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use work.powerGrid.all;
use work.powerGrid.all;
entity dComparisonCell is
entity dComparisonCell is
generic ( W : integer := 32; -- V.D, minDistance and selectD Width
generic ( W : integer := 32; -- operands Width ( reference V.D and column V.D)
idColW : integer := 2; -- Column Sphere ID width. 1 = 2 columns max, 2= 4 colums max... and so on.
idColW : integer := 2; -- Column Sphere ID width. 1 = 2 columns max, 2= 4 colums max... and so on.
idCol : integer := 0 -- Column Id
idCol : integer := 0 -- Column Id
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cIdd : in std_logic_vector (idColW - 1 downto 0); -- This is the reference column identification input.
cIdd : in std_logic_vector (idColW - 1 downto 0); -- This is the reference column identification input.
cIdq : out std_logic_vector (idColW - 1 downto 0); -- This is the sphere identification output.
cIdq : out std_logic_vector (idColW - 1 downto 0); -- This is the sphere identification output.
refvd : in std_logic_vector (W - 1 downto 0); -- This is the projection incoming from the previous cell.
refvd : in std_logic_vector (W - 1 downto 0); -- This is the projection incoming from the previous cell.
colvd : in std_logic_vector (W - 1 downto 0); -- This is the projection of the sphere position over the ray traced vector, a.k.a. V.D! .
colvd : in std_logic_vector (W - 1 downto 0); -- This is the projection of the sphere position over the ray traced vector, a.k.a. V.D! .
selvd : out std_logic_vector (W - 1 downto 0) -- This is the smallest value between refvd and colvd.
selvd : out std_logic_vector (W - 1 downto 0) -- This is the smallest value between refvd and colvd.
end port;
end entity;
end entity;
architecture rtl of dComparisonCell is
architecture rtl of dComparisonCell is
signal ssl32 : std_logic; -- This signal indicates if refvd is less than colvd
signal ssl32 : std_logic; -- This signal indicates if refvd is less than colvd
-- A less than B comparison, check if colvd is less than refvd, meaning the act V.D less than actual max V.D
-- A less than B comparison, check if colvd is less than refvd, meaning the act V.D less than actual min V.D
cl32 : sl32 port map ( dataa => colvd,
cl32 : sl32 port map ( dataa => colvd,
datab => refvd,
datab => refvd,
AlB => sl32
AlB => ssl32
-- A flip flop with 2 to 1 mux.
-- A flip flop with 2 to 1 mux.
selector : scanFF generic map ( W = 32 )
selectorVD : scanFF generic map ( W = W )
port map ( clk => clk,
port map ( clk => clk,
rst => rst,
rst => rst,
scLoad => ssl32,
scLoad => ssl32,
extData => colvd,
extData => colvd,
dStage => refvd,
dStage => refvd,
qStage => selvd);
qStage => selvd);
-- Another flip flip with 2 to 1 mux.
selectorID : scanFF generic map ( W = idColW )
colIdSelector : process (clk,rst)
port map ( clk => clk,
rst => rst,
scLoad => ssl32,
if rst = '0' then
extData => CONV_STD_LOGIC(idCol,idColW),
dStage => cIdd,
--Set max Distance on reset and column identifier
qStage => cIdq
cIdq <= CONV_STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(idCol,idColW);
selvd(W-1) <= '0';
selvd(W-2 downto 0) <= (others => '1');
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if ssl32 ='0' then
-- If reference V.D. is less than column V.D then shift the reference id.
cIdq <= cIdd;
--If column V.D. is less than
cIdq <= CONV_STD_LOGIC(idCol,idColW);
end if;
end process;
end rtl;
end rtl;
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