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The latest release is [![release](](
The latest release is [![release](](
A list of all releases can be found [here]( The most recent version of the *NEORV32 data sheet*
A list of all releases can be found [here]( The most recent version of the *NEORV32 data sheet*
can be found [here]( (pdf).
can be found [here]( (pdf).
The processor can determine its version from the `mimpid` CSR (at CSR address 0xf13). A 2x4-bit decimal-coded representation is used. Leading
The processor can determine its version from the `mimpid` CSR (at CSR address 0xf13). A 2x4-bit decimal-coded representation is used. Leading
zeros are optional. Example: `CSR(mimpid) = 0x01040312 -> -> Version = v1.4.3.12 = v01.04.03.12`
zeros are optional. Example: `CSR(mimpid) = 0x01040312 => = Version = v1.4.3.12`
For the HDL sources the version number is globally defined by the `hw_version_c` constant in the main VHDL package file
For the HDL sources the version number is globally defined by the `hw_version_c` constant in the main VHDL package file
| Date (**) | Version | Comment |
| Date (**) | Version | Comment |
| 19.12.2020 | | Testbench: added memory-mapped triggers to trigger core's "machine software & external interrupts"; `sw/example/cpu_test`: removed CFU tests, added `MEI` and `MSI` tests; added **RISC-V-Compliance Test Framework** to repository (`riscv-compliance/`), core passes all `rv32` tests (riscv-compliance v2.1) |
| 18.12.2020 | | Added additional simulation files: simulation-optimized IMEM-ROM (so far, this is only relevant for the *new* NEORV32 RISC-V Compliance test framework v2.0); **:sparkles: Processor now passes all `rv32` tests of the new [RISC-V Compliance Test Framework v2.0]( :sparkles:** |
| 16.12.2020 | | :warning: fixed (another) bug in `mtval` CSR generation (wrong value for "breakpoint" trap); updated `mtval` value table in data sheet; fixed bug in load/store operation (intoroduced in version |
| 16.12.2020 | | :warning: fixed bug in `mtval` CSR generation (wrong values for some traps); fixed bug in `mip` CSR (writing zero to implemented bits now actually clears pending interrupts); fixed bug in IRQ priority encoding (machine software interrupt `MSI` comes before machine timer interrupt `MTI`) |
| 12.12.2020 | | :warning: fixed wrong `trap_reset_c` encoding (in it's expanded form it should be 0x80000000) and reset logic: hardware `mcause` register is now set to `trap_reset_c` after a hardware reset; crt0.S start-up code now sets `mcause` to `trap_reset_c` after finishing hardware setup |
| 11.12.2020 | | Added option to exclude standard RISC-V performance counters (`[m]cycle[h]` and `[m]instret[h]`) for size-constrained implementations; disabled by setting VHDL package's `zicnt_en_c` constant to false; software can determine state of `zicnt_en_c` via `mzext` CSR's `CPU_MZEXT_ZICNT` bit; added new signal to processor top entity: `mtime_i`, this signal is used for updateting the `time[h]` CSRs if the processor-internal MTIME unit is disabled (via `IO_MTIME_USE` = `false`) |
| 10.12.2020 | | Added missing `mstatush` CSR (only bit `MBE` is implemented yet); added option to configure external bus interface for BIG- or little-endian byte-order, configured via VHDL package `xbus_big_endian_c` constant, default = BIG-endian, software can check endianness of the interface via SYSINFO's `SYSINFO_FEATURES(SYSINFO_FEATURES_MEM_EXT_ENDIAN)` flag; added `mstatush` CSR and endianness information to data sheet |
| 09.12.2020 | | Added missing *environment call from U-mode* exception (via `ecall` instruction in user-mode); added environment call from U-mode to data sheet |
| 09.12.2020 | | :warning: fixed bugs in ALU's co-processor interface: ATOMIC `A` extension could not be used without MULDIV `M` extension, CPU might have permanently stalled when executing an instruction from a disabled ISA extension; :lock: added security feature: illegal user-level CSR read access will always return zero; added new section *Execution Safety* to neorv32.pdf data sheet |
| 07.12.2020 | | :warning: fixed bug in next-PC logic (introduced with version that caused instruction fetch from memories with more than 1 cycle latency to fail |
| 05.12.2020 | | :warning: fixed bug in physical memory protection (PMP): region size configuration was incorrect; removed `PMP_NUM_REGIONS` and `PMP_GRANULARITY` CPU/processor generics (PMP configuration now via package constants); reworked section *2.4. Instruction Sets and CPU Extensions* of neorv32.pdf |
| 04.12.2020 | | Added PMA (physical memory attribute) to processor-internal IO region: `NO EXECUTE`; added *3.3.Address Space/Physical Memory Attributes (PMAs)* section to neorv32.pdf |
| 03.12.2020 | | Optimized CPU program counter (PC) update logic and "next PC" computation (shortend critical path); updated bootloader (configuration option for direct-boot-from-SPI-flash only) and *customization* text in neorv32.pdf |
| 03.12.2020 | | Optimized CPU program counter (PC) update logic and "next PC" computation (shortend critical path); updated bootloader (configuration option for direct-boot-from-SPI-flash only) and *customization* text in neorv32.pdf |
| 01.12.2020 | [**:rocket:**]( | :warning: fixed bug in CPU-internal co-processor interface; optimized multiplier unit (~1 faster); added CPU `A` (atomic) extension support (only `lr.w` and `sc.w` instructions yet); added `lock` signal to CPU and processor's external bus interface |
| 01.12.2020 | [**:rocket:**]( | :warning: fixed bug in CPU-internal co-processor interface; optimized multiplier unit (~1 faster); added CPU `A` (atomic) extension support (only `lr.w` and `sc.w` instructions yet); added `lock` signal to CPU and processor's external bus interface |
| 28.11.2020 | | Split ALU core operations: shortened critical path - replaced ALU output 8:1 mux by a 4:1 mux |
| 28.11.2020 | | Split ALU core operations: shortened critical path - replaced ALU output 8:1 mux by a 4:1 mux |
| 26.11.2020 | | Minor rtl clean-up; CSR access instructions are one cycle faster now (3 cycles now); system/environemnt instructions (`ecall` `ebreak` `mret` `wfi`) need one additional cycle (4 cycles now) |
| 26.11.2020 | | Minor rtl clean-up; CSR access instructions are one cycle faster now (3 cycles now); system/environemnt instructions (`ecall` `ebreak` `mret` `wfi`) need one additional cycle (4 cycles now) |
| 25.11.2020 | | :warning: fixed bug in `FENCE.I` instruction that corrupted instruction fetch when executing code from processor-external memory; default testbench (`sim/neorv32_tb.vhd`) now features external IMEM, external DMEM and external IO connected via external bus interface; simulation now allows CPU to execute code using external memories only (no internal IMEM/DMEM); optimized CPU's instruction fetch interface (no more unnecessary transfer cancel requests) |
| 25.11.2020 | | :warning: fixed bug in `FENCE.I` instruction that corrupted instruction fetch when executing code from processor-external memory; default testbench (`sim/neorv32_tb.vhd`) now features external IMEM, external DMEM and external IO connected via external bus interface; simulation now allows CPU to execute code using external memories only (no internal IMEM/DMEM); optimized CPU's instruction fetch interface (no more unnecessary transfer cancel requests) |