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[/] [neorv32/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [core/] [neorv32_cpu_alu.vhd] - Diff between revs 27 and 29

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Rev 27 Rev 29
Line 56... Line 56...
    rs2_i       : in  std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- rf source 2
    rs2_i       : in  std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- rf source 2
    pc2_i       : in  std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- delayed PC
    pc2_i       : in  std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- delayed PC
    imm_i       : in  std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- immediate
    imm_i       : in  std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- immediate
    -- data output --
    -- data output --
    cmp_o       : out std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0); -- comparator status
    cmp_o       : out std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0); -- comparator status
    add_o       : out std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- OPA + OPB
    res_o       : out std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- ALU result
    res_o       : out std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- ALU result
    -- co-processor interface --
    -- co-processor interface --
    cp0_start_o : out std_ulogic; -- trigger co-processor 0
    cp0_start_o : out std_ulogic; -- trigger co-processor 0
    cp0_data_i  : in  std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- co-processor 0 result
    cp0_data_i  : in  std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- co-processor 0 result
    cp0_valid_i : in  std_ulogic; -- co-processor 0 result valid
    cp0_valid_i : in  std_ulogic; -- co-processor 0 result valid
Line 73... Line 72...
end neorv32_cpu_alu;
end neorv32_cpu_alu;
architecture neorv32_cpu_cpu_rtl of neorv32_cpu_alu is
architecture neorv32_cpu_cpu_rtl of neorv32_cpu_alu is
  -- operands --
  -- operands --
  signal opa, opb, opc : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0);
  signal opa, opb : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0);
  -- results --
  -- results --
  signal add_res : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0);
  signal addsub_res : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0);
  signal alu_res : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0);
  signal cp_res  : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0);
  signal cp_res  : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0);
  -- comparator --
  -- comparator --
  signal cmp_opx   : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c downto 0);
  signal cmp_opx   : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c downto 0);
  signal cmp_opy   : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c downto 0);
  signal cmp_opy   : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c downto 0);
  signal cmp_sub   : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c downto 0);
  signal cmp_sub   : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c downto 0);
  signal sub_res   : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0);
  signal cmp_equal : std_ulogic;
  signal cmp_less  : std_ulogic;
  signal cmp_less  : std_ulogic;
  -- shifter --
  -- shifter --
  type shifter_t is record
  type shifter_t is record
    cmd    : std_ulogic;
    cmd    : std_ulogic;
Line 102... Line 98...
  end record;
  end record;
  signal shifter : shifter_t;
  signal shifter : shifter_t;
  -- co-processor arbiter and interface --
  -- co-processor arbiter and interface --
  type cp_ctrl_t is record
  type cp_ctrl_t is record
    cmd    : std_ulogic;
    cmd_ff : std_ulogic;
    cmd_ff : std_ulogic;
    busy   : std_ulogic;
    busy   : std_ulogic;
    start  : std_ulogic;
    start  : std_ulogic;
    halt   : std_ulogic;
    halt   : std_ulogic;
  end record;
  end record;
Line 113... Line 110...
  -- Operand Mux ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- Operand Mux ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  opa <= rs1_i when (ctrl_i(ctrl_alu_opa_mux_c) = '0') else pc2_i; -- operand a (first ALU input operand)
  opa <= pc2_i when (ctrl_i(ctrl_alu_opa_mux_c) = '1') else rs1_i; -- operand a (first ALU input operand)
  opb <= rs2_i when (ctrl_i(ctrl_alu_opb_mux_c) = '0') else imm_i; -- operand b (second ALU input operand)
  opb <= imm_i when (ctrl_i(ctrl_alu_opb_mux_c) = '1') else rs2_i; -- operand b (second ALU input operand)
  opc <= rs2_i when (ctrl_i(ctrl_alu_opc_mux_c) = '0') else imm_i; -- operand c (third ALU input operand for comparison and SUB)
