Line 67... |
Line 67... |
o_ABORT : out std_logic; -- abort condition detected. we have to flush the data
o_ABORT : out std_logic; -- abort condition detected. we have to flush the data
o_RX : out std_logic;
o_RX : out std_logic;
o_TX : out std_logic --
o_TX : out std_logic --
-- XST specific synthesize attributes
attribute safe_implementation: string;
attribute safe_recovery_state: string;
attribute safe_implementation of gpif_com_fsm : entity is "yes";
end gpif_com_fsm;
end gpif_com_fsm;
architecture fsm of gpif_com_fsm is
architecture fsm of gpif_com_fsm is
-- XST specific synthesize attributes
attribute safe_implementation: string;
attribute safe_recovery_state: string;
-- FSM
-- FSM
type t_busAccess is (readFromGPIF, writeToGPIF);
type t_busAccess is (readFromGPIF, writeToGPIF);
signal s_bus_trans_dir : t_busAccess;
signal s_bus_trans_dir : t_busAccess;
type t_fsmState is (rst, idle, -- controll states
type t_fsmState is (rst, idle, -- controll states
inRQ, inACK, inTrans, inThrot,
inRQ, inACK, inWait, inTrans, inThrot,
inThrotEnd, endInTrans, -- in com states
inThrotBreak,inThrotBreak2, inThrotEnd, endInTrans, -- in com states
outRQ, outTrans, outWait, endOutTrans); -- out com states
outRQ, outTrans, outWait, endOutTrans); -- out com states
signal pr_state, nx_state : t_fsmState;
signal pr_state, nx_state : t_fsmState;
-- XST specific synthesize attributes
-- XST specific synthesize attributes
attribute safe_recovery_state of pr_state : signal is "idle";
attribute safe_recovery_state of pr_state : signal is "idle";
attribute safe_recovery_state of nx_state : signal is "idle";
attribute safe_implementation of pr_state : signal is "yes";
-- interconection signals
-- interconection signals
signal s_FIFOrst, s_RDYX, s_WRX, s_ABORT : std_logic;
signal s_FIFOrst, s_RDYX, s_WRX, s_ABORT : std_logic;
Line 111... |
Line 111... |
-- Xilinx to USB (X2U)
-- Xilinx to USB (X2U)
signal s_X2U_RD_EN : std_logic;
signal s_X2U_RD_EN : std_logic;
o_FIFOrst <= s_FIFOrst;
o_FIFOrst <= s_FIFOrst;
o_X2U_RD_EN <= s_X2U_RD_EN;
o_X2U_RD_EN <= s_X2U_RD_EN;
o_WRX <= s_WRX;
o_WRX <= s_WRX;
o_RDYX <= s_RDYX;
o_RDYX <= s_RDYX;
o_U2X_WR_EN <= s_U2X_WR_EN;
o_U2X_WR_EN <= s_U2X_WR_EN;
Line 126... |
Line 128... |
-- state reg
-- state reg
action : process(i_IFCLK, i_nReset)
action : process(i_IFCLK, i_nReset)
variable v_setup : integer range 0 to 15;
if i_nReset = '0' then
if i_nReset = '0' then
pr_state <= rst;
pr_state <= rst;
Line 139... |
Line 140... |
end if;
end if;
end process action;
end process action;
-- comb logic
-- comb logic
transaction : process(pr_state, i_WRU, i_RDYU, i_U2X_AM_FULL, i_X2U_EMPTY)
transaction : process(pr_state, i_WRU, i_RDYU, i_U2X_FULL,
begin -- process transaction
begin -- process transaction
-- default signal values to avoid latches:
-- default signal values to avoid latches:
s_FIFOrst <= '0';
s_FIFOrst <= '0';
s_bus_trans_dir <= readFromGPIF;
s_bus_trans_dir <= readFromGPIF;
Line 202... |
Line 204... |
-- in trans
-- in trans
