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-- HF-RISC v3.4
-- HF-RISC v3.5
-- Sergio Johann Filho, 2011 - 2016
-- Sergio Johann Filho, 2011 - 2016
-- *This is a quick and dirty organization of a 3-stage pipelined MIPS microprocessor. All registers / memory
-- *This is a quick and dirty organization of a 3-stage pipelined MIPS microprocessor. All registers / memory
-- accesses are synchronized to the rising edge of clock. The same processor could be designed with only 2
-- accesses are synchronized to the rising edge of clock. The same processor could be designed with only 2
-- pipeline stages, but this would require memories to be either asynchronous (as presented on comp arq text
-- pipeline stages, but this would require memories to be either asynchronous (as presented on comp arq text
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-- language in mind, so opcodes which cause overflows on integer operations (add, addi, sub) were not included
-- language in mind, so opcodes which cause overflows on integer operations (add, addi, sub) were not included
-- for obvious reasons.
-- for obvious reasons.
-- *Memory is accessed in big endian mode.
-- *Memory is accessed in big endian mode.
-- *No unaligned loads/stores.
-- *No unaligned loads/stores.
-- *No co-processor is implemented and all peripherals are memory mapped.
-- *No co-processor is implemented and all peripherals are memory mapped.
-- *Loads and stores take 2/1 cycles with separated code/data memories and 3 cycles otherwise. This version is organized
-- *Loads and stores take 3 cycles. This version is organized as a Von Neumann machine, so there is only one
-- as a Von Neumann machine, so there is only one memory interface that is shared betweeen code and data accesses.
-- memory interface that is shared betweeen code and data accesses.
-- No load delay slots are needed in code.
-- No load delay slots are needed in code.
-- *Branches have a 1 cycle delay (not taken) or 3 cycle dalay (taken), including two branch delay slots.
-- *Branches have a 1 cycle delay (not taken) or 3 cycle dalay (taken), including two branch delay slots.
-- This is a side effect of the pipeline refill and memory access policy. All other instructions are single
-- This is a side effect of the pipeline refill and memory access policy. All other instructions are single
-- cycle. The first delay slot can be filled with an instruction, reducing the cost to 2 cycles. The
-- cycle. The first delay slot can be filled with an instruction, reducing the cost to 2 cycles. The
-- second delay slot is completely useless and the instruction in this slot is discarded. No branch predictor
-- second delay slot is completely useless and the instruction in this slot is discarded. No branch predictor
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reset: in std_logic;
reset: in std_logic;
stall: in std_logic;
stall: in std_logic;
stall_cpu: out std_logic;
stall_cpu: out std_logic;
busy_cpu: out std_logic;
irq_vector_cpu: out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
irq_vector_cpu: out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
irq_cpu: out std_logic;
irq_cpu: out std_logic;
irq_ack_cpu: in std_logic;
irq_ack_cpu: in std_logic;
inst_addr_cpu: in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
address_cpu: in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
inst_in_cpu: out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
data_addr_cpu: in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
data_in_cpu: out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
data_in_cpu: out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
data_out_cpu: in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
data_out_cpu: in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
data_w_cpu: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
data_w_cpu: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
data_access_cpu: in std_logic;
data_access_cpu: in std_logic;
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architecture arch of busmux is
architecture arch of busmux is
signal write_enable: std_logic;
signal write_enable: std_logic;
signal irq_cause, irq_mask_reg, uart_divisor: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal irq_cause, irq_mask_reg, uart_divisor: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal irq_status_reg, extio_out_reg: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal irq_status_reg, extio_out_reg: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal irq_vector_reg, irq_epc_reg, compare_reg, counter_reg: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal periph_data, irq_vector_reg, irq_epc_reg, compare_reg, counter_reg: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal compare2_reg: std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
