
Subversion Repositories iota_pow_vhdl

[/] [iota_pow_vhdl/] [trunk/] [vhdl_altera_de1/] [curl.vhd] - Diff between revs 2 and 4

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Rev 2 Rev 4
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-- IOTA Pearl Diver VHDL Port
-- Written 2018 by Thomas Pototschnig <>
-- This source code is currently licensed under
-- Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)
-- If you like my project please consider a donation to
-- As soon as donations reach 1000MIOTA, everything will become
-- GPL and open for any use - commercial included.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.index_table.all;
entity curl is
                HASH_LENGTH : integer := 243;
                STATE_LENGTH : integer := 729; -- 3 * HASH_LENGTH;
                NONCE_LENGTH : integer := 81; -- HASH_LENGTH / 3;
                NUMBER_OF_ROUNDS : integer := 81;
                PARALLEL : integer := 5;
                INTERN_NONCE_LENGTH : integer   := 32;
                BITS_MIN_WEIGHT_MAGINUTE_MAX : integer := 26;
                DATA_WIDTH : integer := 9
                clk : in std_logic;
                clk_slow : in std_logic;
                reset : in std_logic;
                spi_data_rx : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
                spi_data_tx : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
                spi_data_rxen : in std_logic;
                overflow : out std_logic;
                running : out std_logic;
                found : out std_logic
end curl;
architecture behv of curl is
subtype state_vector_type is std_logic_vector(PARALLEL-1 downto 0);
subtype mid_state_vector_type is std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
type curl_state_array is array(integer range <>) of state_vector_type;
type mid_state_array is array(integer range <>) of mid_state_vector_type;
signal curl_state_low : curl_state_array(STATE_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
signal curl_state_high : curl_state_array(STATE_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
-- mid state data in 9bit packed format
signal curl_mid_state_low : mid_state_array((STATE_LENGTH/9)-1 downto 0);
signal curl_mid_state_high : mid_state_array((STATE_LENGTH/9)-1 downto 0);
signal flag_running : std_logic := '0';
signal flag_overflow : std_logic := '0';
signal flag_found : std_logic := '0';
signal flag_start : std_logic := '0';
signal binary_nonce : unsigned(INTERN_NONCE_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
signal mask : state_vector_type;
signal min_weight_magnitude : std_logic_vector(BITS_MIN_WEIGHT_MAGINUTE_MAX-1 downto 0);
        overflow <= flag_overflow;
        running <= flag_running;
        found <= flag_found;
        process (clk_slow)
        -- because it looks prettier
                variable spi_cmd : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
                variable wraddr : integer range 0 to 127 := 0;
                if rising_edge(clk_slow) then
                        if reset='1' then
--                              binary_nonce <= (others => '0');
                                min_weight_magnitude <= (others => '0');
                                flag_start <= '0';
                                flag_start <= '0';
-- new spi data received
                                if spi_data_rxen = '1' then
                                        spi_cmd := spi_data_rx(31 downto 26);
                                        case spi_cmd is
                                                when "000000" => -- nop
                                                when "100001" => -- start / stop
                                                        if spi_data_rx(0) = '1' then
                                                                flag_start <= '1';
                                                        end if;
                                                when "100101" =>        -- write to wr address
                                                        wraddr := 0;
                                                when "100010" =>        -- write to mid state
                                                        curl_mid_state_low(wraddr) <= std_logic_vector(spi_data_rx(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0));
                                                        curl_mid_state_high(wraddr) <= std_logic_vector(spi_data_rx(DATA_WIDTH+8 downto DATA_WIDTH));
                                                        wraddr := wraddr + 1;
                                                when "100100" =>
                                                        min_weight_magnitude <= spi_data_rx(BITS_MIN_WEIGHT_MAGINUTE_MAX-1 downto 0);
                                                when "000001" =>        -- read flags
                                                        spi_data_tx <= "00000000000000000000000000000" & flag_overflow & flag_found & flag_running;
-- this costs an extreme amount of resources
-- interesting only for debugging 
--                                              when "000010" =>
--                                                      spi_addr := spi_data_rx(25 downto 16);
--                                                      spi_data_tx(0+PARALLEL-1 downto 0) <= curl_state_low(to_integer(unsigned(spi_addr)));
--                                                      spi_data_tx(8+PARALLEL-1 downto 8) <= curl_state_high(to_integer(unsigned(spi_addr)));
                                                when "000011" => -- read nonce
                                                        spi_data_tx(31 downto INTERN_NONCE_LENGTH) <= (others => '0');
                                                        spi_data_tx(INTERN_NONCE_LENGTH-1 downto 0) <= std_logic_vector(binary_nonce);
                                                when "000100" => -- read mask
                                                        spi_data_tx(PARALLEL-1 downto 0) <= mask;
                                                        spi_data_tx(31 downto PARALLEL) <= (others => '0');
                                                when "000110" => -- read back parallel-level
                                                        spi_data_tx <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(PARALLEL, spi_data_tx'length));
                                                when "010101" => -- loop back read test inverted bits
                                                        spi_data_tx <= not spi_data_rx;
                                                when others =>
                                                        spi_data_tx <= (others => '1');
