Line 146... |
Line 146... |
-- SYSINFO(3): Cache configuration --
-- SYSINFO(3): Cache configuration --
sysinfo_mem(3)(03 downto 00) <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(index_size_f(ICACHE_BLOCK_SIZE), 4)) when (ICACHE_EN = true) else (others => '0'); -- i-cache: log2(block_size_in_bytes)
sysinfo_mem(3)(03 downto 00) <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(index_size_f(ICACHE_BLOCK_SIZE), 4)) when (ICACHE_EN = true) else (others => '0'); -- i-cache: log2(block_size_in_bytes)
sysinfo_mem(3)(07 downto 04) <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(index_size_f(ICACHE_NUM_BLOCKS), 4)) when (ICACHE_EN = true) else (others => '0'); -- i-cache: log2(number_of_block)
sysinfo_mem(3)(07 downto 04) <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(index_size_f(ICACHE_NUM_BLOCKS), 4)) when (ICACHE_EN = true) else (others => '0'); -- i-cache: log2(number_of_block)
sysinfo_mem(3)(11 downto 08) <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(index_size_f(ICACHE_ASSOCIATIVITY), 4)) when (ICACHE_EN = true) else (others => '0'); -- i-cache: log2(associativity)
sysinfo_mem(3)(11 downto 08) <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(index_size_f(ICACHE_ASSOCIATIVITY), 4)) when (ICACHE_EN = true) else (others => '0'); -- i-cache: log2(associativity)
sysinfo_mem(3)(15 downto 12) <= (others => '0'); -- replacement strategy (irrelevant since i-cache is read-only)
sysinfo_mem(3)(15 downto 12) <= "0001" when (ICACHE_ASSOCIATIVITY > 1) and (ICACHE_EN = true) else (others => '0'); -- i-cache: replacement strategy (LRU only (yet))
sysinfo_mem(3)(19 downto 16) <= (others => '0'); -- reserved (for d-cache.block_size)
sysinfo_mem(3)(19 downto 16) <= (others => '0'); -- reserved - d-cache: log2(block_size)
sysinfo_mem(3)(23 downto 20) <= (others => '0'); -- reserved (for d-cache.num_blocks)
sysinfo_mem(3)(23 downto 20) <= (others => '0'); -- reserved - d-cache: log2(num_blocks)
sysinfo_mem(3)(27 downto 24) <= (others => '0'); -- reserved (for d-cache.associativity)
sysinfo_mem(3)(27 downto 24) <= (others => '0'); -- reserved - d-cache: log2(associativity)
sysinfo_mem(3)(31 downto 28) <= (others => '0'); -- reserved (for d-cache.replacement_Strategy)
sysinfo_mem(3)(31 downto 28) <= (others => '0'); -- reserved - d-cache: replacement strategy
-- SYSINFO(4): Base address of instruction memory space --
-- SYSINFO(4): Base address of instruction memory space --
sysinfo_mem(4) <= ispace_base_c; -- defined in neorv32_package.vhd file
sysinfo_mem(4) <= ispace_base_c; -- defined in neorv32_package.vhd file
-- SYSINFO(5): Base address of data memory space --
-- SYSINFO(5): Base address of data memory space --