Line 82... |
Line 82... |
-- bytes for each word of SRAM_SIZE
-- bytes for each word of SRAM_SIZE
type t_sram is array(0 to SRAM_SIZE*2-1) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
type t_sram is array(0 to SRAM_SIZE*2-1) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal sram1 : t_sram := (@data31@);
signal sram1 : t_sram := (@data31@);
signal sram0 : t_sram := (@data20@);
signal sram0 : t_sram := (@data20@);
signal sram_chip_addr : std_logic_vector(SRAM_ADDR_SIZE downto 1);
signal sram_output : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-- PROM table and interface signals --------------------------------------------
-- PROM table and interface signals --------------------------------------------
-- We'll simulate a 16-bit-wide static PROM (e.g. a Flash) with some serious
-- We'll simulate a 16-bit-wide static PROM (e.g. a Flash) with some serious
-- cycle time (70 or 90 ns).
-- cycle time (70 or 90 ns).
--constant PROM_SIZE : integer := @flash_table_size@;
constant PROM_SIZE : integer := @prom_size@;
--constant PROM_ADDR_SIZE : integer := log2(PROM_SIZE);
constant PROM_ADDR_SIZE : integer := log2(PROM_SIZE);
--subtype t_prom_address is std_logic_vector(PROM_ADDR_SIZE-1 downto 0);
subtype t_prom_address is std_logic_vector(PROM_ADDR_SIZE-1 downto 0);
--type t_prom is array(0 to PROM_SIZE-1) of t_hword;
type t_prom is array(0 to PROM_SIZE-1) of t_word;
--signal prom_rd_addr : t_prom_address;
signal prom_rd_addr : t_prom_address;
--signal prom_databus : t_hword;
signal prom_output : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
--signal prom_oe_n : std_logic;
signal prom_oe_n : std_logic;
---- bram0 is LSB, bram3 is MSB
-- bram0 is LSB, bram3 is MSB
--signal prom : t_prom := (@flash@);
signal prom : t_prom := (@flash@);
-- I/O devices -----------------------------------------------------------------
-- I/O devices -----------------------------------------------------------------
signal data_uart : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal data_uart : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
Line 117... |
Line 120... |
signal reset : std_logic := '1';
signal reset : std_logic := '1';
signal interrupt : std_logic := '0';
signal interrupt : std_logic := '0';
signal done : std_logic := '0';
signal done : std_logic := '0';
-- interface to asynchronous 16-bit-wide external SRAM
-- interface to asynchronous 16-bit-wide external SRAM
signal sram_address : std_logic_vector(SRAM_ADDR_SIZE downto 1);
signal sram_address : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal sram_databus : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal sram_data_rd : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal sram_data_wr : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal sram_byte_we_n : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal sram_byte_we_n : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal sram_oe_n : std_logic;
signal sram_oe_n : std_logic;
-- interface cpu-cache
-- interface cpu-cache
signal cpu_data_rd_addr : t_word;
signal cpu_data_rd_addr : t_word;
Line 198... |
Line 202... |
cache: entity work.mips_cache_stub
cache: entity work.mips_cache_stub
generic map (
generic map (
SRAM_ADDR_SIZE => 32 -- we need the full address to decode sram vs flash
port map (
port map (
clk => clk,
clk => clk,
reset => reset,
reset => reset,
Line 238... |
Line 242... |
bram_byte_we => bram_byte_we,
bram_byte_we => bram_byte_we,
bram_data_rd_vma=> bram_data_rd_vma,
bram_data_rd_vma=> bram_data_rd_vma,
-- interface to asynchronous 16-bit-wide external SRAM
-- interface to asynchronous 16-bit-wide external SRAM
sram_address => sram_address,
sram_address => sram_address,
sram_databus => sram_databus,
sram_data_rd => sram_data_rd,
sram_data_wr => sram_data_wr,
sram_byte_we_n => sram_byte_we_n,
sram_byte_we_n => sram_byte_we_n,
sram_oe_n => sram_oe_n
sram_oe_n => sram_oe_n
Line 306... |
Line 311... |
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process data_ram_block;
end process data_ram_block;
sram_databus <=
sram_data_rd <=
sram1(conv_integer(unsigned(sram_address))) &
X"00" & prom_output when sram_address(31 downto 27)="10110" else
sram0(conv_integer(unsigned(sram_address))) when sram_oe_n='0'
-- Do a very basic simulation of an external SRAM ---------------
sram_chip_addr <= sram_address(SRAM_ADDR_SIZE downto 1);
-- FIXME should add some verification of /WE
sram_output <=
sram1(conv_integer(unsigned(sram_chip_addr))) &
sram0(conv_integer(unsigned(sram_chip_addr))) when sram_oe_n='0'
else (others => 'Z');
else (others => 'Z');
-- Do a very basic simulation of an external SRAM
process(sram_byte_we_n, sram_address, sram_oe_n)
process(sram_byte_we_n, sram_address, sram_oe_n)
-- Write cycle
-- Write cycle
-- FIXME should add OE\ to write control logic
-- FIXME should add OE\ to write control logic
if sram_byte_we_n'event or sram_address'event then
if sram_byte_we_n'event or sram_address'event then
if sram_byte_we_n(1)='0' then
if sram_byte_we_n(1)='0' then
sram1(conv_integer(unsigned(sram_address))) <= sram_databus(15 downto 8);
sram1(conv_integer(unsigned(sram_chip_addr))) <= sram_data_wr(15 downto 8);
end if;
end if;
if sram_byte_we_n(0)='0' then
if sram_byte_we_n(0)='0' then
sram0(conv_integer(unsigned(sram_address))) <= sram_databus( 7 downto 0);
sram0(conv_integer(unsigned(sram_chip_addr))) <= sram_data_wr( 7 downto 0);
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process simulated_sram_write;
-- Read cycle
-- FIXME should add some verification of /WE
--if sram_oe_n'event or sram_address'event then
-- if sram_oe_n='0' then
-- sram_databus <=
-- sram1(conv_integer(unsigned(sram_address))) &
-- sram0(conv_integer(unsigned(sram_address)));
-- else
-- sram_databus <= (others => 'Z');
-- end if;
--end if;
end process simulated_sram;
-- Do a very basic simulation of an external PROM wired to the same bus
-- Do a very basic simulation of an external PROM wired to the same bus
-- as the sram (both are static).
-- as the sram (both are static).
-- prom_databus <=
-- prom(conv_integer(unsigned(sram_address))) when prom_oe_n='0'
prom_rd_addr <= sram_address(PROM_ADDR_SIZE+1 downto 2);
-- else (others => 'Z');
prom_oe_n <= sram_oe_n;
prom_output <=
prom(conv_integer(unsigned(prom_rd_addr)))(31 downto 24) when prom_oe_n='0' and sram_address(1 downto 0)="00" else
prom(conv_integer(unsigned(prom_rd_addr)))(23 downto 16) when prom_oe_n='0' and sram_address(1 downto 0)="01" else
prom(conv_integer(unsigned(prom_rd_addr)))(15 downto 8) when prom_oe_n='0' and sram_address(1 downto 0)="10" else
prom(conv_integer(unsigned(prom_rd_addr)))( 7 downto 0) when prom_oe_n='0' and sram_address(1 downto 0)="11" else
(others => 'Z');
variable i : integer;
variable i : integer;