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`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`default_nettype none
// 4004 Scratchpad Register Array
// This file is part of the MCS-4 project hosted at OpenCores:
// Copyright © 2012, 2020 by Reece Pollack <>
// These materials are provided under the Creative Commons
// "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike" Public License. They
// are NOT "public domain" and are protected by copyright.
// This work based on materials provided by Intel Corporation and
// others under the same license. See the file doc/License for
// details of this license.
module scratchpad (
input wire sysclk, // 50 MHz FPGA clock
// Inputs from the Timing and I/O board
input wire clk1,
input wire clk2,
input wire a12,
input wire a22,
input wire a32,
input wire m12,
input wire m22,
input wire x12,
input wire x22,
input wire x32,
input wire poc, // Power-On Clear (reset)
input wire m12_m22_clk1_m11_m12, // M12+M22+CLK1~(M11+M12)
// Common 4-bit data bus
inout wire [3:0] data,
// Inputs from the Instruction Decode board
input wire n0636, // JIN+FIN
input wire sc_m22_clk2, // SC&M22&CLK2
input wire fin_fim_src_jin, // FIN+FIM+SRC+JIN
input wire inc_isz_add_sub_xch_ld, // INC+ISZ+ADD+SUB+XCH+LD
input wire inc_isz_xch, // INC+ISZ+XCH
input wire opa0_n, // ~OPA.0
input wire sc, // SC (Single Cycle)
input wire dc // DC (Double Cycle, ~SC)
reg [7:0] dram_array [0:7];
reg [7:0] dram_temp;
reg [3:0] din_n;
// Refresh counter stuff
wire [2:0] reg_rfsh; // Row Refresh counter
wire reg_rfsh_step; // SC&A12&CLK2
assign reg_rfsh_step = sc & a12 & clk2;
counter reg_rfsh_0 (
counter reg_rfsh_1 (
.step_a( reg_rfsh[0]),
counter reg_rfsh_2 (
.step_a( reg_rfsh[1]),
// Row selection mux
reg [2:0] row; // {N0646, N0617, N0582}
always @(posedge sysclk) begin
if (sc & a22)
row <= reg_rfsh;
if (sc_m22_clk2)
row <= data[3:1];
// Row Precharge/Read/Write stuff
wire precharge; // SC(A22+M22)CLK2
wire row_read; // (~POC)&CLK2&SC(A32+X12)
wire row_write; // CLK2&SC(A12+M12)
assign precharge = sc & (a22 | m22) & clk2;
assign row_read = ~(poc | ~(clk2 & sc & (a32 | x12)));
assign row_write = sc & (a12 | m12) & clk2;
// Column Read selection stuff
reg n0615;
always @(posedge sysclk) begin
if (clk2)
n0615 <= ~(x12 & (fin_fim_src_jin |
(opa0_n & inc_isz_add_sub_xch_ld)));
wire rrab0 = ~(dc | n0615 | clk2);
reg n0592;
always @(posedge sysclk) begin
if (clk2)
n0592 <= ~((x22 & fin_fim_src_jin) |
(~opa0_n & x12 & inc_isz_add_sub_xch_ld));
wire rrab1 = ~(dc | n0592 | clk2);
// Column Write selection stuff
wire n0564 = opa0_n & fin_fim_src_jin & dc;
wire n0568 = inc_isz_xch & x32 & sc;
wire wrab0 = clk2 & ((m12 & n0564) | ( opa0_n & n0568));
wire wrab1 = clk2 & ((m22 & n0564) | (~opa0_n & n0568));
// Force row 0 if FIN&X12
wire fin_x12 = (n0636 & opa0_n) & x12;
// Manage the row data buffer
always @(posedge sysclk) begin
if (precharge)
dram_temp <= 8'b0;
if (row_read)
dram_temp <= dram_array[fin_x12 ? 3'b000 : row];
if (wrab0)
dram_temp[ 7:4] <= ~din_n;
if (wrab1)
dram_temp[ 3:0] <= ~din_n;
// Handle row writes
always @(posedge sysclk) begin
if (row_write)
dram_array[row] <= dram_temp;
// Manage the data output mux
reg [3:0] dout;
always @* begin
case (1'b1)
rrab0: dout = dram_temp[ 7:4];
rrab1: dout = dram_temp[ 3:0];
default: dout = 4'bzzzz;
assign data = dout;
// Data In latch
always @(posedge sysclk) begin
if (m12_m22_clk1_m11_m12)
din_n <= ~data;
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