Line 32... |
Line 32... |
nLevelW : integer := 32); -- Next Level Width
nLevelW : integer := 32); -- Next Level Width
port ( clk : in std_logic;
port ( clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
-- Object control.
-- Object control.
nxtRow : in std_logic; -- This bit controls when the sphere center goes to the next row.
nxtSphere : in std_logic; -- This signal controls when the sphere center goes to the next row.
nxtRay : in std_logic; -- This signal controls when the ray goes to the next column.
-- First Side.
-- First Side.
vxInput : in std_logic_vector(levelW-1 downto 0);
vxInput : in std_logic_vector(levelW-1 downto 0);
vyInput : in std_logic_vector(levelW-1 downto 0);
vyInput : in std_logic_vector(levelW-1 downto 0);
vzInput : in std_logic_vector(levelW-1 downto 0);
vzInput : in std_logic_vector(levelW-1 downto 0);
Line 49... |
Line 51... |
dxInput : in std_logic_vector(levelW-1 downto 0);
dxInput : in std_logic_vector(levelW-1 downto 0);
dyInput : in std_logic_vector(levelW-1 downto 0);
dyInput : in std_logic_vector(levelW-1 downto 0);
dzInput : in std_logic_vector(levelW-1 downto 0);
dzInput : in std_logic_vector(levelW-1 downto 0);
--Fourth Side (Opposite to the third one)
--Fourth Side (Opposite to the third one)
dxOutput : in std_logic_vector(levelW-1 downto 0);
dxOutput : out std_logic_vector(levelW-1 downto 0);
dyOutput : in std_logic_vector(levelW-1 downto 0);
dyOutput : out std_logic_vector(levelW-1 downto 0);
dzOutput : in std_logic_vector(levelW-1 downto 0);
dzOutput : out std_logic_vector(levelW-1 downto 0);
--Fifth Side (Going to the floor right upstairs!)
--Fifth Side (Going to the floor right upstairs!)
vdOutput : out std_logic_vector(nLevelW-1 downto 0); -- Dot product.
vdOutput : out std_logic_vector(nLevelW-1 downto 0) -- Dot product.
end port;
end entity;
end entity;
architecture rtl of rtCell is
architecture rtl of dotCell is
signal s36vd : std_logic_vector (2*LevelW-1 downto 0);
signal s36m0 : std_logic_vector (2*levelW-1 downto 0);
signal s36m1 : std_logic_vector (2*levelW-1 downto 0);
signal s36m2 : std_logic_vector (2*levelW-1 downto 0);
signal pAdd : std_logic_vector (levelW-1 downto 0);
signal svd : std_logic_vector (nLevelW - 1 downto 0);
-- The Dotprod Machine
-- The Dotprod Machine
vd : dp18 port map (
clock0 => clk,
-- 18x18 1 stage pipe Multipliers.
dataa_0 => dxInput,
m0 : p1m18 port map (
dataa_1 => dyInput,
aclr => not(rst),
dataa_2 => dzInput,
clken => nxtRay,
datab_0 => vxInput,
clock => clk,
datab_1 => vyInput,
dataa => vxInput,
datab_2 => vzInput,
datab => dxInput,
result => svd
result => s36m0
m1 : p1m18 port map (
aclr => not(rst),
clken => nxtRay,
clock => clk,
dataa => vyInput,
datab => dyInput,
result => s36m1
m2 : p1m18 port map (
aclr => not(rst),
clken => nxtRay,
clock => clk,
dataa => vzInput,
datab => dzInput,
result => s36m2
-- 36 bits a+b+c 1 stage pipe Adder.
a0 : p1ax generic map ( W = 36 )
port map (
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
enable => nxtRay,
dataa => s36m0,
datab => s36m1,
datac => s36m2,
result => s36vd
-- Truncate the less signifcative 4 bits 35 downto 4.
vdOutput <= s36vd (2*levelW-1 downto 2*levelW-nLevelW);
-- Ray PipeLine
-- Ray PipeLine
rayPipeStage : process (clk,rst)
rayPipeStage : process (clk,rst,nxtRay)
if rst = '0' then
if rst = '0' then
-- There is no ray load yet.
-- There is no ray load yet.
dxOutput <= (others => '0');
dxOutput <= (others => '0');
dyOutput <= (others => '0');
dyOutput <= (others => '0');
dzOutput <= (others => '0');
dzOutput <= (others => '0');
elsif rising_edge (clk) then
elsif rising_edge (clk) and nxtRay='1' then
-- Set
-- Set
dxOutput <= dxInput;
dxOutput <= dxInput;
dyOutput <= dyInput;
dyOutput <= dyInput;
dzOutput <= dzInput;
dzOutput <= dzInput;
Line 101... |
Line 141... |
end if;
end if;
end process;
end process;
-- Sphere Pipe Line
-- Sphere Pipe Line
spherePipeStage : process (clk,rts)
spherePipeStage : process (clk,rst,nxtSphere)
if rst = '0' then
if rst = '0' then
-- There is no object center yet.
-- There is no object center yet.
vxOutput <= (others => '0');
vxOutput <= (others => '0');
vyOutput <= (others => '0');
vyOutput <= (others => '0');
vzOutput <= (others => '0');
vzOutput <= (others => '0');
elsif rising_edge (clk) and nxtRow ='1' then
elsif rising_edge (clk) and nxtSphere ='1' then
-- Shift sphere to the next row.
-- Shift sphere to the next row.
vxOutput <= vxInput;
vxOutput <= vxInput;
vyOutput <= vyInput;
vyOutput <= vyInput;
vzOutput <= vzInput;
vzOutput <= vzInput;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end process;
-- Upper Level
vdPipeStage : process (clk,rst)
if rst='0' then
vdOutput <= (others => '0');
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
vdOutput <= svd;
end if;
end process;
end rtl;
end rtl;