Line 158... |
Line 158... |
constant CLK_EPP_PERIOD: time := 100 ns;
constant CLK_EPP_PERIOD: time := 100 ns;
-- Control Signal Declarations
-- Control Signal Declarations
signal tb_InitFlag : boolean := false;
signal tb_InitFlag : boolean := false;
signal tb_ParameterInitFlag : boolean := false;
signal tb_ParameterInitFlag : boolean := false;
signal i: std_logic;
signal runflag: std_logic;
signal runflag: std_logic;
-- Parm Declarations
-- Parm Declarations
signal clk_Duty : real := 0.0;
signal clk_Duty : real := 0.0;
signal clk_Period : time := 0 ns;
signal clk_Period : time := 0 ns;
Line 209... |
Line 209... |
-- Main process
-- Main process
P_Unclocked : process
P_Unclocked : process
variable i: integer range 0 to 1200;
-- Procedure for write in epp port
-- Procedure for write in epp port
procedure WriteData(
procedure WriteData(
constant in_address: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
constant in_address: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
constant in_data: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
constant in_data: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
Line 421... |
Line 423... |
-- -- 100110110 1 310 32
-- -- 100110110 1 310 32
-- -- 100111001 0 313 32
-- -- 100111001 0 313 32
-- -- 101010110 1 342 32
-- -- 101010110 1 342 32
-- wait for 50 ns;
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -- Test 5 - Trigger - one shot
-- -- daq freq = ctrl freq/2 (default), trigger channel 1, level 30 %, not continuous, skipper = 5,
-- -- channels 1 and 2, buffer size = 100h, rissing edge, trigg offset = 0
-- test_number <= 5;
-- WriteData(X"01", X"0003", Data_IO, nStrobe_I, nSelectIn_I, nAutoFd_I, Busy_O); -- Channels_R
-- WriteData(X"02", X"0100", Data_IO, nStrobe_I, nSelectIn_I, nAutoFd_I, Busy_O); -- BuffSize_R
-- WriteData(X"03", X"0133", Data_IO, nStrobe_I, nSelectIn_I, nAutoFd_I, Busy_O); -- TrigLvl_R
-- WriteData(X"04", X"0000", Data_IO, nStrobe_I, nSelectIn_I, nAutoFd_I, Busy_O); -- TrigOff_R
-- WriteData(X"00", B"00000_00101_1_1_0_1_0_1", Data_IO, nStrobe_I, nSelectIn_I, nAutoFd_I, Busy_O); -- RunConf_R
-- ReadData(runflag, X"08", Data_IO, nStrobe_I, nSelectIn_I, nAutoFd_I, Busy_O);
-- while (runflag = '1') loop
-- ReadData(runflag, X"08", Data_IO, nStrobe_I, nSelectIn_I, nAutoFd_I, Busy_O);
-- end loop;
wait for 50 ns;
-- Test 5 - Trigger - one shot
-- Test 6 - Trigger
-- daq freq = ctrl freq/2 (default), trigger channel 1, level 30 %, not continuous, skipper = 5,
-- daq freq = ctrl freq/2 (default), trigger channel 1, level 70 %, continuous, skipper = 3,
-- channels 1 and 2, buffer size = 100h, rissing edge, trigg offset = 0
-- channels 1, buffer size = 150h, falling edge, full negative trigger offset
test_number <= 5;
test_number <= 6;
