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output reg dataOutReadyFlag, //new data available
output reg dataOutReadyFlag, //new data available
output reg frameErrorFlag, //bad parity or bad stop bits
output reg frameErrorFlag, //bad parity or bad stop bits
output reg endOfRx, //one cycle pulse: 1 during last cycle of last stop bit
output reg endOfRx, //one cycle pulse: 1 during last cycle of last stop bit
output reg run, //rx is definitely started, one of the three flag will be set
output reg run, //rx is definitely started, one of the three flag will be set
output wire startBit, //rx is started, but we don't know yet if real rx or just a glitch
output wire startBit, //rx is started, but we don't know yet if real rx or just a glitch
output wire stopBit, //rx is over but still in stop bits
input wire [CLOCK_PER_BIT_WIDTH-1:0] clocksPerBit,
input wire [CLOCK_PER_BIT_WIDTH-1:0] clocksPerBit,
input wire stopBit2,//0: 1 stop bit, 1: 2 stop bits
input wire stopBit2,//0: 1 stop bit, 1: 2 stop bits
input wire oddParity, //if 1, parity bit is such that data+parity have an odd number of 1
input wire oddParity, //if 1, parity bit is such that data+parity have an odd number of 1
input wire msbFirst, //if 1, bits order is: startBit, b7, b6, b5...b0, parity
input wire msbFirst, //if 1, bits order is: startBit, b7, b6, b5...b0, parity
input wire ackFlags,
input wire ackFlags,
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input wire bitClocksCounterMatch
input wire bitClocksCounterMatch
//parameters to override
//parameters to override
parameter CLOCK_PER_BIT_WIDTH = 13; //allow to support default speed of ISO7816
parameter CLOCK_PER_BIT_WIDTH = 13; //allow to support default speed of ISO7816
//invert the polarity of the output or not
//parameter IN_POLARITY = 1'b0;
//parameter PARITY_POLARITY = 1'b1;
//default conventions
//default conventions
parameter START_BIT = 1'b0;
parameter START_BIT = 1'b0;
parameter STOP_BIT1 = 1'b1;
parameter STOP_BIT1 = 1'b1;
parameter STOP_BIT2 = 1'b1;
parameter STOP_BIT2 = 1'b1;
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wire internalIn;
wire internalIn;
wire parityError;
wire parityError;
assign startBit = (nextState == START_STATE);
assign startBit = (nextState == START_STATE);
assign stopBit = (nextState == STOP1_STATE) | (nextState == STOP2_STATE);
assign internalIn = serialIn;
assign internalIn = serialIn;
assign parityError= parityBit ^ internalIn ^ 1'b1;
assign parityError= parityBit ^ internalIn ^ 1'b1;
reg flagsSet;
reg flagsSet;
assign bitClocksCounterInitVal=(nextState==IDLE_STATE);
assign bitClocksCounterInitVal=(nextState==IDLE_STATE);
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default: nextState <= #1 IDLE_STATE;
default: nextState <= #1 IDLE_STATE;
//how to use an internal counter rather than an external one:
//(need to be moved at top of the module)
/*wire [CLOCK_PER_BIT_WIDTH-1:0] bitClocksCounter;
wire bitClocksCounterMatch;
reg [CLOCK_PER_BIT_WIDTH-1:0] bitClocksCounterCompare;
reg bitClocksCounterInc;
reg bitClocksCounterClear;
wire bitClocksCounterInitVal;
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