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Line 244... |
-- helpers --
-- helpers --
constant io_slink_en_c : boolean := boolean(SLINK_NUM_RX > 0) or boolean(SLINK_NUM_TX > 0); -- implement slink at all?
constant io_slink_en_c : boolean := boolean(SLINK_NUM_RX > 0) or boolean(SLINK_NUM_TX > 0); -- implement slink at all?
-- reset generator --
-- reset generator --
signal rstn_gen : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- initialize (=reset) via bitstream (for FPGAs only)
signal ext_rstn_sync : std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- initialize (=reset) via bitstream (for FPGAs only)
signal ext_rstn : std_ulogic;
signal ext_rstn : std_ulogic;
signal sys_rstn : std_ulogic;
signal sys_rstn : std_ulogic;
signal wdt_rstn : std_ulogic;
signal wdt_rstn : std_ulogic;
-- clock generator --
-- clock generator --
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Line 415... |
-- Reset Generator ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Reset Generator ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
reset_generator: process(rstn_i, clk_i)
reset_generator: process(rstn_i, clk_i)
if (rstn_i = '0') then
if (rstn_i = '0') then
rstn_gen <= (others => '0');
ext_rstn_sync <= (others => '0');
ext_rstn <= '0';
sys_rstn <= '0';
sys_rstn <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(clk_i) then
elsif rising_edge(clk_i) then
-- keep internal reset active for at least <rstn_gen'size> clock cycles --
-- keep internal reset active for at least <ext_rstn_sync'size> clock cycles --
rstn_gen <= rstn_gen(rstn_gen'left-1 downto 0) & '1';
ext_rstn_sync <= ext_rstn_sync(ext_rstn_sync'left-1 downto 0) & '1';
-- beautified external reset signal --
if (and_reduce_f(ext_rstn_sync) = '1') then
ext_rstn <= '1';
ext_rstn <= '0';
end if;
-- system reset: can also be triggered by watchdog and debug module --
-- system reset: can also be triggered by watchdog and debug module --
sys_rstn <= ext_rstn and wdt_rstn and dci_ndmrstn;
sys_rstn <= ext_rstn and wdt_rstn and dci_ndmrstn;
end if;
end if;
end process reset_generator;
end process reset_generator;
-- beautified external reset signal --
ext_rstn <= rstn_gen(rstn_gen'left);
-- Clock Generator ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Clock Generator ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
clock_generator: process(sys_rstn, clk_i)
clock_generator: process(sys_rstn, clk_i)
if (sys_rstn = '0') then
if (sys_rstn = '0') then
clk_gen_en_ff <= '-';
clk_gen_en_ff <= '0';
clk_div_ff <= (others => '-');
clk_div <= (others => '0');
clk_div <= (others => '0'); -- reset required
clk_div_ff <= (others => '0');
elsif rising_edge(clk_i) then
elsif rising_edge(clk_i) then
clk_gen_en_ff <= or_reduce_f(clk_gen_en);
clk_gen_en_ff <= or_reduce_f(clk_gen_en);
clk_div_ff <= clk_div;
if (clk_gen_en_ff = '1') then
if (clk_gen_en_ff = '1') then -- actual clock generator
clk_div <= std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(clk_div) + 1);
clk_div <= std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(clk_div) + 1);
clk_div <= (others => '0');
end if;
end if;
clk_div_ff <= clk_div;
end if;
end if;
end process clock_generator;
end process clock_generator;
-- clock enables: rising edge detectors --
-- clock enables: rising edge detectors --
clk_gen(clk_div2_c) <= clk_div(0) and (not clk_div_ff(0)); -- CLK/2
clk_gen(clk_div2_c) <= clk_div(0) and (not clk_div_ff(0)); -- CLK/2
Line 942... |
Line 948... |
-- IO Access? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- IO Access? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
io_acc <= '1' when (p_bus.addr(data_width_c-1 downto index_size_f(io_size_c)) = io_base_c(data_width_c-1 downto index_size_f(io_size_c))) else '0';
io_acc <= '1' when (p_bus.addr(data_width_c-1 downto index_size_f(io_size_c)) = io_base_c(data_width_c-1 downto index_size_f(io_size_c))) else '0';
io_rden <= io_acc and;
io_rden <= '1' when (io_acc = '1') and ( = '1') else '0';
io_wren <= io_acc and p_bus.we and and_reduce_f(p_bus.ben); -- only full-word write accesses are allowed (reduces HW complexity)
io_wren <= '1' when (io_acc = '1') and (p_bus.we = '1') and (p_bus.ben = "1111") else '0'; -- only full-word write accesses are allowed (reduces HW complexity)
-- Custom Functions Subsystem (CFS) -------------------------------------------------------
-- Custom Functions Subsystem (CFS) -------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------