Line 59... |
Line 59... |
-- Size and Width depending upon the number of spheres to push out in one clock (OP1= One sphere, OP2 = Two spheres, OP4= Four spheres).
-- Size and Width depending upon the number of spheres to push out in one clock (OP1= One sphere, OP2 = Two spheres, OP4= Four spheres).
constant REGSZADD : WARRAY := (12,11,10);
constant REGSZADD : WARRAY := (12,11,10);
constant CIDSZADD : DUPLA := ((1,0),(2,1),(4,2));
constant CIDSZADD : DUPLA := ((1,0),(2,1),(4,2));
-- Decimal Fix is a component used after normalization (unitary vector calculation), when you want to assure that your A(n,10) number is representing a (-1,1) number. For that matter and precission issues, your unitary vector component may go beyond bounds, lower than -1 or greater than 1. After executing a square root or a division, where the result must be between -1 and 1, you can have little misscalculation, for example 1.0004+ or -1.0004-. There's no way to know how much the error is, but for sure we can minimize it. We can push up a 1.0004- to -1, and pull down a 1.0004+ to 0.999023.
component decimalFix
bigdecimal : integer := 16;
litdecimal : integer := 10;
litinteger : integer := 7
port (
clk, rst, ena : in std_logic; -- The usual control signals
inputsign,ovf : in std_logic; -- Sign bit and overflow bit, the overflow bit is usually the less significant one in the integer bit set.
outputsign : out std_logic; -- Sign at output.
inputdecimal : in std_logic_vector (bigdecimal-1 downto 0); -- The 16 bit decimal (by default) decimal entering
outputdecimal : out std_logic_vector (litdecimal-1 downto 0) -- The 10 bit decimal at output.
end component;
-- Unitary Ray Set.
-- Unitary Ray Set.
-- Y component generation.
-- Y component generation.
component yu
component yu
generic (
generic (
TOP : integer := 1024; -- Define the max counting number.. the number must be expressed as 2 power, cause the range of counting is going to be defined as top-1 downto top/2.
-- Define the max counting number.. the number must be expressed as 2 power, cause the range of counting is going to be defined as top-1 downto top/2.
-- However this is going to be by now, cause in the future the ray generation will GO on for higher resolution images , and perhaps it would be required a more extended range for the yu component.
-- However this is going to be by now, cause in the future the ray generation will GO on for higher resolution images , and perhaps it would be required a more extended range for the yu component.
TOP : integer := 1024;
SCREENW : integer := 320
SCREENW : integer := 320
port (
port (
clk,rst,ena : in std_logic;
clk,rst,ena : in std_logic;
lineDone : out std_logic;
lineDone : out std_logic;