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Author: Sebastien Riou (acapola)
Author: Sebastien Riou (acapola)
Creation date: 19:57:35 10/31/2010
Creation date: 19:57:35 10/31/2010
$LastChangedDate: 2011-01-29 13:16:17 +0100 (Sat, 29 Jan 2011) $
$LastChangedDate: 2011-02-13 16:20:10 +0100 (Sun, 13 Feb 2011) $
$LastChangedBy: acapola $
$LastChangedBy: acapola $
$LastChangedRevision: 11 $
$LastChangedRevision: 15 $
$HeadURL: file:///svn/iso7816_3_master/iso7816_3_master/trunk/sources/HalfDuplexUartIf.v $
$HeadURL: file:///svn/iso7816_3_master/iso7816_3_master/trunk/sources/HalfDuplexUartIf.v $
This file is under the BSD licence:
This file is under the BSD licence:
Copyright (c) 2011, Sebastien Riou
Copyright (c) 2011, Sebastien Riou
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input wire clk,
input wire clk,
input wire [DIVIDER_WIDTH-1:0] clkPerCycle,
input wire [DIVIDER_WIDTH-1:0] clkPerCycle,
input wire [7:0] dataIn,
input wire [7:0] dataIn,
input wire nWeDataIn,
input wire nWeDataIn,
input wire [CLOCK_PER_BIT_WIDTH-1:0] clocksPerBit,
input wire [CLOCK_PER_BIT_WIDTH-1:0] clocksPerBit,
input wire stopBit2,//0: 1 stop bit, 1: 2 stop bits
input wire oddParity, //if 1, parity bit is such that data+parity have an odd number of 1
input wire msbFirst, //if 1, bits order is: startBit, b7, b6, b5...b0, parity
output wire [7:0] dataOut,
output wire [7:0] dataOut,
input wire nCsDataOut,
input wire nCsDataOut,
output wire [7:0] statusOut,
output wire [7:0] statusOut,
input wire nCsStatusOut,
input wire nCsStatusOut,
input wire serialIn,
input wire serialIn,
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reg [7:0] dataReg;
reg [7:0] dataReg;
// Inputs
// Inputs
wire [7:0] txData;
wire [7:0] txData;
//wire [12:0] clocksPerBit;
wire stopBit2=1;
wire oddParity=0; //if 1, parity bit is such that data+parity have an odd number of 1
wire msbFirst=0; //if 1, bits will be send in the order startBit, b7, b6, b5...b0, parity
reg txPending;
reg txPending;
wire ackFlags;
wire ackFlags;
// Outputs
// Outputs
wire [7:0] rxData;
wire [7:0] rxData;
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wire rxFlagsSet = dataOutReadyFlag | overrunErrorFlag | frameErrorFlag;
wire rxFlagsSet = dataOutReadyFlag | overrunErrorFlag | frameErrorFlag;
reg bufferFull;
reg bufferFull;
reg [1:0] flagsReg;
reg [1:0] flagsReg;
assign txData = dataReg;
assign txData = dataReg;
//assign clocksPerBit = 7;
assign dataOut=dataReg;
assign dataOut=dataReg;
assign statusOut[7:0]={txRun, txPending, rxRun, rxStartBit, isTx, flagsReg, bufferFull};
assign statusOut[7:0]={txRun, txPending, rxRun, rxStartBit, isTx, flagsReg, bufferFull};
reg waitTxFull0;//internal reg for managing bufferFull bit in Tx
reg waitTxFull0;//internal reg for managing bufferFull bit in Tx