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architecture structure of gpif_com is
architecture structure of gpif_com is
-- interconection signals
-- interconection signals
signal s_FIFOrst, s_WRX, s_RDYX : std_logic;
signal s_FIFOrst, s_WRX, s_RDYX : std_logic;
signal s_ABORT_FSM, s_ABORT_TMP : std_logic;
signal s_ABORT_FSM, s_ABORT_TMP : std_logic;
signal s_RX_FSM, s_RX_TMP : std_logic;
signal s_RX_FSM, s_RX_TMP : std_logic;
signal s_TX_FSM, s_TX_TMP : std_logic;
signal s_TX_FSM, s_TX_TMP : std_logic;
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-- data signals
-- data signals
signal s_dbus_trans_dir : std_logic;
signal s_dbus_trans_dir : std_logic;
signal s_dbus_in : std_logic_vector(SIZE_DBUS_GPIF-1 downto 0);
signal s_dbus_in : std_logic_vector(SIZE_DBUS_GPIF-1 downto 0);
signal s_dbus_out : std_logic_vector(SIZE_DBUS_GPIF-1 downto 0);
signal s_dbus_out : std_logic_vector(SIZE_DBUS_GPIF-1 downto 0);
signal s_dbus_out_fifo : std_logic_vector(SIZE_DBUS_GPIF-1 downto 0);
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i_rst => s_FIFOrst,
i_rst => s_FIFOrst,
i_wr_clk => i_SYSCLK,
i_wr_clk => i_SYSCLK,
i_wr_en => s_X2U_WR_EN,
i_wr_en => s_X2U_WR_EN,
o_almost_empty => s_X2U_AM_EMPTY,
o_almost_empty => s_X2U_AM_EMPTY,
o_almost_full => s_X2U_AM_FULL,
o_almost_full => s_X2U_AM_FULL,
o_dout => s_dbus_out,
o_dout => s_dbus_out_fifo,
o_empty => s_X2U_EMPTY,
o_empty => s_X2U_EMPTY,
o_full => s_X2U_FULL
o_full => s_X2U_FULL
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-- usb to xilinx transfer is read twice.
-- usb to xilinx transfer is read twice.
buf_input : process (i_IFCLK)
buf_input : process (i_IFCLK)
if rising_edge(i_IFCLK) then
if rising_edge(i_IFCLK) then
s_dbus_in <= b_gpif_bus;
s_dbus_in <= b_gpif_bus;
if s_X2U_RD_EN = '1' then
s_dbus_out <= s_dbus_out_fifo;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process buf_input;
end process buf_input;
end structure;
end structure;