signal compare2_reg: std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
signal interrupt, irq, irq_counter, irq_counter_not, irq_counter2, irq_counter2_not, irq_compare, irq_compare2, compare_trig, compare2_trig: std_logic;
signal interrupt, irq, irq_counter, irq_counter_not, irq_counter2, irq_counter2_not, irq_compare, irq_compare2, compare_trig, compare2_trig: std_logic;
signal data_read_uart, data_write_uart: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal data_read_uart, data_write_uart: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal enable_uart, enable_uart_read, enable_uart_write, uart_write_busy, uart_data_avail: std_logic;
signal enable_uart, enable_uart_read, enable_uart_write, uart_write_busy, uart_data_avail: std_logic;
type pulse_state_type is (irq_idle, irq_int, irq_req, irq_ackn, irq_done);
type pulse_state_type is (irq_idle, irq_int, irq_req, irq_ackn, irq_done);
signal pulse_state: pulse_state_type;
signal pulse_state: pulse_state_type;
signal pulse_next_state: pulse_state_type;
signal pulse_next_state: pulse_state_type;
signal periph_access, periph_access_we, data_access_cpu_dly, data_access_cpu_dly2: std_logic;
signal periph_access, periph_access_dly, periph_access_we: std_logic;
signal data_we_mem_s: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal data_we_mem_s: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-- address decoder, read from peripheral registers
-- peripheral register logic, read from peripheral registers
process(data_addr_cpu, irq_vector_reg, irq_cause, irq_mask_reg, irq_status_reg, irq_epc_reg, compare_reg, compare2_reg, counter_reg, data_read_uart, uart_divisor, data_read_mem, extio_in, extio_out_reg)
process(clock, reset, periph_access, address_cpu, irq_vector_reg, irq_cause, irq_mask_reg, irq_status_reg, irq_epc_reg, compare_reg, compare2_reg, counter_reg, data_read_uart, uart_divisor, data_read_mem, extio_in, extio_out_reg)
case data_addr_cpu(31 downto 27) is
if reset = '1' then
when "11110" => -- Peripherals (f000 0000 - f7ff ffff)
periph_data <= (others => '0');
case data_addr_cpu(7 downto 4) is
elsif clock'event and clock = '1' then
if periph_access = '1' then
case address_cpu(7 downto 4) is
when "0000" => -- IRQ_VECTOR (RW)
when "0000" => -- IRQ_VECTOR (RW)
data_in_cpu <= irq_vector_reg;
periph_data <= irq_vector_reg;
when "0001" => -- IRQ_CAUSE (RO)
when "0001" => -- IRQ_CAUSE (RO)
data_in_cpu <= x"0000" & irq_cause;
periph_data <= x"0000" & irq_cause;
when "0010" => -- IRQ_MASK (RW)
when "0010" => -- IRQ_MASK (RW)
data_in_cpu <= x"0000" & irq_mask_reg;
periph_data <= x"0000" & irq_mask_reg;
when "0011" => -- IRQ_STATUS (RW)
when "0011" => -- IRQ_STATUS (RW)
data_in_cpu <= x"000000" & irq_status_reg;
periph_data <= x"000000" & irq_status_reg;
when "0100" => -- IRQ_EPC (RO)
when "0100" => -- IRQ_EPC (RO)
data_in_cpu <= irq_epc_reg;
periph_data <= irq_epc_reg;
when "0101" => -- COUNTER (RO)
when "0101" => -- COUNTER (RO)
data_in_cpu <= counter_reg;
periph_data <= counter_reg;
when "0110" => -- IRQ_COMPARE (RW)
when "0110" => -- IRQ_COMPARE (RW)
data_in_cpu <= compare_reg;
periph_data <= compare_reg;
when "0111" => -- IRQ_COMPARE2 (RW)
when "0111" => -- IRQ_COMPARE2 (RW)
data_in_cpu <= x"00" & compare2_reg;
periph_data <= x"00" & compare2_reg;
when "1000" => -- EXTIO_IN (RO)
when "1000" => -- EXTIO_IN (RO)
data_in_cpu <= x"000000" & extio_in;
periph_data <= x"000000" & extio_in;
when "1001" => -- EXTIO_OUT (RW)
when "1001" => -- EXTIO_OUT (RW)
data_in_cpu <= x"000000" & extio_out_reg;
periph_data <= x"000000" & extio_out_reg;
when "1110" => -- UART (RW)
when "1110" => -- UART (RW)
data_in_cpu <= x"000000" & data_read_uart;
periph_data <= x"000000" & data_read_uart;
when "1111" => -- UART_DIVISOR (RW)
when "1111" => -- UART_DIVISOR (RW)
data_in_cpu <= x"0000" & uart_divisor;
periph_data <= x"0000" & uart_divisor;
when others =>
when others =>
data_in_cpu <= data_read_mem;
periph_data <= data_read_mem;
end case;
when others => -- ROM / RAM area, external peripherals (f800 0000 - ffff fffc)
data_in_cpu <= data_read_mem;
end case;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end process;
inst_in_cpu <= data_read_mem;
data_in_cpu <= data_read_mem when periph_access_dly = '0' else periph_data;
-- peripheral register logic, write to peripheral registers
-- peripheral register logic, write to peripheral registers
process(clock, reset, counter_reg, data_addr_cpu, data_out_cpu, periph_access, periph_access_we, irq_ack_cpu)
process(clock, reset, counter_reg, address_cpu, data_out_cpu, periph_access, periph_access_we, irq_ack_cpu)
if reset = '1' then
if reset = '1' then
irq_vector_reg <= x"00000000";
irq_vector_reg <= x"00000000";
irq_mask_reg <= x"0000";