  -- Comparator Unit ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- Comparator Unit ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- less than (x < y) --
  cmp_opx  <= (rs1_i(rs1_i'left) and (not ctrl_i(ctrl_alu_unsigned_c))) & rs1_i;
  cmp_opx  <= (rs1_i(rs1_i'left) and (not ctrl_i(ctrl_alu_unsigned_c))) & rs1_i;
  cmp_opy  <= (opc(opc'left)     and (not ctrl_i(ctrl_alu_unsigned_c))) & opc;
  cmp_opy  <= (rs2_i(rs2_i'left) and (not ctrl_i(ctrl_alu_unsigned_c))) & rs2_i;
  cmp_sub  <= std_ulogic_vector(signed(cmp_opx) - signed(cmp_opy));
  cmp_sub  <= std_ulogic_vector(signed(cmp_opx) - signed(cmp_opy)); -- less than (x < y)
  cmp_less <= cmp_sub(cmp_sub'left); -- carry (borrow) indicates a "less"
  sub_res  <= cmp_sub(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- use the less-comparator also for SUB operations
  -- equal (for branch check only) --
  cmp_equal <= '1' when (rs1_i = rs2_i) else '0';
  -- output for branch condition evaluation --
  cmp_o(alu_cmp_equal_c) <= '1' when (rs1_i = rs2_i) else '0';
  cmp_o(alu_cmp_equal_c) <= cmp_equal;
  cmp_o(alu_cmp_less_c)  <= cmp_sub(cmp_sub'left); -- less = carry (borrow)
  cmp_o(alu_cmp_less_c)  <= cmp_less;
  -- Binary Adder ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- Binary Adder/Subtractor ----------------------------------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  add_res <= std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(opa) + unsigned(opb));
  binary_arithmetic_core: process(ctrl_i, opa, opb)
  add_o   <= add_res; -- direct output (for PC modification)
    variable cin_v  : std_ulogic_vector(0 downto 0);
    variable op_a_v : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c downto 0);
    variable op_b_v : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c downto 0);
    variable op_y_v : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c downto 0);
    variable res_v  : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c downto 0);
    -- operand sign-extension --
    op_a_v := (opa(opa'left) and (not ctrl_i(ctrl_alu_unsigned_c))) & opa;
    op_b_v := (opb(opb'left) and (not ctrl_i(ctrl_alu_unsigned_c))) & opb;
    -- add/sub(slt) select --
    if (ctrl_i(ctrl_alu_addsub_c) = '1') then -- subtraction
      op_y_v   := not op_b_v;
      cin_v(0) := '1';
    else-- addition
      op_y_v   := op_b_v;
      cin_v(0) := '0';
    end if;
    -- adder core --
    res_v := std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(op_a_v) + unsigned(op_y_v) + unsigned(cin_v(0 downto 0)));
    -- output --
    cmp_less    <= res_v(32);
    addsub_res  <= res_v(31 downto 0);
    addsub_res  <= res_v(31 downto 0);
  end process binary_arithmetic_core;
  -- Iterative Shifter Unit -----------------------------------------------------------------
  -- Iterative Shifter Unit -----------------------------------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  shifter_unit: process(rstn_i, clk_i)
  shifter_unit: process(rstn_i, clk_i)
Line 180... Line 195...
      end if;
      end if;
    end if;
    end if;
  end process shifter_unit;
  end process shifter_unit;
  -- is shift operation? --
  -- is shift operation? --
  shifter.cmd   <= '1' when (ctrl_i(ctrl_alu_cmd2_c downto ctrl_alu_cmd0_c) = alu_cmd_shift_c) and (ctrl_i(ctrl_cp_use_c) = '0') else '0';
  shifter.cmd   <= '1' when (ctrl_i(ctrl_alu_cmd2_c downto ctrl_alu_cmd0_c) = alu_cmd_shift_c) else '0';
  shifter.start <= '1' when (shifter.cmd = '1') and (shifter.cmd_ff = '0') else '0';
  shifter.start <= '1' when (shifter.cmd = '1') and (shifter.cmd_ff = '0') else '0';
  -- shift operation running? --
  -- shift operation running? --  <= '1' when (or_all_f(shifter.cnt) = '1') or (shifter.start = '1') else '0';  <= '1' when (or_all_f(shifter.cnt) = '1') or (shifter.start = '1') else '0';
  shifter.halt <= '1' when (or_all_f(shifter.cnt(shifter.cnt'left downto 1)) = '1') or (shifter.start = '1') else '0';
  shifter.halt <= '1' when (or_all_f(shifter.cnt(shifter.cnt'left downto 1)) = '1') or (shifter.start = '1') else '0';
Line 197... Line 212...
    if (rstn_i = '0') then
    if (rstn_i = '0') then
      cp_ctrl.cmd_ff <= '0';
      cp_ctrl.cmd_ff <= '0';
      cp_ctrl.busy   <= '0';
      cp_ctrl.busy   <= '0';
    elsif rising_edge(clk_i) then
    elsif rising_edge(clk_i) then
      if (CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_M = true) then
      if (CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_M = true) then
        cp_ctrl.cmd_ff <= ctrl_i(ctrl_cp_use_c);
        cp_ctrl.cmd_ff <= cp_ctrl.cmd;
        if (cp_ctrl.start = '1') then
        if (cp_ctrl.start = '1') then
          cp_ctrl.busy <= '1';
          cp_ctrl.busy <= '1';
        elsif ((cp0_valid_i or cp1_valid_i) = '1') then -- cp computation done?