                                        end case;
                                end if;
                        end if;
                end if;
        end process;
        process (clk)
                variable        state : integer range 0 to 31 := 0;
                variable round : integer range 0 to 127 := 0;
                variable imask : state_vector_type;
                variable i_min_weight_magnitude : std_logic_vector(BITS_MIN_WEIGHT_MAGINUTE_MAX-1 downto 0);
                -- temporary registers get optimized away
                variable alpha : curl_state_array(STATE_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
                variable beta : curl_state_array(STATE_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
                variable gamma : curl_state_array(STATE_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
                variable delta : curl_state_array(STATE_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
                variable epsilon : curl_state_array(STATE_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
                variable tmp_index : integer range 0 to 1023;
                variable tmp_mod : integer range 0 to 31;
                if rising_edge(clk) then
                        if reset='1' then
                                state := 0;
                                flag_found <= '0';
                                flag_running <= '0';
                                flag_overflow <= '0';
                                binary_nonce <= (others => '0');
                                case state is
                                        when 0 =>
                                                flag_running <= '0';
                                                if flag_start = '1' then
                                                        i_min_weight_magnitude := min_weight_magnitude;
                                                        state := 1;
                                                end if;
                                                -- nop until start from spi
                                        when 1 =>
                                                binary_nonce <= (others => '0');
                                                flag_found <= '0';
                                                flag_running <= '1';
                                                flag_overflow <= '0';
                                                state := 8;
                                        when 8 =>       -- copy mid state and insert nonce
                                                -- pipeline adder for speed
                                                binary_nonce <= binary_nonce + 1;
                                                -- copy and fully expand mid-state to curl-state
                                                for I in 0 to (STATE_LENGTH/DATA_WIDTH)-1 loop
                                                        for J in 0 to DATA_WIDTH-1 loop
                                                                tmp_index := I*DATA_WIDTH+J;
                                                                if  tmp_index < 162 or tmp_index > HASH_LENGTH-1 then
                                                                        if curl_mid_state_low(I)(J) = '1' then
                                                                                curl_state_low(tmp_index) <= (others => '1');
                                                                                curl_state_low(tmp_index) <= (others => '0');
                                                                        end if;
                                                                        if curl_mid_state_high(I)(J) = '1' then
                                                                                curl_state_high(tmp_index) <= (others => '1');
                                                                                curl_state_high(tmp_index) <= (others => '0');
                                                                        end if;
                                                                end if;
                                                        end loop;
                                                end loop;
--                                              -- generate bitmuster in first two trit-arrays of counter depending from PARALLEL setting
--                                              -- doesn't need additional resources for pow or division because everything is constant
                                                for J in 0 to 1 loop     -- TODO make adjustable ... it's okay up to PARALLEL = 9
                                                        for I in 0 to PARALLEL-1 loop
                                                                tmp_mod := (I/(3**J)) mod 3;
                                                                if tmp_mod = 0 then
                                                                        curl_state_low(162+J)(I) <= '1';
                                                                        curl_state_high(162+J)(I) <= '1';
                                                                elsif tmp_mod = 1 then
                                                                        curl_state_low(162+J)(I) <= '0';
                                                                        curl_state_high(162+J)(I) <= '1';
                                                                elsif tmp_mod = 2 then
                                                                        curl_state_low(162+J)(I) <= '1';
                                                                        curl_state_high(162+J)(I) <= '0';
                                                                end if;
                                                        end loop;
                                                end loop;
                                                -- lowest trits for counter from 0 to 4 (for 5bit)
--                                              curl_state_low(162) <=  "01101"; 
--                                              curl_state_high(162) <= "11011";
--                                              curl_state_low(163) <=  "00111";
--                                              curl_state_high(163) <= "11111";
                                                -- insert and convert binary nonce to trinary nonce
                                                -- It's a fake trinary nonce but integer-values are strictly monotonously rising 
                                                -- with integer values of binary nonce.
