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The test programs have been assembled with TASM (Telemark Cross Assembler),
The test programs have been assembled with TASM (Telemark Cross Assembler),
a free assembler available for DOS and Linux.
a free assembler available for DOS and Linux.
A few test benches and demos are included in the /sw directory. All of them
assume you have installed the TASM assembler and include a build BAT script, so
they should be easy to
A few Modelsim simulation scripts are included to assist in running the test
A few Modelsim simulation scripts are included to assist in running the test
benches with that simulator. They are in the synthesis directory.
benches with that simulator. They are in the /sim directory.
The scripts expect that Modelsim's current directory is the synthesis directory.
The scripts expect that Modelsim's current directory is the /sim directory.
(you can change the working directory with 'File'->'change directory').
(you can change the working directory with 'File'->'change directory').
If you don't use Modelsim standalone but from within an IDE, there's a couple
of independent scripts to help you organize the test signals.
A CP/M port for a Cyclone 2 starter board will eventually be included as a demo.
By examining the build scripts and the modelsim scripts it should be easy to
It is still incomplete (a lot of necessary files haven't yet been uploaded to
identify what parts of the
SVN) and unfinished.
Most relevant files
vhdl\light8080.vhdl Core source (single file)
vhdl\light8080.vhdl Core source (single file)
vhdl\test\light8080_tb0.vhdl Test bench 0 (Kelly test)
vhdl\test\light8080_tb.vhdl Test bench entity (without object code)
vhdl\test\light8080_tb1.vhdl Test bench 1 (Interrupts)
vhdl\demo\cs2b_4kbasic_cpu.vhdl altair 4K Basic demo on DE-1 board
vhdl\demo\cs2b_4kbasic_cpu.vhdl altair 4K Basic demo on DE-1 board
vhdl\demo\cs2b_4kbasic_rom.vhdl ROM/RAM for 4K Basic demo
vhdl\demo\cs2b_4kbasic_rom.vhdl ROM/RAM for 4K Basic demo
vhdl\demo\rs232_tx.vhdl Serial tx code for demo
vhdl\demo\rs232_tx.vhdl Serial tx code for demo
vhdl\demo\rs232_rx.vhdl Serial rx code for demo
vhdl\demo\rs232_rx.vhdl Serial rx code for demo
vhdl\demo\c2sb_4kbasic.csv Pin assignment file for Quartus II
vhdl\demo\c2sb_4kbasic.csv Pin assignment file for Quartus II
verilog\rtl\ Verilog files of CPU and SOC
verilog\bench\ Verilog light8080 SOC testbench
verilog\sim\icarus Verilog simulation files for Icarus
verilog\syn\altera_c2 Altera Quartus project file (Cyclone II)
verilog\syn\xilinx_s3 Xilinx ISE project file (Spartan 3)
util\ Microcode assembler
util\ Microcode assembler
util\microrom.bat Sample DOS bat file for assembler
util\microrom.bat Sample DOS bat file for assembler
ucode\light8080.m80 Microcode source file
ucode\light8080.m80 Microcode source file
synthesis\ Modelsim script for test bench 0
sim\ Modelsim script for test bench 0
synthesis\ Modelsim script for test bench 1
sim\ Modelsim script for test bench 1
synthesis\ Script with wave format and colors, tb0
synthesis\ Script with wave format and colors, tb1
doc\designNotes.tex Core documentation in LaTeX format
doc\designNotes.tex Core documentation in LaTeX format
doc\designNotes.pdf Core documentation in PDF format
doc\designNotes.pdf Core documentation in PDF format
doc\Light8080 Core Specifications.odf Specs doc for the VHDL/Verilog core
asm\tb0.asm Test bench 0 program assembler source
asm\tb1.asm Test bench 1 program assembler source
asm\ Intel HEX to VHDL converter
asm\tasmtb.bat BATCH script to build the test benches
asm\readme.txt How to assemble the sources
verilog\rtl\ contains the Verilog files of the light8080 CPU and SOC
sw\tb\tb0.asm Test bench 0 source
verilog\bench\ Verilog light8080 SOC testbench
sw\tb\tb1.asm Test bench 1 source
verilog\sim\icarus files used for Verilog simulation using Icaru Verilog
sw\tb\soc_tb.vhdl Test bench for VHDL SoC
verilog\syn\altera_c2 Altera Quartus project file ucing Cyclone II FPGA
sw\demo\hello.asm 'Hello World' for VHDL SoC on DE-1 board
verilog\syn\xilinx_s3 Xilinx ISE project file ucing Spartan 3 FPGA
sw\demo\c2sb VHDL top entity for DE-1 board demos
c\ Hello World Small-C light8080 SOC sample
c\ Hello World Small-C light8080 SOC sample
tools\c80\ C80 compiler and AS80 assembler tools used to compile
tools\readme.txt Brief description of all the tools.
the C example program. The c80.exe executable was compiled
tools\c80\ C80 compiler and AS80 assembler tools
using tcc (Tiny C Compiler).
used to compile the C example program.
Compiled with TCC (Tiny C Compiler).
tools\ihex2vlog\ Intel HEX to Verilog tool used to generate the Verilog
tools\ihex2vlog\ Intel HEX to Verilog tool used to
program & RAM memory file used by the verilog SOC.
generate the Verilog program & RAM
The ihex2vlog.exe executable was compiled using tcc
memory file used by the verilog SOC.
(Tiny C Compiler).
Compiled with TCC (Tiny C Compiler).
tools\obj2hdl HEX to VHDL conversion tool.
tools\hexconv Deprecated HEX to VHDL conversion tool.
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