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`define PIPE_ADV (posedge clk)
`define PIPE_ADV (posedge clk)
module DFPRound(clk, ce, rm, i, o);
module DFPRound(clk, ce, rm, i, o);
parameter N=33;
input clk;
input clk;
input ce;
input ce;
input [2:0] rm; // rounding mode
input [2:0] rm; // rounding mode
input [131:0] i; // intermediate format input
input [N*4+16+4+4-1:0] i; // intermediate format input
output [127:0] o; // rounded output
output [N*4+16+4-1:0] o; // rounded output
parameter ROUND_CEILING = 3'd0;
parameter ROUND_CEILING = 3'd0;
parameter ROUND_FLOOR = 3'd1;
parameter ROUND_FLOOR = 3'd1;
parameter ROUND_HALF_UP = 3'd2;
parameter ROUND_HALF_UP = 3'd2;
parameter ROUND_HALF_EVEN = 3'd3;
parameter ROUND_HALF_EVEN = 3'd3;
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// variables
// variables
wire [3:0] so;
wire [3:0] so;
wire [15:0] xo;
wire [15:0] xo;
reg [107:0] mo;
reg [N*4-1:0] mo;
reg [15:0] xo1;
reg [15:0] xo1;
reg [107:0] mo1;
reg [N*4-1:0] mo1;
wire xInf = i[127:112]==16'h9999;
wire xInf = i[N*4+16+4-1:(N+1)*4]==16'h9999;
wire so0 = i[130];
wire so0 = i[N*4+16+4-2];
assign o = {so,xo,mo};
assign o = {so,xo,mo};
wire [3:0] l = i[7:4];
wire [3:0] l = i[7:4];
wire [3:0] r = i[3:0];
wire [3:0] r = i[3:0];
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// Clock #1
// Clock #1
// - determine round amount (add 1 or 0)
// - determine round amount (add 1 or 0)
always @`PIPE_ADV
always @`PIPE_ADV
if (ce) xo1 <= i[127:112];
if (ce) xo1 <= i[N*4+16+4-1:(N+1)*4];
always @`PIPE_ADV
always @`PIPE_ADV
if (ce) mo1 <= i[111:4];
if (ce) mo1 <= i[(N+1)*4-1:4];
// Compute the round bit
// Compute the round bit
// Infinities and NaNs are not rounded!
// Infinities and NaNs are not rounded!
always @`PIPE_ADV
always @`PIPE_ADV
if (ce)
if (ce)
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// round the number, check for carry
// round the number, check for carry
// note: inf. exponent checked above (if the exponent was infinite already, then no rounding occurs as rnd = 0)
// note: inf. exponent checked above (if the exponent was infinite already, then no rounding occurs as rnd = 0)
// note: exponent increments if there is a carry (can only increment to infinity)
// note: exponent increments if there is a carry (can only increment to infinity)
wire [123:0] rounded1;
wire [N*4+16+4-1-4:0] rounded1;
wire co1;
wire co1;
BCDAddN #(.N(31)) ubcdan1
BCDAddN #(.N(N+4)) ubcdan1
reg [123:0] rounded2;
reg [N*4+16+4-1-4:0] rounded2;
reg carry2;
reg carry2;
reg rnd2;
reg rnd2;
reg dn2;
reg dn2;
wire [15:0] xo2;
wire [15:0] xo2;
always @`PIPE_ADV
always @`PIPE_ADV
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if (ce) carry2 <= co1;
if (ce) carry2 <= co1;
always @`PIPE_ADV
always @`PIPE_ADV
if (ce) rnd2 <= rnd;
if (ce) rnd2 <= rnd;
always @`PIPE_ADV
always @`PIPE_ADV
if (ce) dn2 <= !(|xo1);
if (ce) dn2 <= !(|xo1);
assign xo2 = rounded2[123:108];
assign xo2 = rounded2[N*4+16+4-1-4:N*4];
// Clock #3
// Clock #3
// - shift mantissa if required.
// - shift mantissa if required.
assign so = i[131:128];
assign so = i[N*4+16+4+3:N*4+16+4];
assign xo = xo2;
assign xo = xo2;
delay3 #(4) u21 (.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(i[131:128]), .o(so));
delay3 #(4) u21 (.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(i[N*4+16+4+3:N*4+16+4]), .o(so));
delay1 #(16) u22 (.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(xo2), .o(xo));
delay1 #(16) u22 (.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(xo2), .o(xo));
always @`PIPE_ADV
always @`PIPE_ADV
if (ce)
if (ce)
4'b0??0: mo <= mo1[107:0]; // not rounding, not denormalized
4'b0??0: mo <= mo1[N*4-1:0]; // not rounding, not denormalized
4'b0??1: mo <= mo1[107:0]; // not rounding, denormalized
4'b0??1: mo <= mo1[N*4-1:0]; // not rounding, denormalized
4'b1000: mo <= rounded2[107: 0]; // exponent didn't change, number was normalized
4'b1000: mo <= rounded2[N*4-1: 0]; // exponent didn't change, number was normalized
4'b1001: mo <= rounded2[107: 0]; // exponent didn't change, but number was denormalized
4'b1001: mo <= rounded2[N*4-1: 0]; // exponent didn't change, but number was denormalized
4'b1010: mo <= {4'h1,rounded2[107: 4]}; // exponent incremented (new MSD generated), number was normalized
4'b1010: mo <= {4'h1,rounded2[N*4-1: 4]}; // exponent incremented (new MSD generated), number was normalized
4'b1011: mo <= rounded2[107:0]; // exponent incremented (new MSB generated), number was denormalized, number became normalized
4'b1011: mo <= rounded2[N*4-1:0]; // exponent incremented (new MSB generated), number was denormalized, number became normalized
4'b11??: mo <= 108'd0; // number became infinite, no need to check carry etc., rnd would be zero if input was NaN or infinite
4'b11??: mo <= {N*4{1'd0}}; // number became infinite, no need to check carry etc., rnd would be zero if input was NaN or infinite