irq_mask_reg <= x"0000";
irq_status_reg <= x"00";
irq_status_reg <= x"00";
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end if;
end if;
if compare2_reg = counter_reg(23 downto 0) then
if compare2_reg = counter_reg(23 downto 0) then
compare2_trig <= '1';
compare2_trig <= '1';
end if;
end if;
if periph_access = '1' and periph_access_we = '1' then
if periph_access = '1' and periph_access_we = '1' then
case data_addr_cpu(7 downto 4) is
case address_cpu(7 downto 4) is
when "0000" => -- IRQ_VECTOR
when "0000" => -- IRQ_VECTOR
irq_vector_reg <= data_out_cpu;
irq_vector_reg <= data_out_cpu;
when "0010" => -- IRQ_MASK
when "0010" => -- IRQ_MASK
irq_mask_reg <= data_out_cpu(15 downto 0);
irq_mask_reg <= data_out_cpu(15 downto 0);
when "0011" => -- IRQ_STATUS
when "0011" => -- IRQ_STATUS
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end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end process;
-- EPC register register load on interrupts
-- EPC register register load on interrupts
process(clock, reset, inst_addr_cpu, irq)
process(clock, reset, address_cpu, irq)
if reset = '1' then
if reset = '1' then
irq_epc_reg <= x"00000000";
irq_epc_reg <= x"00000000";
elsif clock'event and clock = '1' then
elsif clock'event and clock = '1' then
if irq = '1' and irq_ack_cpu = '0' then
if irq = '1' and irq_ack_cpu = '0' then
irq_epc_reg <= inst_addr_cpu;
irq_epc_reg <= address_cpu;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end process;
-- interrupt state machine
-- interrupt state machine
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end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end process;
-- data / peripheral access delay
-- data / peripheral access delay
process(clock, reset, irq_ack_cpu, data_access_cpu, stall)
process(clock, reset, irq_ack_cpu, periph_access, stall)
if reset = '1' then
if reset = '1' then
data_access_cpu_dly <= '0';
periph_access_dly <= '0';
data_access_cpu_dly2 <= '0';
elsif clock'event and clock = '1' then
elsif clock'event and clock = '1' then
if stall = '0' then
if stall = '0' then
data_access_cpu_dly2 <= data_access_cpu_dly;
periph_access_dly <= periph_access;
if data_access_cpu = '1' and data_access_cpu_dly = '0' and data_access_cpu_dly2 = '0' then
data_access_cpu_dly <= '1';
data_access_cpu_dly <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end process;
periph_access <= '1' when data_addr_cpu(31 downto 27) = "11110" and data_access_cpu = '1' else '0';
periph_access <= '1' when address_cpu(31 downto 27) = "11110" and data_access_cpu = '1' else '0';
periph_access_we <= '1' when periph_access <= '1' and data_w_cpu /= "0000" else '0';
periph_access_we <= '1' when periph_access <= '1' and data_w_cpu /= "0000" else '0';
-- memory address / write enable muxes and cpu stall logic
-- memory address / write enable muxes and cpu stall logic
addr_mem <= data_addr_cpu when data_access_cpu_dly = '0' and data_access_cpu = '1' and periph_access = '0' else inst_addr_cpu;
addr_mem <= address_cpu;
data_write_mem <= data_out_cpu;
data_write_mem <= data_out_cpu;
data_we_mem_s <= data_w_cpu when data_access_cpu_dly = '0' and data_access_cpu = '1' and periph_access = '0' else "0000";
data_we_mem_s <= data_w_cpu when data_access_cpu = '1' and periph_access = '0' else "0000";
data_we_mem <= data_we_mem_s;
data_we_mem <= data_we_mem_s;
busy_cpu <= (data_access_cpu and not data_access_cpu_dly); -- load/store: 1 wait cycle
stall_cpu <= stall;
stall_cpu <= stall;
-- interrupts and peripherals
-- interrupts and peripherals
interrupt <= '0' when (irq_cause and irq_mask_reg) = x"0000" else '1';
interrupt <= '0' when (irq_cause and irq_mask_reg) = x"0000" else '1';
irq_cause <= extio_in & not uart_write_busy & uart_data_avail & irq_compare2 & irq_compare & irq_counter2_not & irq_counter2 & irq_counter_not & irq_counter;
irq_cause <= extio_in & not uart_write_busy & uart_data_avail & irq_compare2 & irq_compare & irq_counter2_not & irq_counter2 & irq_counter_not & irq_counter;
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write_enable <= '1' when data_we_mem_s /= "0000" else '0';
write_enable <= '1' when data_we_mem_s /= "0000" else '0';
data_write_uart <= data_out_cpu(7 downto 0);
data_write_uart <= data_out_cpu(7 downto 0);
if uart_support = "yes" generate
if uart_support = "yes" generate
enable_uart <= '1' when periph_access = '1' and data_addr_cpu(7 downto 4) = "1110" else '0';
enable_uart <= '1' when periph_access = '1' and address_cpu(7 downto 4) = "1110" else '0';
enable_uart_write <= enable_uart and periph_access_we;
enable_uart_write <= enable_uart and periph_access_we;
enable_uart_read <= enable_uart and not periph_access_we;
enable_uart_read <= enable_uart and not periph_access_we;
-- a simple UART
-- a simple UART
serial: entity work.uart
serial: entity work.uart