generate
majority <= sr_c(0) after g.delay;
end generate;
majority_2: if D = 2 generate
majority <= sr_c(0) and sr_c(1) after g.delay; -- even wins is 'sr_c(0) or sr_c(1)'
end generate;
majority_3: if D = 3 generate
majority <= (sr_c(0) and sr_c(1)) or (sr_c(1) and sr_c(2)) or (sr_c(0) and sr_c(2)) after g.delay;
end generate;
process (clk, rst)
procedure reset is
rx_c <= (others => '0') after g.delay;
sr_c <= (others => '0') after g.delay;
fail_c <= (others => '0') after g.delay;
ctr_c <= (others => '0') after g.delay;
state_c <= reset after g.delay;
count_c <= 0 after g.delay;
rx_sync <= '0' after g.delay;
end procedure;
if rst = '1' then
if rst = '1' and g.asynchronous_reset then
uart_rx_data_vec <= (others => '0');
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if oversample_baud_tick = '1' then
if rst = '1' and not g.asynchronous_reset then
uart_rx_data_vec(0) <= rx;
uart_rx_data_vec(1) <= uart_rx_data_vec(0);
rx_c <= rx_n after g.delay;
sr_c <= sr_n after g.delay;
state_c <= state_n after g.delay;
count_c <= count_n after g.delay;
fail_c <= fail_n after g.delay;
ctr_c <= ctr_n after g.delay;
rx_sync <= rx after g.delay;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end process;
-- filter rxd with a 2 bit counter.
process (rx_c, sr_c, ctr_c, ctr_we, ctr, state_c, rx_sync, baud, sample, count_c, fail_c, majority)
rxd_filter: process(clk, rst)
if rst = '1' then
fail_n <= fail_c after g.delay;
uart_rx_filter <= (others => '1');
rx_n <= rx_c after g.delay;
uart_rx_bit <= '1';
sr_n <= sr_c after g.delay;
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
ctr_n <= ctr_c after g.delay;
if oversample_baud_tick = '1' then
state_n <= state_c after g.delay;
-- filter rxd.
we <= '0' after g.delay;
if uart_rx_data_vec(1) = '1' and uart_rx_filter < 3 then
cr <= '0' after g.delay;
uart_rx_filter <= uart_rx_filter + 1;
count_n <= count_c after g.delay;
elsif uart_rx_data_vec(1) = '0' and uart_rx_filter > 0 then
uart_rx_filter <= uart_rx_filter - 1;
if sample = '1' then
sr_n <= sr_c(sr_c'high - 1 downto sr_c'low) & rx_sync after g.delay;
end if;
case state_c is
when reset =>
rx_n <= (others => '0') after g.delay;
sr_n <= (others => '0') after g.delay;
fail_n <= (others => '0') after g.delay;
ctr_n <= format after g.delay; -- 8 bits, 1 stop bit, parity off
state_n <= idle after g.delay;
when idle =>
count_n <= 0 after g.delay;
if rx_sync = '0' then -- and majority = '1' then
state_n <= start after g.delay;
cr <= '1' after g.delay;
sr_n <= (others => '0') after g.delay;
fail_n <= (others => '0') after g.delay;
end if;
when start =>
if baud = '1' then
if majority /= '0' then
state_n <= done after g.delay; -- frame error
fail_n(0) <= '1' after g.delay;
state_n <= data after g.delay;
end if;
end if;
-- set the rx bit.
sr_n <= (others => '0') after g.delay;
if uart_rx_filter = 3 then
uart_rx_bit <= '1';
elsif uart_rx_filter = 0 then
uart_rx_bit <= '0';
end if;
end if;
when data =>
rx_n(count_c) <= majority after g.delay;
if baud = '1' then
if count_c = (ctr_data_bits(ctr_c) - 1) then
count_n <= 0 after g.delay;
if ctr_c(ctr_use_parity) = '1' then
state_n <= parity after g.delay;
state_n <= stop after g.delay;
end if;
end if;
count_n <= count_c + 1 after g.delay;
end if;
end if;
end process;
sr_n <= (others => '0') after g.delay;
end if;
rx_bit_spacing: process (clk, rst)
when parity =>
if baud = '1' then
if rising_edge(clk) then
if (ctr_c(ctr_use_parity) = '1') and (majority /= parity(rx_c, ctr_c(ctr_even_parity))) then
uart_rx_bit_tick <= '0';
fail_n(1) <= '1' after g.delay; -- parity error, still process stop bits
if oversample_baud_tick = '1' then
end if;
if uart_rx_bit_spacing = 15 then
state_n <= stop after g.delay;
uart_rx_bit_tick <= '1';
sr_n <= (others => '0') after g.delay;
uart_rx_bit_spacing <= (others => '0');
end if;
when stop =>
if baud = '1' then
if majority /= '1' then
state_n <= done after g.delay; -- frame error
fail_n(0) <= '1' after g.delay;
elsif count_c = ctr_stop_bits(ctr_c) then
state_n <= done after g.delay;
uart_rx_bit_spacing <= uart_rx_bit_spacing + 1;
count_n <= count_c + 1 after g.delay;
end if;
end if;
if uart_rx_state = rx_get_start_bit then
uart_rx_bit_spacing <= (others => '0');
end if;
end if;
when done => -- The consuming module needs to store rx_c/fail_c immediately
we <= '1' after g.delay;
state_n <= idle after g.delay;
--rx_n <= (others => '0') after g.delay;
--sr_n <= (others => '0') after g.delay;
--fail_n <= (others => '0') after g.delay;
end case;
if ctr_we = '1' then
if not (state_c = idle or state_c = done or state_c = reset) then
rx_n <= (others => '0') after g.delay;
state_n <= idle after g.delay;
we <= '1' after g.delay;
fail_n(0) <= '1' after g.delay; -- frame error!