                                                -- Doesn't bring the exact same result like reference implementation with real
                                                -- trinary adder - but it doesn't matter and it is way faster.
                                                for I in 164 to 164+INTERN_NONCE_LENGTH-1 loop
                                                        if binary_nonce(I-164) = '1' then
                                                                curl_state_low(I) <= (others => '1');
                                                                curl_state_high(I) <= (others => '0');
                                                                curl_state_low(I) <= (others => '0');
                                                                curl_state_high(I) <= (others => '1');
                                                        end if;
                                                end loop;
                                                -- fill remaining trits with '11' (=0)
                                                for I in 164+INTERN_NONCE_LENGTH to HASH_LENGTH-1 loop
                                                        curl_state_low(I) <= (others => '1');
                                                        curl_state_high(I) <= (others => '1');
                                                end loop;
                                                -- initialize round-counter
                                                round := NUMBER_OF_ROUNDS;
                                                state := 10;
                                        when 10 =>      -- do the curl hash round without any copying needed
                                                for I in 0 to STATE_LENGTH-1 loop
                                                        alpha(I) := curl_state_low(index_table(I));
                                                        beta(I) := curl_state_high(index_table(I));
                                                        gamma(I) := curl_state_high(index_table(I+1));
                                                        delta(I) := (alpha(I) or (not gamma(I))) and (curl_state_low(index_table(I+1)) xor beta(I));
                                                        curl_state_low(I) <= not delta(I);
                                                        curl_state_high(I) <= (alpha(I) xor gamma(I)) or delta(I);
                                                end loop;
                                                round := round - 1;
                                                if round = 0 then
                                                        state := 16;
                                                end if;
                                        when 16 =>  -- find out which solution - if any
                                                imask := (others => '1');
                                                -- doesn't work like the 2nd variant ... why? TODO^^ 
                                                for I in 0 to PARALLEL-1 loop
                                                        for J in 0 to BITS_MIN_WEIGHT_MAGINUTE_MAX-1 loop
                                                                if i_min_weight_magnitude(J) = '1' and (curl_state_low(HASH_LENGTH - 1 - J)(I) /= '1' or curl_state_high(HASH_LENGTH - 1 - J)(I) /= '1') then
                                                                        imask(I) := '0';
                                                                end if;
                                                        end loop;
                                                end loop;
--                                              imask := (others => '1');
--                                              for I in 0 to BITS_MIN_WEIGHT_MAGINUTE_MAX-1 loop 
--                                                      if i_min_weight_magnitude(I) = '1' then
--                                                              imask := imask and not (curl_state_low(HASH_LENGTH - 1 - I) xor curl_state_high(HASH_LENGTH - 1 - I));
--                                                      end if;
--                                              end loop;
--                                              mask <= imask;                                          
                                                -- no solution found?
                                                if unsigned(imask) = 0 then
                                                        -- is overflow?
                                                        if binary_nonce = x"ffffffff" then
                                                                flag_overflow <= '1';
                                                                state := 0;
                                                                state := 8;     -- and try again
                                                        end if;
                                                        state := 30;    -- nonce found
                                                end if;
                                        when 30 =>
                                                mask <= imask;
                                                flag_found <= '1';
                                                state := 0;
                                        when others =>
                                                state := 0;
                                end case;
                        end if;
                end if;
        end process;
end behv;
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