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--| Modular Oscilloscope
--| Modular Oscilloscope
--| UNSL - Argentine
--| UNSL - Argentine
--| File: output_manager.vhd
--| File: output_manager.vhd
--| Version: 0.31
--| Version: 0.5
--| Tested in: Actel A3PE1500
--| Tested in: Actel A3PE1500
--| Description:
--| Description:
--| CONTROL - Output manager
--| CONTROL - Output manager
--| This is a pseudo buffer, wich reads a memory incrementaly under certain parameters.
--| Reads a memory incrementaly under certain parameters.
--| File history:
--| File history:
--| 0.1 | jun-2009 | First testing
--| 0.1 | jun-2009 | First testing
--| 0.2 | jul-2009 | Two levels internal buffer
--| 0.2 | jul-2009 | Two levels internal buffer
--| 0.3 | jul-2009 | One level internal buffer and only one clock
--| 0.3 | jul-2009 | One level internal buffer and only one clock
--| 0.31 | jul-2009 | Internal WE signals
--| 0.31 | jul-2009 | Internal WE signals
--| 0.5 | jul-2009 | Architecture completely renovated (reduced)
--| Copyright © 2009, Facundo Aguilera.
--| Copyright © 2009, Facundo Aguilera.
--| This VHDL design file is an open design; you can redistribute it and/or
--| This VHDL design file is an open design; you can redistribute it and/or
--| modify it and/or implement it after contacting the author.
--| modify it and/or implement it after contacting the author.
-- · Spped up address_counter (with Actel SmartGen).
-- · Spped up address_counter.
-- · Test new architecture
library ieee;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
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RST_I: in std_logic;
RST_I: in std_logic;
CLK_I: in std_logic;
CLK_I: in std_logic;
-- Internal
-- Internal
-- reset counter to initial address, or load it
load: in std_logic;
load_I: in std_logic;
-- start count from the actual address ('0' means pause, '1' means continue)
-- load initial address
enable: in std_logic;
enable_I: in std_logic;
-- continue reading from the actual address ('0' means pause, '1' means continue)
initial_address_I: in std_logic_vector (MEM_ADD_WIDTH - 1 downto 0);
-- buffer starts and ends here
-- buffer starts and ends here
initial_address: in std_logic_vector (MEM_ADD_WIDTH - 1 downto 0);
biggest_address_I: in std_logic_vector (MEM_ADD_WIDTH - 1 downto 0);
-- when the buffer arrives here, address is changed to 0 (buffer size)
-- when the buffer arrives here, address is changed to 0 (buffer size)
final_address: in std_logic_vector (MEM_ADD_WIDTH - 1 downto 0);
pause_address_I: in std_logic_vector (MEM_ADD_WIDTH - 1 downto 0);
-- address wich is being writed by control
-- address wich is being writed by control
stop_address: in std_logic_vector (MEM_ADD_WIDTH - 1 downto 0);
-- it is set when communication ends and remains until next restart or actual address change
finish: out std_logic
finish_O: out std_logic
-- it is set when communication ends and remains until next restart or actual address change
end entity output_manager;
end entity output_manager;
architecture ARCH11 of output_manager is
architecture ARCH20 of output_manager is
type DataStatusType is (
INIT, -- when restartet
READY, -- data available to be read
READ -- data was read from port, read next from memory
signal data_status: DataStatusType; -- comunicates status between both ports
signal address_counter: std_logic_vector(MEM_ADD_WIDTH - 1 downto 0);
signal address_counter: std_logic_vector(MEM_ADD_WIDTH - 1 downto 0);
signal data: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal enable_read: std_logic;
signal enable_read: std_logic;
signal s_finish: std_logic;
signal enable_count: std_logic;
signal s_finish: std_logic; -- register previous (and equal) to output
-- Data status resolution
-- Wishbone signals