end if;
end if;
ctr_n <= ctr after g.delay;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end process;
end architecture;
library ieee, work;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.uart_pkg.all;
use work.util.common_generics;
use work.util.parity;
uart_receive_data: process(clk, rst)
entity uart_tx is
generic (g: common_generics; N: positive; format: std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0) := uart_8N1);
port (
clk: in std_ulogic;
rst: in std_ulogic;
cr: out std_ulogic;
baud: in std_ulogic; -- Pulse at baud
tx: out std_ulogic;
ok: out std_ulogic;
ctr: in std_ulogic_vector(format'range);
ctr_we: in std_ulogic;
we: in std_ulogic; -- di write enable
di: in std_ulogic_vector(N - 1 downto 0));
end entity;
architecture behaviour of uart_tx is
type state is (reset, idle, start, data, parity, stop);
signal state_c, state_n: state;
signal di_c, di_n: std_ulogic_vector(di'range);
signal ctr_c, ctr_n: std_ulogic_vector(ctr'range);
signal busy: std_ulogic;
signal parity_c, parity_n: std_ulogic;
signal count_c, count_n: integer range 0 to 15;
busy <= '0' when state_c = idle else '1' after g.delay;
ok <= not busy after g.delay;
process (clk, rst)
procedure reset is
di_c <= (others => '0') after g.delay;
ctr_c <= (others => '0') after g.delay;
state_c <= reset after g.delay;
parity_c <= '0' after g.delay;
count_c <= 0 after g.delay;
end procedure;
if rst = '1' then
if rst = '1' and g.asynchronous_reset then
uart_rx_state <= rx_get_start_bit;
uart_rx_data_block <= (others => '0');
uart_rx_count <= 0;
uart_rx_data_out_stb <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
case uart_rx_state is
if rst = '1' and not g.asynchronous_reset then
when rx_get_start_bit =>
if oversample_baud_tick = '1' and uart_rx_bit = '0' then
uart_rx_state <= rx_get_data;
end if;
when rx_get_data =>
if uart_rx_bit_tick = '1' then
if uart_rx_count < uart_rx_count_max then
uart_rx_data_block(uart_rx_count) <= uart_rx_bit;
uart_rx_count <= uart_rx_count + 1;
uart_rx_data_block(7) <= uart_rx_bit;
uart_rx_count <= 0;
uart_rx_state <= rx_get_stop_bit;
end if;
end if;
when rx_get_stop_bit =>
if uart_rx_bit_tick = '1' then
if uart_rx_bit = '1' then
uart_rx_state <= rx_send_block;
uart_rx_data_out_stb <= '1';
end if;
end if;
when rx_send_block =>
if dout_ack = '1' then
uart_rx_data_out_stb <= '0';
uart_rx_data_block <= (others => '0');
uart_rx_state <= rx_get_start_bit;
uart_rx_data_out_stb <= '1';
di_c <= di_n after g.delay;
ctr_c <= ctr_n after g.delay;
state_c <= state_n after g.delay;
parity_c <= parity_n after g.delay;
count_c <= count_n after g.delay;
end if;
end if;
end process;
process (di_c, di, ctr_c, ctr_we, ctr, state_c, we, baud, parity_c, count_c)
count_n <= count_c after g.delay;
state_n <= state_c after g.delay;
di_n <= di_c after g.delay;
ctr_n <= ctr_c after g.delay;
tx <= '1' after g.delay;
cr <= '0';
if ctr_c(ctr_use_parity) = '1' then
parity_n <= parity(di_c, ctr_c(ctr_even_parity)) after g.delay;
parity_n <= '0' after g.delay;
end if;
case state_c is
when reset =>
state_n <= idle after g.delay;
ctr_n <= format after g.delay; -- 8 bits, 1 stop bit, parity off
count_n <= 0 after g.delay;
parity_n <= '0' after g.delay;
di_n <= (others => '0') after g.delay;
when idle =>
count_n <= 0 after g.delay;
if ctr_we = '1' then -- NB. We can either lose data, or control writes
ctr_n <= ctr after g.delay;
elsif we = '1' then
di_n <= di after g.delay;
cr <= '1';
state_n <= start after g.delay;
end if;
when start =>
tx <= '0' after g.delay;
if baud = '1' then
state_n <= data after g.delay;
