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-- Description : Configuration parameters for the design
-- Description : Configuration parameters for the design
library ieee;
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
USE ieee.std_logic_unsigned.ALL;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
PACKAGE config_Pkg IS
package config_Pkg is
-- Implement external interrupt
-- Implement external interrupt
CONSTANT CFG_INTERRUPT : boolean := true; -- Disable or enable external interrupt [0,1]
constant CFG_INTERRUPT : boolean := true; -- Disable or enable external interrupt [0,1]
-- Implement hardware multiplier
-- Implement hardware multiplier
CONSTANT CFG_USE_HW_MUL : boolean := false; -- Disable or enable multiplier [0,1]
constant CFG_USE_HW_MUL : boolean := false; -- Disable or enable multiplier [0,1]
-- Implement hardware barrel shifter
-- Implement hardware barrel shifter
CONSTANT CFG_USE_BARREL : boolean := false; -- Disable or enable barrel shifter [0,1]
constant CFG_USE_BARREL : boolean := false; -- Disable or enable barrel shifter [0,1]
-- Debug mode
-- Debug mode
CONSTANT CFG_DEBUG : boolean := false; -- Resets some extra registers for better readability
constant CFG_DEBUG : boolean := false; -- Resets some extra registers for better readability
-- and enables feedback (report) [0,1]
-- and enables feedback (report) [0,1]
-- Set CFG_DEBUG to zero to obtain best performance.
-- Set CFG_DEBUG to zero to obtain best performance.
-- Memory parameters
-- Memory parameters
CONSTANT CFG_DMEM_SIZE : positive := 32; -- Data memory bus size in 2LOG # elements
constant CFG_DMEM_SIZE : positive := 32; -- Data memory bus size in 2LOG # elements
CONSTANT CFG_IMEM_SIZE : positive := 16; -- Instruction memory bus size in 2LOG # elements
constant CFG_IMEM_SIZE : positive := 16; -- Instruction memory bus size in 2LOG # elements
CONSTANT CFG_BYTE_ORDER : boolean := true; -- Switch between MSB (1, default) and LSB (0) byte order policy
constant CFG_BYTE_ORDER : boolean := true; -- Switch between MSB (1, default) and LSB (0) byte order policy
-- Register parameters
-- Register parameters
CONSTANT CFG_REG_FORCE_ZERO : boolean := true; -- Force data to zero if register address is zero [0,1]
constant CFG_REG_FORCE_ZERO : boolean := true; -- Force data to zero if register address is zero [0,1]
CONSTANT CFG_REG_FWD_WB : boolean := true; -- Forward writeback to loosen register memory requirements [0,1]
constant CFG_REG_FWD_WRB : boolean := true; -- Forward writeback to loosen register memory requirements [0,1]
CONSTANT CFG_MEM_FWD_WB : boolean := true; -- Forward memory result in stead of introducing stalls [0,1]
constant CFG_MEM_FWD_WRB : boolean := true; -- Forward memory result in stead of introducing stalls [0,1]
-- CONSTANTS (currently not configurable / not tested)
-- CONSTANTS (currently not configurable / not tested)
CONSTANT CFG_DMEM_WIDTH : positive := 32; -- Data memory width in bits
constant CFG_DMEM_WIDTH : positive := 32; -- Data memory width in bits
CONSTANT CFG_IMEM_WIDTH : positive := 32; -- Instruction memory width in bits
constant CFG_IMEM_WIDTH : positive := 32; -- Instruction memory width in bits
CONSTANT CFG_GPRF_SIZE : positive := 5; -- General Purpose Register File Size in 2LOG # elements
constant CFG_GPRF_SIZE : positive := 5; -- General Purpose Register File Size in 2LOG # elements
TYPE memory_map_type IS ARRAY(natural RANGE <>) OF std_logic_vector(CFG_DMEM_WIDTH - 1 DOWNTO 0);
type memory_map_type is array(natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(CFG_DMEM_WIDTH - 1 downto 0);
CONSTANT CFG_NUM_SLAVES : positive := 2;
constant CFG_NUM_SLAVES : positive := 2;
CONSTANT CFG_MEMORY_MAP : memory_map_type(0 TO CFG_NUM_SLAVES) := (X"00000000", X"00FFFFFF", X"FFFFFFFF");
constant CFG_MEMORY_MAP : memory_map_type(0 to CFG_NUM_SLAVES) := (X"00000000", X"00FFFFFF", X"FFFFFFFF");
END config_Pkg;
END config_Pkg;
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