P_status: process(CLK_I, RST_I, load, WE_I_port)
if (CLK_I'event and CLK_I = '1') then
if RST_I = '1' or load = '1' then
data_status <= RESET;
case data_status is
when RESET =>
data_status <= INIT;
when INIT =>
if ACK_I_mem = '1' and enable_read = '1' then
data_status <= READY;
end if;
DAT_O_port <= DAT_I_mem;
CYC_O_mem <= CYC_I_port;
STB_O_mem <= STB_I_port and enable_read;
ACK_O_port <= ACK_I_mem;
ADR_O_mem <= address_counter;
WE_O_mem <= '0' ;
when READ =>
-- Status signals
if ACK_I_mem = '1' and enable_read = '1' and (STB_I_port /= '1' or CYC_I_port /= '1' or
enable_read <= '1' when enable_I = '1' and s_finish = '0' and address_counter /= pause_address_I
WE_I_port /= '0')
and WE_I_port = '0'
else '0';
data_status <= READY;
end if;
-- STB_I_port /= '1' or CYC_I_port /= '1': forwarding
when others => -- (when READY)
enable_count <= CYC_I_port and STB_I_port and ACK_I_mem and enable_read;
if STB_I_port = '1' and CYC_I_port = '1' and WE_I_port = '0' then
finish_O <= s_finish;
data_status <= READ;
end if;
end case;
P_finish: process ( CLK_I, RST_I, address_counter, initial_address_I, load_I)
if CLK_I'event and CLK_I = '1' and CLK_I'LAST_VALUE = '0' then
if RST_I = '1' then
s_finish <= '1';
elsif load_I = '1' then
s_finish <= '0';
elsif address_counter = initial_address_I then
s_finish <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end process;
-- Data read
-- Address counter
ADR_O_mem <= address_counter;
s_finish <= '1' when address_counter = initial_address and data_status /= INIT else
enable_read <= '1' when enable = '1' and s_finish = '0' and address_counter /= stop_address
else '0';
finish <= s_finish;
P_count: process(CLK_I, address_counter, enable_count, load_I)
WE_O_mem <= '0' ;
P_read: process(CLK_I, data_status, initial_address, address_counter, data, enable_read,
ACK_I_mem, WE_I_port)
if CLK_I'event and CLK_I = '1' and CLK_I'LAST_VALUE = '0' then
if load_I = '1' then
-- Clocked signals
address_counter <= initial_address_I;
if (CLK_I'event and CLK_I = '1') then
elsif enable_count = '1' then
case data_status is
if address_counter >= biggest_address_I then
when RESET =>
data <= (others => '0');
address_counter <= initial_address;
when READY =>
if enable_read = '1' and ACK_I_mem = '1' and CYC_I_port = '1' and STB_I_port = '1' then
-- (forwarding)
data <= DAT_I_mem;
if address_counter < final_address then
address_counter <= address_counter + 1;
address_counter <= (others => '0');
address_counter <= (others => '0');
end if;
data <= data;
address_counter <= address_counter;
end if;
when others => -- (when INIT or READ)
if enable_read = '1' and ACK_I_mem = '1' then
data <= DAT_I_mem;
if address_counter < final_address then
address_counter <= address_counter + 1;
address_counter <= address_counter + 1;
address_counter <= (others => '0');
end if;
end if;
end if;
end case;
end if;
-- Cominational signals
case data_status is
when RESET =>
STB_O_mem <= '0';
CYC_O_mem <= '0';
when READY =>
if enable_read = '1' and CYC_I_port = '1' and STB_I_port = '1' and WE_I_port = '0' then
-- (forwarding)
STB_O_mem <= '1';
CYC_O_mem <= '1';
STB_O_mem <= '0';
CYC_O_mem <= '0';
end if;
end if;
when others => -- (when INIT or READ)
if enable_read = '1' then
STB_O_mem <= '1';
CYC_O_mem <= '1';
STB_O_mem <= '0';
CYC_O_mem <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end case;
end process;
end process;
-- Read from port interface
ACK_O_port <= '1' when (CYC_I_port = '1' and STB_I_port = '1' and WE_I_port = '0') and
(data_status = READY or
(data_status = READ and ACK_I_mem = '1' and enable_read = '1' )) else
-- data_status = READ and ACK_I_mem = '1' and enable_read = '1': forwarding
DAT_O_port <= data;
end architecture;
end architecture;
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