Line 232... |
Line 232... |
signal stalled_interlock : std_logic;
signal stalled_interlock : std_logic;
signal reset_done : std_logic;
signal reset_done : std_logic;
-- CP0 registers and signals
-- CP0 interface signals
-- CP0[12]: status register, KUo/IEo & KUP/IEp & KU/IE bits
signal cp0_mosi : t_cop0_mosi;
signal cp0_status : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
signal cp0_miso : t_cop0_miso;
signal cp0_sr_ku_reg : std_logic;
-- CP0[12]: status register, cache control
signal cp0_cache_control : std_logic_vector(17 downto 16);
-- Output of CP0 register bank (only a few regs are implemented)
signal cp0_reg_read : t_word;
-- CP0[14]: EPC register (PC value saved at exceptions)
signal cp0_epc : t_pc;
-- CP0[13]: 'Cause' register (cause and attributes of exception)
signal cp0_cause : t_word;
signal cp0_in_delay_slot : std_logic;
signal cp0_cause_bd : std_logic;
signal cp0_cause_ce : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal cp0_cause_exc_code : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
-- Register bank & datapath
-- Register bank & datapath
Line 320... |
Line 307... |
with (p2_wback_mux_sel) select p1_rbank_wr_data <=
with (p2_wback_mux_sel) select p1_rbank_wr_data <=
p1_alu_outp when "00",
p1_alu_outp when "00",
p2_data_word_rd when "01",
p2_data_word_rd when "01",
p0_pc_incremented & "00" when "11",
p0_pc_incremented & "00" when "11",
cp0_reg_read when others;
| when others;
-- Register bank RAM & Rbank WE logic
-- Register bank RAM & Rbank WE logic
p1_rbank_we <= '1' when (p2_do_load='1' or p1_load_alu='1' or p1_link='1' or
p1_rbank_we <= '1' when (p2_do_load='1' or p1_load_alu='1' or p1_link='1' or
Line 501... |
Line 488... |
-- that case, this is the previous jump instruction address.
-- that case, this is the previous jump instruction address.
-- I.e. all as per the mips-1 specs.
-- I.e. all as per the mips-1 specs.
if (p1_jump_type="00" or p0_jump_cond_value='0') then
if (p1_jump_type="00" or p0_jump_cond_value='0') then
p0_pc_restart <= p0_pc_reg;
p0_pc_restart <= p0_pc_reg;
-- remember if we are in a delay slot, in case there's a trap
-- remember if we are in a delay slot, in case there's a trap
cp0_in_delay_slot <= '0'; -- NOT in a delay slot
cp0_mosi.in_delay_slot <= '0'; -- NOT in a delay slot
cp0_in_delay_slot <= '1'; -- in a delay slot
cp0_mosi.in_delay_slot <= '1'; -- in a delay slot
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process pc_register;
end process pc_register;
Line 827... |
Line 814... |
p1_cp_unavailable <= '1' when
p1_cp_unavailable <= '1' when
(p1_set_cp='1' and p1_set_cp0='0') or -- mtc1..3
(p1_set_cp='1' and p1_set_cp0='0') or -- mtc1..3
(p1_get_cp='1' and p1_get_cp0='0') or -- mfc1..3
(p1_get_cp='1' and p1_get_cp0='0') or -- mfc1..3
((p1_get_cp0='1' or p1_set_cp0='1' or p1_rfe='1')
((p1_get_cp0='1' or p1_set_cp0='1' or p1_rfe='1')
and cp0_sr_ku_reg='0')
and cp0_miso.kernel='0') -- COP0 user mode
--and cp0_status(1)='0') -- COP0 user mode
-- FIXME CP1..3 logic missing
-- FIXME CP1..3 logic missing
else '0';
else '0';
-- Pipeline registers & pipeline control logic
-- Pipeline registers & pipeline control logic
Line 1065... |
Line 1051... |
-- CP0 and exception processing
-- CP0 and exception processing
if clk'event and clk='1' then
if reset='1' then
-- KU/IE="10" ==> mode=kernel; ints=disabled
cp0_status <= "000010"; -- bits (KUo/IEo & KUp/IEp) reset to zero
cp0_sr_ku_reg <= '1'; -- delayed KU flag
cp0_cache_control <= "00";
cp0_cause_exc_code <= "00000";
cp0_cause_bd <= '0';
if pipeline_stalled='0' then
if p1_exception='1' then
-- Exception: do all that needs to be done right here
-- Save PC in EPC register...
