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`include "or1200_defines.v"
module or1200_top(
// System
clk_i, rst_i, pic_ints_i, clmode_i,
iwb_clk_i, iwb_rst_i, iwb_ack_i, iwb_err_i, iwb_rty_i, iwb_dat_i,
iwb_cyc_o, iwb_adr_o, iwb_stb_o, iwb_we_o, iwb_sel_o, iwb_dat_o,
`ifdef OR1200_WB_CAB
`ifdef OR1200_WB_B3
iwb_cti_o, iwb_bte_o,
dwb_clk_i, dwb_rst_i, dwb_ack_i, dwb_err_i, dwb_rty_i, dwb_dat_i,
dwb_cyc_o, dwb_adr_o, dwb_stb_o, dwb_we_o, dwb_sel_o, dwb_dat_o,
`ifdef OR1200_WB_CAB
`ifdef OR1200_WB_B3
dwb_cti_o, dwb_bte_o,
// External Debug Interface
dbg_stall_i, dbg_ewt_i, dbg_lss_o, dbg_is_o, dbg_wp_o, dbg_bp_o,
dbg_stb_i, dbg_we_i, dbg_adr_i, dbg_dat_i, dbg_dat_o, dbg_ack_o,
`ifdef OR1200_BIST
mbist_si_i, mbist_so_o, mbist_ctrl_i,
// Power Management
pm_clksd_o, pm_dc_gate_o, pm_ic_gate_o, pm_dmmu_gate_o,
pm_immu_gate_o, pm_tt_gate_o, pm_cpu_gate_o, pm_wakeup_o, pm_lvolt_o
parameter dw = `OR1200_OPERAND_WIDTH;
parameter aw = `OR1200_OPERAND_WIDTH;
parameter ppic_ints = `OR1200_PIC_INTS;
// I/O
// System
input clk_i;
input rst_i;
input [1:0] clmode_i; // 00 WB=RISC, 01 WB=RISC/2, 10 N/A, 11 WB=RISC/4
input [ppic_ints-1:0] pic_ints_i;
// Instruction WISHBONE interface
input iwb_clk_i; // clock input
input iwb_rst_i; // reset input
input iwb_ack_i; // normal termination
input iwb_err_i; // termination w/ error
input iwb_rty_i; // termination w/ retry
input [dw-1:0] iwb_dat_i; // input data bus
output iwb_cyc_o; // cycle valid output
output [aw-1:0] iwb_adr_o; // address bus outputs
output iwb_stb_o; // strobe output
output iwb_we_o; // indicates write transfer
output [3:0] iwb_sel_o; // byte select outputs
output [dw-1:0] iwb_dat_o; // output data bus
`ifdef OR1200_WB_CAB
output iwb_cab_o; // indicates consecutive address burst
`ifdef OR1200_WB_B3
output [2:0] iwb_cti_o; // cycle type identifier
output [1:0] iwb_bte_o; // burst type extension
// Data WISHBONE interface
input dwb_clk_i; // clock input
input dwb_rst_i; // reset input
input dwb_ack_i; // normal termination
input dwb_err_i; // termination w/ error
input dwb_rty_i; // termination w/ retry
input [dw-1:0] dwb_dat_i; // input data bus
output dwb_cyc_o; // cycle valid output
output [aw-1:0] dwb_adr_o; // address bus outputs
output dwb_stb_o; // strobe output
output dwb_we_o; // indicates write transfer
output [3:0] dwb_sel_o; // byte select outputs
output [dw-1:0] dwb_dat_o; // output data bus
`ifdef OR1200_WB_CAB
output dwb_cab_o; // indicates consecutive address burst
`ifdef OR1200_WB_B3
output [2:0] dwb_cti_o; // cycle type identifier
output [1:0] dwb_bte_o; // burst type extension
// External Debug Interface
input dbg_stall_i; // External Stall Input
input dbg_ewt_i; // External Watchpoint Trigger Input
output [3:0] dbg_lss_o; // External Load/Store Unit Status
output [1:0] dbg_is_o; // External Insn Fetch Status
output [10:0] dbg_wp_o; // Watchpoints Outputs
output dbg_bp_o; // Breakpoint Output
input dbg_stb_i; // External Address/Data Strobe
input dbg_we_i; // External Write Enable
input [aw-1:0] dbg_adr_i; // External Address Input
input [dw-1:0] dbg_dat_i; // External Data Input
output [dw-1:0] dbg_dat_o; // External Data Output
output dbg_ack_o; // External Data Acknowledge (not WB compatible)
`ifdef OR1200_BIST
input mbist_si_i;
input [`OR1200_MBIST_CTRL_WIDTH - 1:0] mbist_ctrl_i;
output mbist_so_o;
// Power Management
input pm_cpustall_i;
output [3:0] pm_clksd_o;
output pm_dc_gate_o;
output pm_ic_gate_o;
output pm_dmmu_gate_o;
output pm_immu_gate_o;
output pm_tt_gate_o;
output pm_cpu_gate_o;
output pm_wakeup_o;
output pm_lvolt_o;
// CPU and TT
output sig_tick; // jb
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