WriteData(X"01", X"0003", Data_IO, nStrobe_I, nSelectIn_I, nAutoFd_I, Busy_O); -- Channels_R
WriteData(X"01", X"0002", Data_IO, nStrobe_I, nSelectIn_I, nAutoFd_I, Busy_O); -- Channels_R
WriteData(X"02", X"0100", Data_IO, nStrobe_I, nSelectIn_I, nAutoFd_I, Busy_O); -- BuffSize_R
WriteData(X"02", X"0150", Data_IO, nStrobe_I, nSelectIn_I, nAutoFd_I, Busy_O); -- BuffSize_R
WriteData(X"03", X"0133", Data_IO, nStrobe_I, nSelectIn_I, nAutoFd_I, Busy_O); -- TrigLvl_R
WriteData(X"03", X"02CD", Data_IO, nStrobe_I, nSelectIn_I, nAutoFd_I, Busy_O); -- TrigLvl_R
WriteData(X"04", X"0000", Data_IO, nStrobe_I, nSelectIn_I, nAutoFd_I, Busy_O); -- TrigOff_R
WriteData(X"04", X"FF6A", Data_IO, nStrobe_I, nSelectIn_I, nAutoFd_I, Busy_O); -- TrigOff_R -150
WriteData(X"00", B"00000_00101_1_1_0_1_0_1", Data_IO, nStrobe_I, nSelectIn_I, nAutoFd_I, Busy_O); -- RunConf_R
WriteData(X"00", B"00000_00011_1_1_1_1_1_1", Data_IO, nStrobe_I, nSelectIn_I, nAutoFd_I, Busy_O); -- RunConf_R
ReadData(runflag, X"08", Data_IO, nStrobe_I, nSelectIn_I, nAutoFd_I, Busy_O);
ReadData(runflag, X"08", Data_IO, nStrobe_I, nSelectIn_I, nAutoFd_I, Busy_O);
while (runflag = '1') loop
i := 0;
while (i <= 200) loop
ReadData(runflag, X"08", Data_IO, nStrobe_I, nSelectIn_I, nAutoFd_I, Busy_O);
ReadData(runflag, X"08", Data_IO, nStrobe_I, nSelectIn_I, nAutoFd_I, Busy_O);
i := i + 1;
end loop;
end loop;
-- Test 6 - Trigger
-- daq freq = ctrl freq/2 (default), trigger channel 1, level 30 %, continuous, skipper = 5,
-- channels 1, buffer size = 50
-- Test 7 - One channel
-- Test 7 - One channel
-- daq freq = ctrl freq/2 (default), trigger channel 1, level 30 %, continuous, skipper = 5,
-- daq freq = ctrl freq/2 (default), trigger channel 0, level 30 %, continuous, skipper = 5,
-- channels 1, buffer size = 50
-- channels 1, buffer size = 30, trigger offset 29, skipper = 10
-- test_number <= 7;
-- WriteData(X"01", X"0001", Data_IO, nStrobe_I, nSelectIn_I, nAutoFd_I, Busy_O); -- Channels_R
-- WriteData(X"02", X"0030", Data_IO, nStrobe_I, nSelectIn_I, nAutoFd_I, Busy_O); -- BuffSize_R
-- WriteData(X"03", X"0010", Data_IO, nStrobe_I, nSelectIn_I, nAutoFd_I, Busy_O); -- TrigLvl_R
-- WriteData(X"04", X"0029", Data_IO, nStrobe_I, nSelectIn_I, nAutoFd_I, Busy_O); -- TrigOff_R -150
-- WriteData(X"00", B"00000_01010_1_0_1_1_1_1", Data_IO, nStrobe_I, nSelectIn_I, nAutoFd_I, Busy_O); -- RunConf_R
-- ReadData(runflag, X"08", Data_IO, nStrobe_I, nSelectIn_I, nAutoFd_I, Busy_O);
-- while (i <= 1200) loop
-- ReadData(runflag, X"08", Data_IO, nStrobe_I, nSelectIn_I, nAutoFd_I, Busy_O);
-- i = i + 1;
-- end loop;
-- Test 8 - Test write while working
-- Test 8 - Test write while working
-- daq freq = ctrl freq/2 (default), trigger channel 1, level 30 %, continuous, skipper = 5,
-- daq freq = ctrl freq/2 (default), trigger channel 1, level 30 %, continuous, skipper = 5,