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library neorv32;
library neorv32;
use neorv32.neorv32_package.all;
use neorv32.neorv32_package.all;
entity neorv32_cpu_alu is
entity neorv32_cpu_alu is
generic (
generic (
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_M : boolean := true -- implement muld/div extension?
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_M : boolean := true; -- implement muld/div extension?
FAST_SHIFT_EN : boolean := false -- use barrel shifter for shift operations
port (
port (
-- global control --
-- global control --
clk_i : in std_ulogic; -- global clock, rising edge
clk_i : in std_ulogic; -- global clock, rising edge
rstn_i : in std_ulogic; -- global reset, low-active, async
rstn_i : in std_ulogic; -- global reset, low-active, async
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start : std_ulogic;
start : std_ulogic;
run : std_ulogic;
run : std_ulogic;
halt : std_ulogic;
halt : std_ulogic;
cnt : std_ulogic_vector(4 downto 0);
cnt : std_ulogic_vector(4 downto 0);
sreg : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0);
sreg : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0);
-- for barrel shifter only --
bs_a_in : std_ulogic_vector(4 downto 0);
bs_d_in : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0);
end record;
end record;
signal shifter : shifter_t;
signal shifter : shifter_t;
-- co-processor arbiter and interface --
-- co-processor arbiter and interface --
type cp_ctrl_t is record
type cp_ctrl_t is record
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addsub_res <= res_v(31 downto 0);
addsub_res <= res_v(31 downto 0);
addsub_res <= res_v(31 downto 0);
addsub_res <= res_v(31 downto 0);
end process binary_arithmetic_core;
end process binary_arithmetic_core;
-- Iterative Shifter Unit -----------------------------------------------------------------
-- Shifter Unit ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
shifter_unit: process(rstn_i, clk_i)
shifter_unit: process(rstn_i, clk_i)
variable bs_input_v : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0);
variable bs_level_4_v : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0);
variable bs_level_3_v : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0);
variable bs_level_2_v : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0);
variable bs_level_1_v : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0);
variable bs_level_0_v : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0);
if (rstn_i = '0') then
if (rstn_i = '0') then
shifter.sreg <= (others => '0');
shifter.sreg <= (others => '0');
shifter.cnt <= (others => '0');
shifter.cnt <= (others => '0');
shifter.cmd_ff <= '0';
shifter.cmd_ff <= '0';
if (FAST_SHIFT_EN = true) then
shifter.bs_d_in <= (others => '0');
shifter.bs_a_in <= (others => '0');
end if;
elsif rising_edge(clk_i) then
elsif rising_edge(clk_i) then
shifter.cmd_ff <= shifter.cmd;
shifter.cmd_ff <= shifter.cmd;
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Iterative shifter (small but slow) (default)
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (FAST_SHIFT_EN = false) then
if (shifter.start = '1') then -- trigger new shift
if (shifter.start = '1') then -- trigger new shift
shifter.sreg <= opa; -- shift operand
shifter.sreg <= opa; -- shift operand
shifter.cnt <= opb(index_size_f(data_width_c)-1 downto 0); -- shift amount
shifter.cnt <= opb(index_size_f(data_width_c)-1 downto 0); -- shift amount
elsif ( = '1') then -- running shift
elsif ( = '1') then -- running shift
-- coarse shift: multiples of 4 --
-- coarse shift: multiples of 4 --
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else -- SRL: shift right logical / SRA: shift right arithmetical
else -- SRL: shift right logical / SRA: shift right arithmetical
shifter.sreg <= (shifter.sreg(shifter.sreg'left) and ctrl_i(ctrl_alu_shift_ar_c)) & shifter.sreg(shifter.sreg'left downto 1);
shifter.sreg <= (shifter.sreg(shifter.sreg'left) and ctrl_i(ctrl_alu_shift_ar_c)) & shifter.sreg(shifter.sreg'left downto 1);
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Barrel shifter (huge but fast)
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- operands and cycle control --
if (shifter.start = '1') then -- trigger new shift
shifter.bs_d_in <= opa; -- shift data
shifter.bs_a_in <= opb(index_size_f(data_width_c)-1 downto 0); -- shift amount
shifter.cnt <= (others => '0');
end if;
-- convert left shifts to right shifts --
if (ctrl_i(ctrl_alu_shift_dir_c) = '0') then -- is left shift?
bs_input_v := bit_rev_f(shifter.bs_d_in); -- reverse bit order of input operand
bs_input_v := shifter.bs_d_in;
end if;
-- shift >> 16 --
if (shifter.bs_a_in(4) = '1') then
bs_level_4_v(31 downto 16) := (others => (bs_input_v(bs_input_v'left) and ctrl_i(ctrl_alu_shift_ar_c)));
bs_level_4_v(15 downto 00) := (bs_input_v(31 downto 16));
bs_level_4_v := bs_input_v;
end if;
-- shift >> 8 --
if (shifter.bs_a_in(3) = '1') then
bs_level_3_v(31 downto 24) := (others => (bs_input_v(bs_input_v'left) and ctrl_i(ctrl_alu_shift_ar_c)));
bs_level_3_v(23 downto 00) := (bs_level_4_v(31 downto 8));
bs_level_3_v := bs_level_4_v;
end if;
-- shift >> 4 --
if (shifter.bs_a_in(2) = '1') then
bs_level_2_v(31 downto 28) := (others => (bs_input_v(bs_input_v'left) and ctrl_i(ctrl_alu_shift_ar_c)));
bs_level_2_v(27 downto 00) := (bs_level_3_v(31 downto 4));
bs_level_2_v := bs_level_3_v;
end if;
-- shift >> 2 --
if (shifter.bs_a_in(1) = '1') then
bs_level_1_v(31 downto 30) := (others => (bs_input_v(bs_input_v'left) and ctrl_i(ctrl_alu_shift_ar_c)));
bs_level_1_v(29 downto 00) := (bs_level_2_v(31 downto 2));
bs_level_1_v := bs_level_2_v;
end if;
-- shift >> 1 --
if (shifter.bs_a_in(0) = '1') then
bs_level_0_v(31 downto 31) := (others => (bs_input_v(bs_input_v'left) and ctrl_i(ctrl_alu_shift_ar_c)));
bs_level_0_v(30 downto 00) := (bs_level_1_v(31 downto 1));
bs_level_0_v := bs_level_1_v;
end if;
-- re-convert original left shifts --
if (ctrl_i(ctrl_alu_shift_dir_c) = '0') then
shifter.sreg <= bit_rev_f(bs_level_0_v);
shifter.sreg <= bs_level_0_v;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process shifter_unit;
end process shifter_unit;
-- is shift operation? --
-- is shift operation? --
shifter.cmd <= '1' when (ctrl_i(ctrl_alu_cmd2_c downto ctrl_alu_cmd0_c) = alu_cmd_shift_c) else '0';
shifter.cmd <= '1' when (ctrl_i(ctrl_alu_cmd2_c downto ctrl_alu_cmd0_c) = alu_cmd_shift_c) else '0';