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The current system time can also be obtained using the `time[h]` CSRs and is made available for processor-external
The current system time can also be obtained using the `time[h]` CSRs and is made available for processor-external
use via the top's `mtime_o` signal.
use via the top's `mtime_o` signal.
If the processor-internal **MTIME unit is NOT implemented**, the top's `mtime_i` input signal is used to update the `time[h]` CSRs
If the processor-internal **MTIME unit is NOT implemented**, the top's `mtime_i` input signal is used to update the `time[h]` CSRs
and the `MTI` machine timer interrupt) CPU interrupt is directly connected to the top's `mtime_irq_i` input.
and the `MTI` machine timer CPU interrupt (`MTI`) is directly connected to the top's `mtime_irq_i` input.
The 64-bit system time can be accessed via the `MTIME_LO` and `MTIME_HI` memory-mapped registers (read/write) and also via
The 64-bit system time can be accessed via the `TIME_LO` and `TIME_HI` memory-mapped registers (read/write) and also via
the CPU's `time[h]` CSRs (read-only). A 64-bit time compare register – accessible via memory-mapped `MTIMECMP_LO` and `MTIMECMP_HI`
the CPU's `time[h]` CSRs (read-only). A 64-bit time compare register – accessible via memory-mapped `TIMECMP_LO` and `TIMECMP_HI`
registers – are used to configure an interrupt to the CPU. The interrupt is triggered
registers – is used to configure an interrupt to the CPU. The interrupt is triggered
whenever `MTIME` (high & low part) >= `MTIMECMP` (high & low part) and is directly forwarded to the CPU's `MTI` interrupt.
whenever `TIME` (high & low part) >= `TIMECMP` (high & low part) and is directly forwarded to the CPU's `MTI` interrupt.
.MTIME register map (`struct NEORV32_MTIME`)
The interrupt request is a single-shot signal,
so the CPU is triggered once if the system time is greater than or equal to the compare time. Hence,
another MTIME IRQ is only possible when updating `MTIMECMP`.
The 64-bit counter and the 64-bit comparator are implemented as 2×32-bit counters and comparators with a
registered carry to prevent a 64-bit carry chain and thus, to simplify timing closure.
.MTIME register map
| Address | Name [C] | Bits | R/W | Function
| Address | Name [C] | Bits | R/W | Function
| `0xffffff90` | _MTIME_LO_ | 31:0 | r/w | machine system time, low word
| `0xffffff90` | `NEORV32_MTIME.TIME_LO` | 31:0 | r/w | machine system time, low word
| `0xffffff94` | _MTIME_HI_ | 31:0 | r/w | machine system time, high word
| `0xffffff94` | `NEORV32_MTIME.TIME_HI` | 31:0 | r/w | machine system time, high word
| `0xffffff98` | _MTIMECMP_LO_ | 31:0 | r/w | time compare, low word
| `0xffffff98` | `NEORV32_MTIME.TIMECMP_LO` | 31:0 | r/w | time compare, low word
| `0xffffff9c` | _MTIMECMP_HI_ | 31:0 | r/w | time compare, high word
| `0xffffff9c` | `NEORV32_MTIME.TIMECMP_HI` | 31:0 | r/w | time compare, high word