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[/] [hf-risc/] [trunk/] [hf-riscv/] [platform/] [spartan3_starterkit/] [spartan3_SRAM.vhd] - Diff between revs 13 and 18

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Rev 13 Rev 18
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library ieee;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity hellfire_cpu_if is
entity hfrisc_soc is
                address_width: integer := 14;
                address_width: integer := 14;
                memory_file : string := "code.txt";
                memory_file : string := "code.txt";
                uart_support : string := "yes"
                uart_support : string := "yes"
Line 12... Line 12...
                reset_in:       in std_logic;
                reset_in:       in std_logic;
                int_in:         in std_logic;
                int_in:         in std_logic;
                uart_read:      in std_logic;
                uart_read:      in std_logic;
                uart_write:     out std_logic;
                uart_write:     out std_logic;
                extio_in:       in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
                extio_out:      out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
                ram_address:    out std_logic_vector(31 downto 2);
                ram_address:    out std_logic_vector(31 downto 2);
                ram_data:       inout std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
                ram_data:       inout std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
                ram_ce1_n:      out std_logic;
                ram_ce1_n:      out std_logic;
                ram_ub1_n:      out std_logic;
                ram_ub1_n:      out std_logic;
                ram_lb1_n:      out std_logic;
                ram_lb1_n:      out std_logic;
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                ram_ub2_n:      out std_logic;
                ram_ub2_n:      out std_logic;
                ram_lb2_n:      out std_logic;
                ram_lb2_n:      out std_logic;
                ram_we_n:       out std_logic;
                ram_we_n:       out std_logic;
                ram_oe_n:       out std_logic
                ram_oe_n:       out std_logic
end hellfire_cpu_if;
end hfrisc_soc;
architecture interface of hellfire_cpu_if is
architecture top_level of hfrisc_soc is
        signal clock, boot_enable, ram_enable_n, stall, stall_cpu, busy_cpu, irq_cpu, irq_ack_cpu, exception_cpu, data_access_cpu, ram_dly, rff1, reset: std_logic;
        signal clock, boot_enable, ram_enable_n, stall, stall_cpu, irq_cpu, irq_ack_cpu, exception_cpu, data_access_cpu, ram_dly, rff1, reset: std_logic;
        signal address, data_read, data_write, data_read_boot, data_read_ram, irq_vector_cpu, inst_addr_cpu, inst_in_cpu, data_addr_cpu, data_in_cpu, data_out_cpu: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
        signal address, data_read, data_write, data_read_boot, data_read_ram, irq_vector_cpu, address_cpu, data_in_cpu, data_out_cpu: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
        signal ext_irq: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
        signal data_we, data_w_cpu: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
        signal data_we, data_w_cpu: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
        signal we_n_next    : std_logic;
        signal we_n_next    : std_logic;
        signal we_n_reg     : std_logic;
        signal we_n_reg     : std_logic;
        signal data_reg     : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
        signal data_reg     : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
        -- clock divider (25MHz clock from 50MHz main clock for Spartan3 Starter Kit)
        -- clock divider (25MHz clock from 50MHz main clock for Spartan3 Starter Kit)
        process (reset_in, clk_in, clock)
        process (reset_in, clk_in, clock, we_n_next)
                if reset_in = '1' then
                if reset_in = '1' then
                        clock <= '0';
                        clock <= '0';
                        if clk_in'event and clk_in='1' then
                        if clk_in'event and clk_in='1' then
                                clock <= not clock;
                                clock <= not clock;
                        end if;
                        end if;
                end if;
                end if;
                if reset_in = '1' then
                        we_n_reg <= '1';
                elsif rising_edge(clk_in) then
                        we_n_reg <= we_n_next or not clock;
                end if;
                if reset_in = '1' then
                        data_read_ram <= (others => '0');
                elsif rising_edge(clock) then
                        data_read_ram <= ram_data;
                end if;
        end process;
        end process;
        -- reset synchronizer
        -- reset synchronizer
        process (clock, reset_in)
        process (clock, reset_in)
Line 59... Line 73...
