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architecture fsm of GECKO3COM_simple_fsm is
architecture fsm of GECKO3COM_simple_fsm is
-- XST specific synthesize attributes
-- XST specific synthesize attributes
attribute safe_implementation : string;
attribute safe_implementation : string;
attribute safe_recovery_state : string;
attribute safe_recovery_state : string;
attribute fsm_encoding : string;
type state_type is (st1_idle, st2_abort, st3_read_msg_id, st4_check_msg_id,
type state_type is (st1_idle, st2_abort, st3_read_msg_id, st4_check_msg_id,
st5_read_nbtag, st6_read_transfer_size_low,
st5_read_nbtag, st6_read_transfer_size_low,
st7_read_transfer_size_high, st8_check_attributes,
st7_read_transfer_size_high, st8_check_attributes,
st9_signal_data_request, st10_signal_receive_new_data,
st9_signal_data_request, st10_signal_receive_new_data,
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signal state, next_state : state_type;
signal state, next_state : state_type;
-- XST specific synthesize attributes
-- XST specific synthesize attributes
attribute safe_recovery_state of state : signal is "st1_idle";
attribute safe_recovery_state of state : signal is "st1_idle";
attribute safe_implementation of state : signal is "yes";
attribute safe_implementation of state : signal is "yes";
attribute fsm_encoding of state : signal is "johnson";
--Declare internal signals for all outputs of the state-machine
--Declare internal signals for all outputs of the state-machine
signal s_receive_fifo_wr_en : std_logic;
signal s_receive_fifo_wr_en : std_logic;
signal s_receive_fifo_reset : std_logic;
signal s_receive_fifo_reset : std_logic;
signal s_receive_transfersize_en : std_logic_vector((32/SIZE_DBUS_GPIF)-1 downto 0);
signal s_receive_transfersize_en : std_logic_vector((32/SIZE_DBUS_GPIF)-1 downto 0);
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state = st17_send_nbtag or
state = st17_send_nbtag or
state = st18_send_transfer_size_low or
state = st18_send_transfer_size_low or
state = st19_send_transfer_size_high or
state = st19_send_transfer_size_high or
state = st20_send_attributes or
state = st20_send_attributes or
state = st21_send_reserved))
state = st21_send_reserved))
or state = st22_send_data
or (state = st22_send_data and
i_gpif_tx_full = '0' and
i_send_fifo_empty = '0')
or (state = st23_send_wait and
i_gpif_tx_full = '0' and
i_send_fifo_empty = '0')
s_gpif_tx_wr_en <= '1';
s_gpif_tx_wr_en <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end process;
end process;
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elsif i_gpif_rx_empty = '0' then
elsif i_gpif_rx_empty = '0' then
next_state <= st3_read_msg_id;
next_state <= st3_read_msg_id;
end if;
end if;
when st2_abort =>
when st2_abort =>
if i_gpif_abort = '0' then
next_state <= st1_idle;
next_state <= st1_idle;
end if;
when st3_read_msg_id =>
when st3_read_msg_id =>
next_state <= st4_check_msg_id;
next_state <= st4_check_msg_id;
when st4_check_msg_id =>
when st4_check_msg_id =>