end if;
when data =>
tx <= di_c(count_c) after g.delay;
if baud = '1' then
if count_c = (ctr_data_bits(ctr_c) - 1) then
count_n <= 0 after g.delay;
if ctr_c(ctr_use_parity) = '1' then
state_n <= parity after g.delay;
state_n <= stop after g.delay;
end if;
count_n <= count_c + 1 after g.delay;
end if;
end if;
when parity =>
tx <= parity_c after g.delay;
if baud = '1' then
state_n <= stop after g.delay;
end if;
when stop =>
tx <= '1' after g.delay;
if baud = '1' then
if count_c = ctr_stop_bits(ctr_c) then
count_n <= 0 after g.delay;
state_n <= idle after g.delay;
count_n <= count_c + 1 after g.delay;
end if;
end if;
end if;
when others =>
uart_rx_state <= rx_get_start_bit;
end case;
end case;
end process;
end architecture;
library ieee, work;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.uart_pkg.all;
use work.util.common_generics;
entity uart_tb is
generic(g: common_generics);
end entity;
architecture testing of uart_tb is
constant clock_period: time := 1000 ms / g.clock_frequency;
constant use_fifo: boolean := true;
signal rst, clk: std_ulogic := '1';
signal stop: boolean := false;
signal loopback: boolean := true;
signal tx, rx: std_ulogic;
signal di, do: std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal reg: std_ulogic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal clock_reg_tx_we: std_ulogic;
signal clock_reg_rx_we: std_ulogic;
signal control_reg_we: std_ulogic;
signal tx_fifo_full: std_ulogic;
signal tx_fifo_empty: std_ulogic;
signal tx_fifo_we: std_ulogic := '0';
signal rx_fifo_full: std_ulogic;
signal rx_fifo_empty: std_ulogic;
signal rx_fifo_re: std_ulogic := '0';
-- duration: process begin wait for 20000 us; stop <= true; wait; end process;
clk_process: process
rst <= '1';
wait for clock_period * 5;
rst <= '0';
while not stop loop
clk <= '1';
wait for clock_period / 2;
clk <= '0';
wait for clock_period / 2;
end loop;
end process;
stimulus: process
procedure write(data: std_ulogic_vector(di'range)) is
wait for clock_period * 1;
while tx_fifo_full = '1' loop
wait for clock_period;
end loop;
di <= data;
tx_fifo_we <= '1';
wait for clock_period;
tx_fifo_we <= '0';
end procedure;
di <= x"00";
wait until rst = '0';
wait for clock_period;
reg <= x"8080";
control_reg_we <= '1';
wait for clock_period;
control_reg_we <= '0';
reg <= x"0036";
clock_reg_tx_we <= '1';
wait for clock_period;
clock_reg_tx_we <= '0';
clock_reg_rx_we <= '1';
reg <= x"0035";
wait for clock_period;
clock_reg_rx_we <= '0';
wait for clock_period;
wait for clock_period;
while tx_fifo_empty = '0' loop
wait for clock_period;
end loop;
loopback <= false;
wait for clock_period * 50000;
stop <= true;
end process;
ack: process
while not stop loop
if rx_fifo_empty = '0' then
rx_fifo_re <= '1';
rx_fifo_re <= '0';
end if;
end if;
wait for clock_period;
end loop;
end process;
end process;
rx <= tx when loopback else '0'; -- loop back test
uut: work.uart_pkg.uart_top
generic map (g => g, baud => 115200, format => uart_8N1, use_fifo => use_fifo)
port map (
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
tx => tx,
tx_fifo_full => tx_fifo_full,
tx_fifo_empty => tx_fifo_empty,
tx_fifo_we => tx_fifo_we,
tx_fifo_data => di,
rx => rx,
rx_fifo_full => rx_fifo_full,
rx_fifo_empty => rx_fifo_empty,
rx_fifo_re => rx_fifo_re,
rx_fifo_data => do,
reg => reg,
clock_reg_tx_we => clock_reg_tx_we,
clock_reg_rx_we => clock_reg_rx_we,
control_reg_we => control_reg_we);
end architecture;
---- UART Core -----------------------------------------------------------------
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