Line 41... |
Line 41... |
-- NOTE: simulation parameters are defined in sim_params_pkg
-- NOTE: simulation parameters are defined in sim_params_pkg
-- External SRAM and interface signals -----------------------------------------
-- External SRAM and interface signals -----------------------------------------
signal sram1 : t_sram := ( others => X"00");
-- Static 16-bit wide RAM modelled as two separate byte-wide arrays foer easy
signal sram0 : t_sram := ( others => X"00");
-- simulation of byte enables.
-- Using shared variables for big memory arrays speeds up simulation a lot;
-- see Modelsim 6.3 User Manual, section on 'Modelling Memory'.
-- WARNING: I have only tested this construct with Modelsim SE 6.3.
shared variable sram1 : t_sram := ( others => X"00");
shared variable sram0 : t_sram := ( others => X"00");
signal sram_chip_addr : std_logic_vector(SRAM_ADDR_SIZE downto 1);
signal sram_chip_addr : std_logic_vector(SRAM_ADDR_SIZE downto 1);
signal sram_output : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal sram_output : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-- PROM table and interface signals --------------------------------------------
-- PROM table and interface signals --------------------------------------------
-- We'll simulate a 16-bit-wide static PROM (e.g. a Flash) with some serious
-- We'll simulate a 16-bit-wide static PROM (e.g. a Flash) with some serious
-- cycle time (70 or 90 ns).
-- cycle time (70 or 90 ns).
-- FIXME FLASH read cycle time not modelled yet.
signal prom_rd_addr : t_prom_address;
signal prom_rd_addr : t_prom_address;
signal prom_output : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal prom_output : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal prom_oe_n : std_logic;
signal prom_oe_n : std_logic;
signal prom : t_prom := ( PROM_DATA );
-- 8-bit wide FLASH modelled as read only block.
-- We don't simulate the actual FLASH chip: no FLASH writes, control regs, etc.
shared variable prom : t_prom := ( PROM_DATA );
-- I/O devices -----------------------------------------------------------------
-- I/O devices -----------------------------------------------------------------
signal data_uart : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal data_uart : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
Line 214... |
Line 220... |
-- Write cycle
-- Write cycle
-- FIXME should add OE\ to write control logic
-- FIXME should add OE\ to write control logic
if mpu_sram_byte_we_n'event or mpu_sram_address'event then
if mpu_sram_byte_we_n'event or mpu_sram_address'event then
if mpu_sram_byte_we_n(1)='0' then
if mpu_sram_byte_we_n(1)='0' then
sram1(conv_integer(unsigned(sram_chip_addr))) <= mpu_sram_data_wr(15 downto 8);
sram1(conv_integer(unsigned(sram_chip_addr))) := mpu_sram_data_wr(15 downto 8);
end if;
end if;
if mpu_sram_byte_we_n(0)='0' then
if mpu_sram_byte_we_n(0)='0' then
sram0(conv_integer(unsigned(sram_chip_addr))) <= mpu_sram_data_wr( 7 downto 0);
sram0(conv_integer(unsigned(sram_chip_addr))) := mpu_sram_data_wr( 7 downto 0);
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process simulated_sram_write;
end process simulated_sram_write;