cp0_epc <= p0_pc_restart;
-- ... set KU flag to Kernel mode ...
cp0_status(1) <= '1';
-- ... and 'push' old KU/IE flag values
cp0_status(5 downto 4) <= cp0_status(3 downto 2);
cp0_status(3 downto 2) <= cp0_status(1 downto 0);
-- Set the 'exception cause' code...
if p1_unknown_opcode='1' then
cp0_cause_exc_code <= "01010"; -- bad opcode ('reserved')
elsif p1_cp_unavailable='1' then
-- this triggers for mtc0/mfc0 in user mode too
cp0_cause_exc_code <= "01011"; -- CP* unavailable
if p1_ir_fn(0)='0' then
cp0_cause_exc_code <= "01000"; -- syscall
cp0_cause_exc_code <= "01001"; -- break
end if;
end if;
-- ... and the BD flag for exceptions in delay slots
cp0_cause_bd <= cp0_in_delay_slot;
elsif p1_rfe='1' and cp0_status(1)='1' then
cp0_mosi.index <= p1_ir_reg(15 downto 11);
-- RFE: restore ('pop') the KU/IE flag values
cp0_mosi.we <= p1_set_cp0;
| <= p1_rt;
cp0_mosi.pc_restart <= p0_pc_restart;
cp0_mosi.pipeline_stalled <= pipeline_stalled;
cp0_mosi.exception <= p1_exception;
cp0_mosi.rfe <= p1_rfe;
cp0_mosi.unknown_opcode <= p1_unknown_opcode;
cp0_mosi.missing_cop <= p1_cp_unavailable;
cp0_mosi.syscall <= not p1_ir_fn(0);
cp0_mosi.stall <= stall_pipeline;
cp0_status(3 downto 2) <= cp0_status(5 downto 4);
cp0_status(1 downto 0) <= cp0_status(3 downto 2);
elsif p1_set_cp0='1' and cp0_status(1)='1' then
cache_enable <= cp0_miso.idcache_enable;
-- MTC0: load CP0[xx] with Rt
ic_invalidate <= cp0_miso.icache_invalidate;
-- NOTE: in MTCx, the source register is Rt
-- FIXME this works because only SR is writeable; when
-- CP0[13].IP1-0 are implemented, check for CP0 reg index.
cp0_status <= p1_rt(cp0_status'high downto 0);
cp0_cache_control <= p1_rt(17 downto 16);
end if;
end if;
if stall_pipeline='0' then
cp0_sr_ku_reg <= cp0_status(1);
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process cp0_registers;
cache_enable <= cp0_cache_control(17);
cop0 : entity work.mips_cop0
ic_invalidate <= cp0_cache_control(16);
port map (
clk => clk,
cp0_cause_ce <= "00"; -- FIXME CP* traps merged with unimplemented opcode traps
reset => reset,
cp0_cause <= cp0_cause_bd & '0' & cp0_cause_ce &
X"00000" & '0' & cp0_cause_exc_code & "00";
-- FIXME the mux should mask to zero for any unused reg index
cpu_i => cp0_mosi,
with p1_c0_rs_num select cp0_reg_read <=
cpu_o => cp0_miso
X"000000" & "00" & cp0_status when "01100",
cp0_cause when "01101",
cp0_epc & "00" when others;
end architecture rtl;
end architecture rtl;