        elsif ((cp0_valid_i or cp1_valid_i) = '1') then -- cp computation done?
          cp_ctrl.busy <= '0';
          cp_ctrl.busy <= '0';
        end if;
        end if;
Line 211... Line 226...
      end if;
      end if;
    end if;
    end if;
  end process cp_arbiter;
  end process cp_arbiter;
  -- is co-processor operation? --
  -- is co-processor operation? --
  cp_ctrl.start <= '1' when (ctrl_i(ctrl_cp_use_c) = '1') and (cp_ctrl.cmd_ff = '0') else '0';
  cp_ctrl.cmd   <= '1' when (ctrl_i(ctrl_alu_cmd2_c downto ctrl_alu_cmd0_c) = alu_cmd_cp_c) else '0';
  cp_ctrl.start <= '1' when (cp_ctrl.cmd = '1') and (cp_ctrl.cmd_ff = '0') else '0';
  cp0_start_o   <= '1' when (cp_ctrl.start = '1') and (ctrl_i(ctrl_cp_id_msb_c downto ctrl_cp_id_lsb_c) = cp_sel_muldiv_c) else '0'; -- MULDIV CP
  cp0_start_o   <= '1' when (cp_ctrl.start = '1') and (ctrl_i(ctrl_cp_id_msb_c downto ctrl_cp_id_lsb_c) = cp_sel_muldiv_c) else '0'; -- MULDIV CP
  cp1_start_o   <= '0'; -- not yet implemented
  cp1_start_o   <= '0'; -- not yet implemented
  -- co-processor operation running? --
  -- co-processor operation running? --
  cp_ctrl.halt <= cp_ctrl.busy or cp_ctrl.start;
  cp_ctrl.halt <= cp_ctrl.busy or cp_ctrl.start;
  -- co-processor result --
  -- co-processor result --
  cp_res <= cp0_data_i or cp1_data_i; -- only the selected cp may output data != 0
  cp_res <= cp0_data_i or cp1_data_i; -- only the **actaully selected** co-processor should output data != 0
  -- ALU Function Select --------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- ALU Function Select --------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  alu_function_mux: process(ctrl_i, opa, opb, add_res, sub_res, cmp_less, shifter.sreg)
  alu_function_mux: process(ctrl_i, opa, opb, addsub_res, cp_res, cmp_less, shifter.sreg)
    case ctrl_i(ctrl_alu_cmd2_c downto ctrl_alu_cmd0_c) is
    case ctrl_i(ctrl_alu_cmd2_c downto ctrl_alu_cmd0_c) is
      when alu_cmd_xor_c   => alu_res <= opa xor opb;
      when alu_cmd_xor_c    => res_o <= opa xor opb;
      when alu_cmd_or_c    => alu_res <= opa or  opb;
      when alu_cmd_or_c     => res_o <= opa or  opb;
      when alu_cmd_and_c   => alu_res <= opa and opb;
      when alu_cmd_and_c    => res_o <= opa and opb;
      when alu_cmd_movb_c  => alu_res <= opb;
      when alu_cmd_movb_c   => res_o <= opb;
      when alu_cmd_sub_c   => alu_res <= sub_res;
      when alu_cmd_addsub_c => res_o <= addsub_res;
      when alu_cmd_add_c   => alu_res <= add_res;
      when alu_cmd_cp_c     => res_o <= cp_res;
      when alu_cmd_shift_c => alu_res <= shifter.sreg;
      when alu_cmd_shift_c  => res_o <= shifter.sreg;
      when alu_cmd_slt_c   => alu_res <= (others => '0'); alu_res(0) <= cmp_less;
      when alu_cmd_slt_c    => res_o <= (others => '0'); res_o(0) <= cmp_less;
      when others          => alu_res <= (others => '0'); -- undefined
      when others           => res_o <= opb; -- undefined
    end case;
    end case;
  end process alu_function_mux;
  end process alu_function_mux;
  -- ALU Result -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- ALU Busy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  wait_o <= shifter.halt or cp_ctrl.halt; -- wait until iterative units have completed
  wait_o <= shifter.halt or cp_ctrl.halt; -- wait until iterative units have completed
  res_o  <= cp_res when (ctrl_i(ctrl_cp_use_c) = '1') else alu_res; -- FIXME?
end neorv32_cpu_cpu_rtl;
end neorv32_cpu_cpu_rtl;
 No newline at end of file
 No newline at end of file

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