                        rff1 <= '0';
                        rff1 <= '0';
                        reset <= rff1;
                        reset <= rff1;
                end if;
                end if;
        end process;
        end process;
        process (reset, clock, ext_irq, ram_enable_n, ram_data)
        process (reset, clock, ram_enable_n)
                if reset = '1' then
                if reset = '1' then
                        data_read_ram <= (others => '0');
                        ram_dly <= '0';
                        ram_dly <= '0';
                        ext_irq <= x"00";
                elsif clock'event and clock = '1' then
                elsif clock'event and clock = '1' then
                        data_read_ram <= ram_data;
                        ram_dly <= not ram_enable_n;
                        ram_dly <= not ram_enable_n;
                        ext_irq <= "0000000" & int_in;
                end if;
                end if;
        end process;
        end process;
        stall <= '0';
        stall <= '0';
        boot_enable <= '1' when address(31 downto 28) = "0000" else '0';
        boot_enable <= '1' when address(31 downto 28) = "0000" else '0';
        data_read <= data_read_boot when address(31 downto 28) = "0000" and ram_dly = '0' else data_read_ram;
        data_read <= data_read_boot when address(31 downto 28) = "0000" and ram_dly = '0' else data_read_ram;
        -- HF-RISCV core
        -- HF-RISC core
        core: entity work.datapath
        core: entity work.datapath
        port map(       clock => clock,
        port map(       clock => clock,
                        reset => reset,
                        reset => reset,
                        stall => stall_cpu,
                        stall => stall_cpu,
                        busy => busy_cpu,
                        irq_vector => irq_vector_cpu,
                        irq_vector => irq_vector_cpu,
                        irq => irq_cpu,
                        irq => irq_cpu,
                        irq_ack => irq_ack_cpu,
                        irq_ack => irq_ack_cpu,
                        exception => exception_cpu,
                        exception => exception_cpu,
                        inst_addr => inst_addr_cpu,
                        address => address_cpu,
                        inst_in => inst_in_cpu,
                        data_addr => data_addr_cpu,
                        data_in => data_in_cpu,
                        data_in => data_in_cpu,
                        data_out => data_out_cpu,
                        data_out => data_out_cpu,
                        data_w => data_w_cpu,
                        data_w => data_w_cpu,
                        data_access => data_access_cpu
                        data_access => data_access_cpu
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                reset => reset,
                reset => reset,
                stall => stall,
                stall => stall,
                stall_cpu => stall_cpu,
                stall_cpu => stall_cpu,
                busy_cpu => busy_cpu,
                irq_vector_cpu => irq_vector_cpu,
                irq_vector_cpu => irq_vector_cpu,
                irq_cpu => irq_cpu,
                irq_cpu => irq_cpu,
                irq_ack_cpu => irq_ack_cpu,
                irq_ack_cpu => irq_ack_cpu,
                exception_cpu => exception_cpu,
                exception_cpu => exception_cpu,
                inst_addr_cpu => inst_addr_cpu,
                address_cpu => address_cpu,
                inst_in_cpu => inst_in_cpu,
                data_addr_cpu => data_addr_cpu,
                data_in_cpu => data_in_cpu,
                data_in_cpu => data_in_cpu,
                data_out_cpu => data_out_cpu,
                data_out_cpu => data_out_cpu,
                data_w_cpu => data_w_cpu,
                data_w_cpu => data_w_cpu,
                data_access_cpu => data_access_cpu,
                data_access_cpu => data_access_cpu,
                addr_mem => address,
                addr_mem => address,
                data_read_mem => data_read,
                data_read_mem => data_read,
                data_write_mem => data_write,
                data_write_mem => data_write,
                data_we_mem => data_we,
                data_we_mem => data_we,
                extio_in => ext_irq,
                extio_in => extio_in,
                extio_out => open,
                extio_out => extio_out,
                uart_read => uart_read,
                uart_read => uart_read,
                uart_write => uart_write
                uart_write => uart_write
        -- instruction and data memory (boot RAM)
        -- instruction and data memory (boot RAM)
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        -- these SRAMs have 16-bit words, so we use both chips and access each using low and
        -- these SRAMs have 16-bit words, so we use both chips and access each using low and
        -- high banks. using this arrangement, we have byte addressable 32-bit words.
        -- high banks. using this arrangement, we have byte addressable 32-bit words.
        -- the address bus is controlled directly by the CPU.
        -- the address bus is controlled directly by the CPU.
        ram_enable_n <= '0' when address(31 downto 28) = "0100" else '1';
        ram_enable_n <= '0' when address(31 downto 28) = "0100" else '1';
        ram_address <= address(31 downto 2);
        ram_address <= address(31 downto 2);
        ram_we_n <= we_n_reg;
        process(clock, ram_enable_n, data_we, data_write)
        process(clock, ram_enable_n, data_we, data_write)
                if ram_enable_n = '0' then                       --SRAM
                if ram_enable_n = '0' then                       --SRAM
Line 162... Line 168...
                                ram_data  <= (others => 'Z');
                                ram_data  <= (others => 'Z');
                                ram_ub1_n <= '0';
                                ram_ub1_n <= '0';
                                ram_lb1_n <= '0';
                                ram_lb1_n <= '0';
                                ram_ub2_n <= '0';
                                ram_ub2_n <= '0';
                                ram_lb2_n <= '0';
                                ram_lb2_n <= '0';
                                ram_we_n <= '1';
                                we_n_next <= '1';
                                ram_oe_n  <= '0';
                                ram_oe_n  <= '0';
                        else                                    -- write
                        else                                    -- write
                                if clock = '1' then
                                        ram_data <= (others => 'Z');
                                ram_data <= data_write;
                                ram_data <= data_write;
                                end if;
                                ram_ub1_n <= not data_we(3);
                                ram_ub1_n <= not data_we(3);
                                ram_lb1_n <= not data_we(2);
                                ram_lb1_n <= not data_we(2);
                                ram_ub2_n <= not data_we(1);
                                ram_ub2_n <= not data_we(1);
                                ram_lb2_n <= not data_we(0);
                                ram_lb2_n <= not data_we(0);
                                if clock = '0' then
                                we_n_next <= '0';
                                        ram_we_n <= '0';
                                        ram_we_n <= '1';
                                end if;
                                ram_oe_n  <= '1';
                                ram_oe_n  <= '1';
                        end if;
                        end if;
                        ram_data <= (others => 'Z');
                        ram_data <= (others => 'Z');
                        ram_ce1_n <= '1';
                        ram_ce1_n <= '1';
                        ram_ub1_n <= '1';
                        ram_ub1_n <= '1';
                        ram_lb1_n <= '1';
                        ram_lb1_n <= '1';
                        ram_ce2_n <= '1';
                        ram_ce2_n <= '1';
                        ram_ub2_n <= '1';
                        ram_ub2_n <= '1';
                        ram_lb2_n <= '1';
                        ram_lb2_n <= '1';
                        ram_we_n <= '1';
                        we_n_next <= '1';
                        ram_oe_n  <= '1';
                        ram_oe_n  <= '1';
                end if;
                end if;
        end process;
        end process;
end interface;
end top_level;
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