Line 156... |
Line 156... |
ld_fault : std_ulogic_vector(PMP_NUM_REGIONS-1 downto 0); -- region access fault for load operation
ld_fault : std_ulogic_vector(PMP_NUM_REGIONS-1 downto 0); -- region access fault for load operation
st_fault : std_ulogic_vector(PMP_NUM_REGIONS-1 downto 0); -- region access fault for store operation
st_fault : std_ulogic_vector(PMP_NUM_REGIONS-1 downto 0); -- region access fault for store operation
end record;
end record;
signal pmp : pmp_t;
signal pmp : pmp_t;
-- pmp faults anybody? --
-- memory control signal buffer (when using PMP) --
signal d_bus_we, d_bus_we_buf : std_ulogic;
signal d_bus_re, d_bus_re_buf : std_ulogic;
signal i_bus_re, i_bus_re_buf : std_ulogic;
-- pmp faults anyone? --
signal if_pmp_fault : std_ulogic; -- pmp instruction access fault
signal if_pmp_fault : std_ulogic; -- pmp instruction access fault
signal ld_pmp_fault : std_ulogic; -- pmp load access fault
signal ld_pmp_fault : std_ulogic; -- pmp load access fault
signal st_pmp_fault : std_ulogic; -- pmp store access fault
signal st_pmp_fault : std_ulogic; -- pmp store access fault
-- Sanity Checks --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
assert not (PMP_NUM_REGIONS > pmp_num_regions_critical_c) report "NEORV32 CPU CONFIG WARNING! Number of implemented PMP regions (PMP_NUM_REGIONS = " & integer'image(PMP_NUM_REGIONS) & ") beyond critical limit (pmp_num_regions_critical_c = " & integer'image(pmp_num_regions_critical_c) & "). Inserting another register stage (that will increase memory latency by +1 cycle)." severity warning;
-- Data Interface: Access Address ---------------------------------------------------------
-- Data Interface: Access Address ---------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
mem_adr_reg: process(clk_i)
mem_adr_reg: process(clk_i)
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
Line 322... |
Line 332... |
-- data bus (read/write)--
-- data bus (read/write)--
d_bus_addr_o <= mar;
d_bus_addr_o <= mar;
d_bus_wdata_o <= d_bus_wdata;
d_bus_wdata_o <= d_bus_wdata;
d_bus_ben_o <= d_bus_ben;
d_bus_ben_o <= d_bus_ben;
d_bus_we_o <= ctrl_i(ctrl_bus_wr_c) and (not d_misaligned) and (not st_pmp_fault); -- no actual write when misaligned or PMP fault
d_bus_we <= ctrl_i(ctrl_bus_wr_c) and (not d_misaligned) and (not st_pmp_fault); -- no actual write when misaligned or PMP fault
d_bus_re_o <= ctrl_i(ctrl_bus_rd_c) and (not d_misaligned) and (not ld_pmp_fault); -- no actual read when misaligned or PMP fault
d_bus_re <= ctrl_i(ctrl_bus_rd_c) and (not d_misaligned) and (not ld_pmp_fault); -- no actual read when misaligned or PMP fault
d_bus_we_o <= d_bus_we_buf when (PMP_NUM_REGIONS > pmp_num_regions_critical_c) else d_bus_we;
d_bus_re_o <= d_bus_re_buf when (PMP_NUM_REGIONS > pmp_num_regions_critical_c) else d_bus_re;
d_bus_fence_o <= ctrl_i(ctrl_bus_fence_c);
d_bus_fence_o <= ctrl_i(ctrl_bus_fence_c);
d_bus_rdata <= d_bus_rdata_i;
d_bus_rdata <= d_bus_rdata_i;
d_bus_lock_o <= ctrl_i(ctrl_bus_lock_c);
d_bus_lock_o <= ctrl_i(ctrl_bus_lock_c);
-- additional register stage for control signals if using PMP_NUM_REGIONS > pmp_num_regions_critical_c --
pmp_dbus_buffer: process(rstn_i, clk_i)
if (rstn_i = '0') then
d_bus_we_buf <= '0';
d_bus_re_buf <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(clk_i) then
d_bus_we_buf <= d_bus_we;
d_bus_re_buf <= d_bus_re;
end if;
end process pmp_dbus_buffer;
-- Instruction Fetch Arbiter --------------------------------------------------------------
-- Instruction Fetch Arbiter --------------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ifetch_arbiter: process(rstn_i, clk_i)
ifetch_arbiter: process(rstn_i, clk_i)
Line 373... |
Line 397... |
-- instruction bus (read-only) --
-- instruction bus (read-only) --
i_bus_addr_o <= fetch_pc_i(data_width_c-1 downto 2) & "00"; -- instruction access is always 4-byte aligned (even for compressed instructions)
i_bus_addr_o <= fetch_pc_i(data_width_c-1 downto 2) & "00"; -- instruction access is always 4-byte aligned (even for compressed instructions)
i_bus_wdata_o <= (others => '0'); -- instruction fetch is read-only
i_bus_wdata_o <= (others => '0'); -- instruction fetch is read-only
i_bus_ben_o <= (others => '0');
i_bus_ben_o <= (others => '0');
i_bus_we_o <= '0';
i_bus_we_o <= '0';
i_bus_re_o <= ctrl_i(ctrl_bus_if_c) and (not i_misaligned) and (not if_pmp_fault); -- no actual read when misaligned or PMP fault
i_bus_re <= ctrl_i(ctrl_bus_if_c) and (not i_misaligned) and (not if_pmp_fault); -- no actual read when misaligned or PMP fault
i_bus_re_o <= i_bus_re_buf when (PMP_NUM_REGIONS > pmp_num_regions_critical_c) else i_bus_re;
i_bus_fence_o <= ctrl_i(ctrl_bus_fencei_c);
i_bus_fence_o <= ctrl_i(ctrl_bus_fencei_c);
instr_o <= i_bus_rdata_i;
instr_o <= i_bus_rdata_i;
i_bus_lock_o <= '0'; -- instruction fetch cannot be atomic
i_bus_lock_o <= '0'; -- instruction fetch cannot be atomic
-- check instruction access --
-- check instruction access --
i_misaligned <= '0' when (CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_C = true) else -- no alignment exceptions possible when using C-extension
i_misaligned <= '0' when (CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_C = true) else -- no alignment exceptions possible when using C-extension
'1' when (fetch_pc_i(1) = '1') else '0'; -- 32-bit accesses only
'1' when (fetch_pc_i(1) = '1') else '0'; -- 32-bit accesses only
-- additional register stage for control signals if using PMP_NUM_REGIONS > pmp_num_regions_critical_c --
pmp_ibus_buffer: process(rstn_i, clk_i)
if (rstn_i = '0') then
i_bus_re_buf <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(clk_i) then
i_bus_re_buf <= i_bus_re;
end if;
end process pmp_ibus_buffer;
-- Physical Memory Protection (PMP) -------------------------------------------------------
-- Physical Memory Protection (PMP) -------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- compute address masks (ITERATIVE!!!) --
-- compute address masks (ITERATIVE!!!) --
pmp_masks: process(clk_i)
pmp_masks: process(clk_i)