when inRQ =>
when inRQ =>
-- output signal values:
-- output signal values:
s_WRX <= '0';
s_WRX <= '0';
s_RDYX <= '0';
s_RDYX <= '0';
s_U2X_WR_EN <= '0';
o_RX <= '0';
-- state decisions
-- state decisions
if i_WRU = '1' and i_RDYU = '1' then
if i_WRU = '1' and i_RDYU = '1' then
nx_state <= rst;
nx_state <= rst;
elsif i_U2X_FULL = '0' then
elsif i_U2X_FULL = '0' then
nx_state <= inACK;
nx_state <= inACK;
Line 215... |
Line 220... |
when inACK =>
when inACK =>
-- output signal values:
-- output signal values:
s_WRX <= '0';
s_WRX <= '0';
s_RDYX <= '1';
s_RDYX <= '1';
s_U2X_WR_EN <= '1';
s_U2X_WR_EN <= '0';
o_RX <= '1';
o_RX <= '1';
-- state decisions
-- state decisions
if i_WRU = '1' and i_RDYU = '1' then
if i_WRU = '1' and i_RDYU = '1' then
nx_state <= rst;
nx_state <= rst;
elsif i_WRU = '1' then
elsif i_WRU = '1' then
nx_state <= inTrans;
--nx_state <= inTrans;
--nx_state <= inDummy;
nx_state <= inWait;
nx_state <= endInTrans;
nx_state <= endInTrans;
end if;
end if;
when inWait =>
-- output signal values:
s_WRX <= '0';
s_RDYX <= '1';
s_U2X_WR_EN <= '0';
o_RX <= '1';
-- state decisions
nx_state <= inTrans;
when inTrans =>
when inTrans =>
-- output signal values:
-- output signal values:
s_WRX <= '0';
s_WRX <= '0';
s_RDYX <= '1';
s_RDYX <= '1';
s_U2X_WR_EN <= '1';
s_U2X_WR_EN <= '1';
Line 257... |
Line 272... |
-- state decisions
-- state decisions
if i_WRU = '1' and i_RDYU = '1' then
if i_WRU = '1' and i_RDYU = '1' then
nx_state <= rst;
nx_state <= rst;
elsif i_U2X_FULL = '0' then
elsif i_U2X_FULL = '0' then
--nx_state <= inThrotEnd;
nx_state <= inThrotBreak;
nx_state <= inACK;
--nx_state <= inACK;
elsif i_WRU = '0' then
elsif i_WRU = '0' then
nx_state <= endInTrans;
nx_state <= endInTrans;
nx_state <= inThrot;
nx_state <= inThrot;
end if;
end if;
--when inThrotEnd =>
when inThrotBreak =>
-- this is a one clock delay to help the fx2 to see the RDYX signal.
-- output signal values:
s_WRX <= '0';
s_RDYX <= '1';
s_U2X_WR_EN <= '0';
o_RX <= '1';
-- state decisions
--nx_state <= inThrotBreak2;
nx_state <= inThrotEnd;
--when inThrotBreak2 =>
-- -- this is a one clock delay to help the fx2 to see the RDYX signal.
-- -- this is a one clock delay to help the fx2 to see the RDYX signal.
-- -- output signal values:
-- -- output signal values:
-- s_WRX <= '0';
-- s_WRX <= '0';
-- s_RDYX <= '1';
-- s_RDYX <= '1';
-- s_U2X_WR_EN <= '0';
-- s_U2X_WR_EN <= '0';
-- o_RX <= '1';
-- o_RX <= '1';
-- -- state decisions
-- -- state decisions
-- nx_state <= inACK;
-- nx_state <= inThrotEnd;
when inThrotEnd =>
-- this is a one clock delay to help the fx2 to see the RDYX signal.
-- output signal values:
s_WRX <= '0';
s_RDYX <= '1';
s_U2X_WR_EN <= '0';
o_RX <= '1';
-- state decisions
nx_state <= inTrans;
when endInTrans =>
when endInTrans =>
-- output signal values:
-- output signal values:
s_WRX <= '0';
s_WRX <= '0';
s_RDYX <= '0';
s_RDYX <= '0';
s_U2X_WR_EN <= '1';
s_U2X_WR_EN <= '0';
o_RX <= '0';
-- state decisions
-- state decisions
nx_state <= idle;
nx_state <= idle;